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The Mom

Premium Member
Ah yes, Cheetos. Another item that was banned from my house. :lol: (Along with play dough and noisy toys.)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
LOL Mom! I'm ready to ban popsicles. If I have to pick up one more flippin' popsicle stick! ARRRRRRGH! Cheetos were purchased by a grandmother, of course. :rolleyes: :lol:


Why is it that Cheetos are a kid's favorite snack - but they never seem to ask for them unless you are getting ready to go somewhere, or they are in light colored clothes?

Cute picture btw!:animwink:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I do not wear white...

it's called hussy beige! :zipit:


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Anyway, we got back last Saturday after 10 mostly wonderful days at WDW. 10 days is far too long to do a blow by blow account of what happened each day, so I'll divide it up into sections. The first section will be:

A few of my favorite things.

This was a great trip, so this part will be the longest. One of my most favorite things is the fact that it can be 80 degrees in February. I think that helps to add to the "magic" for me, seriously. Our first four days were rainy and cold, and I was just not able to get "into" anything. But once the weather broke, and the sun was shining, everything just felt so much more magical. So warm weather = good!

Favorite thing #2: Fantasmic! First time to see the show, and OMG! Blew me away! I kinda had an idea of what to expect, but my expectations were nowhere near what this show actually is. I knew there would be fire on the water, and fireworks, and a dragon, but what REALLY surprised me was when the movies played on the water. Who thought of that?!?!? So awesome.

Favorite thing #3: FOOD! We had some REALLY good food this trip. Japan disappointed somewhat, but we were pleasantly surprised by how good China was! I'd heard lukewarm reviews on it before, but truthfully that was the best Chinese food I've ever had. (And I'm a P.F. Chang's fiend.) There was also a bird flying around the restaurant, which kinda scared me. I thought the kids at the table next to us were flinging large objects in our direction. Turns out to be a bird. However, the cm working in there assured us a bird in the house was good luck. Not in Italy, he said, but in China it is. :lol: Also tried Rose and Crown for the first time... the toffee pudding is deeeeelicious! California grill was superb as usual, and Cinderella's breakfast is so delightful!

Favorite thing #4: The Polynesian. I've visited a few other resorts, and to me, the Poly just can't be beat. That music playing as you stroll around is just so relaxing. The whole feel of the resort is completely laid back and fun. I know some of the other resorts have better pools and rooms or whatever, but I just can't resist that music and those tiki torhces!

Favorite thing #5: Meeting Magic people! I met mkt, wdwprincess03, disney jill, figmentbaby, mkepcotmgmak, turkey leg boy, angelique, and micbat. (Otherwise known as Rob, Kelly, Jill, Jen, Good-effin-grief-he's-tall-Josh :lookaroun, Brent, Angel, and JONNIE!! I caught a glimpse of Kenan at work on Test Track (Yes, that was me staring at you... but I wasn't intending to stare at you, I was just trying to read your name tag. Which I guess doesn't explain why I kept staring when I was only 2 feet away, does it? :lookaroun ) I was going to say hi, but I decided to let you keep to your business of explaining that the technical difficulties are only temporary and the ride will resume at any moment. :lol: Anyway, you guys are so much fun! I had such a great time. I am so glad you were all so nice to me. After a day spent in the parks with 4 kids and dinner and girlie drinks at the Rose and Crown, I can only imagine that I reeked of sweat and fish and chips and alcohol. Thank you for not holding it against me. LOL!

And my final and most favorite thing... (Drumroll, Vince! LOL) WISHES! (Now stop reading, Vince.) This is by far and away my most favorite thing in all of WDW. It is absolutely everything a show at the MK should be. That single bright "star" that flies through the air is just so breathtaking to me. The music, fireworks, integration of the castle with the lights, everything is just perfect. If I should ever find that I have only 24 hours to live (and what strange set of circumstances would ever lead to that? I dunno... just go with me here) I'm on the next flight to Orlando and seeing that show. Brilliant!


Well-Known Member

Great post!! I loved that you posted your favorite things first. We should all do that - it sounds like it was the best vacation ever! I'm really glad you had a great time. And the picture, what can I say - adorable, and I'm impressed, no orange clothing! Of course, the face and hands make up for that!



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Pushing one's comfort zone.

This trip, my mother in law, myself, and even my kids decided that this would be a time to push our comfort zones, try new things. My mother in law accomplished this by braving Tower of Terror, not once, but TWICE! :eek: My nine year old tried Space Mountain, of which she'd been terrified up until now. My 6 year old did Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, and Test Track all for the first time. So brave! The 4 year old pushed her envelope by riding... HAUNTED MANSION! :eek: :dazzle: Bravest of all! And even yours truly stepped out of her comfort zone. I've ridden everything at WDW, so how was I able to test my limits? I went out in public in my swimsuit. :lookaroun ;) (Actually, this is the truth. The sad, sad truth. :lol: )

On the list of new things for all of us:

Ellen's Energy Adventure, which was quite cute. She's so funny and charming.

The Land... LOVED IT! Really, I did! Our "driver" was apparently the only comatose person to ever be able to speak :lookaroun but otherwise I found it so interesting. *awaits the ridicule*

The American Adventure show. Me, my mother in law, my 4 rambunctious kids, and about 2 dozen senior citizens. :hammer: Great show, though.

Primeval Whirl. This ride was so fun! Very cute.

Dinosaur was okay, but I was expecting more out of it. I wouldn't wait in line for any length of time for it, though.

OH! Which reminds me... BEST part of going at the end of January was that we literally had 10 minute waits for EVERYTHING. There was one exception... ARIEL! We waited a good 40-45 minutes to see her. Otherwise lines were small to non existent. *thumbs*


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Which, truthfully, there was only one big one. The weather! First four days were so rainy and cold. The littlest one got sick, and it then spread to the rest of us. Other than that... umm, nope, nothing comes to mind really. If I remember something else, I'll pass it along. (Don't hold your breath. :animwink: )


New Member
Mmmmm cheetos... my nephew´s favorite too! lol
Good trip report, welcome back! Where did you leave your avatar? :animwink:


Well-Known Member
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And lastly, some random quotes from the trip:

From the 9 year old, upon exiting BTMRR: (Grizz will appreciate this one) "I like this ride because we don't have to walk through a store at the end!" DOH! :lol:

From the 6 year old (random Kid Rock reference? :lookaroun) : "It's been rainin here for three damn days!" :eek: :o (Yes, we had a "talk" but she didn't get in trouble... I was too busy laughing to be mad.)

From the 4 year old: "Mommy, the guy says people should only smoke in dessicated smoking ariels." :lol:

And from the 2 year old (the one above covered in cheeto "cheese") at the end of Fantasmic: "Mickey come back! Mickey come baaaaack!" Awwwww!

So There It Is. Kinda short, very boring, but I have the memory of a Dorie. If anything that you simply must know comes to mind, I'll be sure to fill ya in. ;) :wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Maria
Mmmmm cheetos... my nephew´s favorite too! lol
Good trip report, welcome back! Where did you leave your avatar? :animwink:

LOL! Brian left one for me... a weird one. I didn't really care for it. (Sorry, Bri!) However, a new one is on the way, and it reminds me of another "bummer". Chef Mickey totally blew me off! :( We met every character at Chef Mickey's except CHEF MICKEY! *weeps bitter, sorrowful tears* He just walked right by me. It's okay, I'll be fine. These things happen. *sniffle*

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