Columbus Day Weekend Wdw Photo Update


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Hello Everyone, I just got back from the world from our annual COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND trip. This year, it was a trip Full of breakdowns and closures. Please excuse me if I bring up something that was already updated, but I was away and not able to be on wdwmagic for a week!

We'll Start off at EPCOT, where on Friday at park opening the day started off with both Test Track down for rain and Mission Space was down due to a yearly
"planned power outage" to test all of the emergency lighting and systems. The test occured Thursday night around 11:00pm, but the attraction was never back on line for park opening or the rest of the morning. Also Ellen went down for most of the day with "technica problems." Then while were sitting in the glider on Soarin', about 5 seconds from "takeoff", Soarin' went down with audio problems. It was screaching very loudly and blowing liker a siren.

The construction walls that went back up recently are now down with some changes to the river in the front of the Land.

Current Overall Look

The construction walls around the jumping fountains at The IMAGINATION Pavilion are also down



Nothing New with the former Ice Station Cool, same old construction wall...

More to come...


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As I was saying about all of the break downs:
Splash was also down with "technical difficulties"
and was bone dry

Work continues on the Train Station with more scaffolding-sorry it was a very foggy morning

These guys were working hard, staring at me as I took this picture

We went over to MGM for less than an hour for a quick visit to RnRC and ToT
Sorry, I din't have any time to take any pictures there...

I will finally finish with more from AK...


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Finally I will Leave you with the very impressive Expedition Everest:

In the distance from ASIA

75% of the Scaffolting that was there at one point is now gone

Lots of planting were going in Saturday

More planting

And finially planting along the river front

These pictures are available in the WDWMagic Photoalbums, please feel free to post a LINK on other sites to them.

Enjoy :)


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Also I forgot to add THE DISNEY MAGICAL EXPRESS GREETERS ARE STILL PRESENT WHERE THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN THE TERMINAL right after the security checkpoint, where they have been since the servce started.
(i.e."They Haven't gotton booted out of the terminal yet" for those of you who dont know about the controversy, the taxi drivers, Mears, exct. want them out because they think the get an unfair advantage.)


Member about bad luck...I was there 10/2-10/9 and our only problem was getting stuck on TTA for 10 minutes...everything else scheduled to be open was with no problems.


New Member
I think Everest photos are now and have been a requirement for park updates. Thanks for the pics.

Is Everest the most heavily photographed ride being constructed ever now? I think it may be.


BeachClub1 said:
As I was saying about all of the break downs:
Splash was also down with "technical difficulties"
and was bone dry

What day was Splash down? Does anyone know if it is back up and running?:(


New Member
Splash was running when I was there on the 10th. Everything else was in good form, except Its a Small World was down for a while. Went back up and waited in line for 20 min. I think thats the first time I've actually waited to get on IASW.


Well-Known Member
dzlandSr said:
What day was Splash down? Does anyone know if it is back up and running?:(
Splash Mountain was down on Saturday. I never got to ride it that day. I got up to the FP queue just as they were closing it. :(


New Member
JuanD_20k said:
Splash was running when I was there on the 10th. Everything else was in good form, except Its a Small World was down for a while. Went back up and waited in line for 20 min. I think thats the first time I've actually waited to get on IASW.

Pirates was actually down quite a few times as well this weekend due to technical problems.


JuanD_20k said:
Splash was running when I was there on the 10th. Everything else was in good form, except Its a Small World was down for a while. Went back up and waited in line for 20 min. I think thats the first time I've actually waited to get on IASW.

Splash Mountain was down on Saturday. I never got to ride it that day. I got up to the FP queue just as they were closing it. :(

Thanks for the info! I just don't want to miss riding Splash on our upcoming trip next week as I have been to WDW twice (1996 and 2000) and never rode it (always too chicken) but since I've now rode the one at Disneyland I'm excited to ride this one even though some of the things might not be working I'll probably never know and still enjoy the ride.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i would have to agree..... i bet EE is the most photgraphed attraction during construction.

thanks for the update. sorry about the closings, gotta be frustrating. acouple of trips ago, we showed up and didnt know Horizons was being destroyed, UoE was under refurb, and I think Tt went down about midday. innoventions was getting a new exhibit or it was just a really boring looking one. we were to poor at the time (college students) to get the parkhopper passes, so we had to live with it.

oh well.
ballewclan said:
Ok i have a question, are the plants and grasses on the outside of Splash real? :hammer:

Indeed they are. When do track walks in the morning some 0f them will have flowers on them and we pick them.

As for splash being down. It went down Friday more than once, and saturday atleast once. Im not sure why it went down saturday, but it wasnt down for "technical difficulties" on Friday it was more like guest difficulties. I was finishing my training on Friday and we had to remove guest. On saturday I was on it and we were removed but I was a guest that day, not working.


Well-Known Member
Wow, how is it that so many rides are having technical problems when it's the off-season?

Or does it just seem like a lot? I know a lot of rides go down intentionally for rehab this time of year. Could it be that many of these are just routine maintenance?

I'm going in less than four weeks, and the last thing I want to see are "closed" signs everywhere I go!

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