Pushing one's comfort zone.
This trip, my mother in law, myself, and even my kids decided that this would be a time to push our comfort zones, try new things. My mother in law accomplished this by braving Tower of Terror, not once, but TWICE!

My nine year old tried Space Mountain, of which she'd been terrified up until now. My 6 year old did Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and Test Track all for the first time. So brave! The 4 year old pushed her envelope by riding... HAUNTED MANSION!

:dazzle: Bravest of all! And even yours truly stepped out of her comfort zone. I've ridden everything at WDW, so how was I able to test my limits? I went out in public in my swimsuit. :lookaroun

(Actually, this is the truth. The sad, sad truth. :lol: )
On the list of new things for all of us:
Ellen's Energy Adventure, which was quite cute. She's so funny and charming.
The Land... LOVED IT! Really, I did! Our "driver" was apparently the only comatose person to ever be able to speak :lookaroun but otherwise I found it so interesting. *awaits the ridicule*
The American Adventure show. Me, my mother in law, my 4 rambunctious kids, and about 2 dozen senior citizens. :hammer: Great show, though.
Primeval Whirl. This ride was so fun! Very cute.
Dinosaur was okay, but I was expecting more out of it. I wouldn't wait in line for any length of time for it, though.
OH! Which reminds me... BEST part of going at the end of January was that we literally had 10 minute waits for EVERYTHING. There was one exception... ARIEL! We waited a good 40-45 minutes to see her. Otherwise lines were small to non existent. *thumbs*