The New Monorail Cars-Check it out!!!


Original Poster
Well, here goes. This is a quick free-hand shetch I did during my lunch break of the new transportation system I am proposing. I want to keep the exisitng system, but update the cars. From here, you can see what I did. First, the color of the monorail is very clear- this Monorial Lime has a thick stripe with frames that brand both end of the cars. Additionally, the strip lights up at night (fiber optics) so you can indetify the train at a distance. The cab strobe is still there, on top of the cab, and the trail car will sill have the alternating strobe. Basically this is a futuristic car that will lead the way to additionally wings of the monorial I propose to Epcot, MGM, Downtown Disney, and Animal Kingdom. Also, notice the car has a clear top, very nice for entry into the Contemporary, TTA I am proposing (sketch available on on thread- new TTA) Also, the monorail has all clear doors for more viewing area to see the surroundings. Also, my clear ceiling is going to relate to an area either near MGM or Animal Kingdom where the monorail will lower its elevation as it travels through the park so you can view the landscape left right and UP!!!!! Let me know what you think, I will update with weekly sketches hopefully.


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Original Poster
Re Doors

The doors sizes will be the exact same size as the ones are now, when I put this on AutoCad, you will see this. As I had no rulers, I could not exact them out. All dimensions will be similiar if not exact to the ones now. I am just changing looks. Thanx.:D :D :D


Original Poster
More Info

I look forward to that....I also let you know that in the TTA I am working on that the trains parke in a curve that will help increase floor space and make the building structure highly unusual....I should have a good sketch in the week to come...I need if anybody knows where I can get a map showing Disney transportaion lines and routes, roads, etc....please help.:D :D :D :D :D


Original Poster

Thanx for the post......I would like the monorail to act as an attraction...I think if the train has more light, like the can see above you..I think it would be really nice to travel through the Contemporary with a clear top...of course the glass/plexiglass would be UV rays!! Also, I would like for the train to lower its elevation, near Animal Kingdom, maybe near The Rapids ride and blend into the landscape...could be nice!!!

William:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Very Nice Design...The Ideas are good...but PRICE is the biggest factor. I think Disney might have already had the same ideas you have had :D


Original Poster
Re Costs

I must agree...I am fresh out of college and my Architecture/Cost Estimating classes taught me that. I think about that, but I also think this. Disney firstky, will have to extend and revamp it transit system. These designs require body modifications, and a plexiglass system of sorts for the top. Those materials should not be alot of money...since they do alot of work in house. Now these trains can START on the new system, then revamp the other Mark trains. Also, it is my idea that could if nothing else, be a fanatsy design....but then again this place rivals itself on fantasy designs. It is a multi-step process that I will elaborate when I work on the TTA revamp and extensions..and hey...if nothing qill look cool..thanx for the comment....William:D :D :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDW-Imagineer
Very nice sketches!! I'm just curious to how wide the door openings are... by looking at your sketch, they seem a bit thin.

Theres always a complainer in the crowd, hush up he did a great job. :p Just kidding WDWI


Original Poster

Thank you for the praise. The criticism is is ok and actually understandable. See, anyone who graduated in architecture, comes out able to pretty much accept any form of criticism. The reason being is every semester you spend 6 weeks creating a design they give you (ie a shopping center) Then at the ensd of the 6 weeks you must defend your project in front of a panel of 5 architects and answer every type of criticism. And remember, you need to do well, it is a grade!!!! So anyways, I appreciate your views...I should have some more drawings in the coming week!!!:D :D :D


Original Poster

I might not have an pdate for the monorail this week, as I am feverishly working away this weekend on a design on AutoCad and a 3-d modeling program on a new structure for the World Tarde Center. I have arranged to be sent to the mayor of New York as a suggestion and how to create a monument to fallen heroes...the Vietnam Memorial was created by a normal American citizen, and so I would like to give my skills to help benefit those whose world is upside down. So, as soon as I progress n the trins, I will post it. :D :D


Original Poster

Hey DK thanx...that is the the way, I love that picture you have of Disney Caifronia Adventure...that place looks really kewl...I see you live out there, is it really as good as it looks??? Let me know....:cool: :cool: :cool:


New Member
Hey Monorail Black,

Yes, the place is absolutley amazing,
I love that park!
Of course it could be better, every Disney theme park could be improved. Anyways...
If you have anymore ideas, please post them.
See you around!! :D


Original Poster
Monorail Update

Hello guys---

To let you in on an update----you can expect a computerized rendering in full color of an entire monorail train within the week...I am working on it, the curves are difficult to work out.....I do not want the train looking hopefully soon...maybe a model after that!!!! Also, I have sent out th drawings and plans of the World Trade Center from my other thread, let you know the details....any questions, please ask!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

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