Birnbaum's And The Unofficial Guide Suggests...


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...Visiting certain parks on certain days. Based on crowd patterns over the years.

Have any of y'all followed this advice?
Did you find it to be more or less accurate?


Well-Known Member
kinda, sorta.

What we find/found to be of more benefit is to follow the touring plans, especially if you have never been or it's been a long time.


Well-Known Member
I find the books to be wrong. They always tell me not to go to MK on Monday and we went this year and we WALKED on all the rides.


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...On past trips, we always went for at least 10 days (of course there were only the 2 parks then), so we never really had to worry about planning to visit certain parks on certain days to avoid some of the crowds.

This time we're only going to be there for 8 days/7 nights. So we're going to be on the go all but one day, that is going to be our cool down day. Just trying to see as much as possible & was curious if what the books were advising was accurate.

Realize the 3rd week of Aug is going to be crowded no matter what the various guidebooks say, but if there are certain days that they're not as bad as other, then more the better.


New Member
I have never used the touring plans at WDW, but have definitely used the suggested days and touring hours and have been very successful. If you are going at an off time of year (and you will know the difference) it isn't really necessary, but it can be helpful. If it is very busy, go with the book!

72 days till our next trip!!!!! :sohappy:


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That's Sorta...

Originally posted by wdwguru
I have never used the touring plans at WDW, but have definitely used the suggested days and touring hours and have been very successful. If you are going at an off time of year (and you will know the difference) it isn't really necessary, but it can be helpful. If it is very busy, go with the book!

72 days till our next trip!!!!! :sohappy:
...What we had in mind. We're letting the kids have alot of input as to what we've gotta see in each of the 4 parks, not necessarily when. So, we're not really going to try to follow any sort of touring plan.

BTW - Looks like we're gonna be there around the same time, we go in 76 days. Like I said, we know it's going to be crowded, if we can beat just a little bit of that crowd though, sure would be great.

Thanks! :cool:


New Member
:) I know they have posted that information on one of the threads earlier-- Which park to go to on which day-- I can not seem to remember where??

Can someone post it again for this "ole" Lady :lol: Thanks--

Going by myself in a few days and I know it will be HOT! HOT! so any thing will help to beat the crowds-- and the extra "body" heat HA HA--:eek: :cool: :kiss:


Well-Known Member
The last three years I have used the touring plans in the Unoffical Guide and while we were tired at the end of the day, we got to do everything we wanted to, with the longest wait being 35 minutes during those three years. All three years were during spring break.

Not having the financial resources to stay in Orlando for anything over a week, we try to experience as much as we can. I feel that we've been pretty successful at this, because of following a good touring plan.

I long for the days when my wife and I can take some time off and go down in the off season, so we can not worry about long lines, and just stroll around soaking up the magic. But until my boys get out of school (another 6 years *sigh*), that just isn't going to happen.
The longest stay ive ever had was 4 1/2days, 4 nights. We didnt do anything the first 1/2 day except DD. We also didnt make any plans except that we would go to AK the 1st day b/c we had never been. so we decided to do that. other than that , we just woke up and decided where to go and when.


Active Member
The only touring plan we use is the one we design ourselves. We are not early risers on vacation. I'm up at 5:00 AM all year long, on vacation, I like to sleep in a bit, like 8:00 or so. By the time everyone is up and dressed, we've missed early entry. This is where our plan comes in. We never visit a park on its early entry day. We have found them to be more crowded than the other parks. Our other planning factor is to stay away from water parks on the weekends. We found out they are more crowded then when there are many more Floridians visiting for the day.

Big Pooh

New Member
Hi RMJKS05 :)

Are you staying onsite or off? It makes a difference...Early Entry makes a difference in crowd levels during busy times. Some people go to the park opening early for the morning and then change parks, some stay all day, and some people avoid the park opening early like the plague. :lol:

Early Entry Schedule:

quote by: blackride
I find the books to be wrong. They always tell me not to go to MK on Monday and we went this year and we WALKED on all the rides.

The reason the books say not to go to MK on Mon is because they figure most people travel on Sunday, and Start with MK on Mon and then do Epcot on Tue. Now that Early Entry is Sun-Thurs I would think Mk's busiest days would be Sun, Thurs, and Sat, which is when the locals go. But I could be wrong.:animwink: BTW, I'm a big fan of the Unofficial Guides(WDW and LV). The only thing I usually disagree with the Unofficial Guide on is the food reviews. I think WDW and for that matter US/IOA have some GREAT restaurants, and the UG does'nt agree with me.:D :lol:

Cheers :wave:


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Originally posted by Big Pooh
Hi RMJKS05 :)

Are you staying onsite or off? It makes a difference...Early Entry makes a difference in crowd levels during busy times. Some people go to the park opening early for the morning and then change parks, some stay all day, and some people avoid the park opening early like the plague. :lol:

Early Entry Schedule:

Cheers :wave:
...Onsite at POR. Definitely plan on taking advantage of EE.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
My family of 6 has a hard time waiting in lines and keeping everyone happy. When we go to WDW for an extended amount of time to play with, we really utilize the park hopper option. If MK is too crowded, we just hop a monorail or bus to another place (even if it's just to ride one single ride).

We usually will go to the place we think the least amount of people are. We're pretty accurate in our guesses, so maybe that will work for you. If you see the smiles leaving a few of your family members faces b/c of crowds or heat, you could suggest trying somewhere else for a little while!!


Well-Known Member
I'm more inclined to go wherever my feet take me. If my feet decide that it's time to go see the tigers at DAK, off i go. Then again i'm pretty spontanious and usually traveling with one other person, so i can do those sorts of things.

However, in answer to the original question, all i can say is that the day i went to MK midmorning on an EE day, it seemed to be more crowded but not excessively so.


New Member
Hey good news RMJKS05! A DCM told me Mission Space should be open by the time you arrive. They are shooting for 8/15 and they told me it will be part of EE offerings.

EE all the way!!

68 days and counting down!!!!!!!!

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