It's a Small War Veterans Association


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OK, the War is over, and upon DMC's request we should stop using the IASW Song thread, but... to have our small post war party/social and to comemorate the event, I started this thread.

It is not meant to last very long, just long enough to fix loose ends and everyone to make amends.

I also suggest Everyone add 'It's a Small War Veteran' to their sigs for the time being.

Jerry and I talked last night and Disney World will now have an honorary "holiday" for IASW Vetrans Day each year and a giant Mural is going on the loading area wall with battle depictions, as well as a Plaque near the front entrance to the park. Darrel is included, as well as Grizz and others... for when it comes down to it we were all fighting the same battle... one side trying to protect the integrity and innocence of the attraction, the other trying to stop the mind numbing hypnotics that were introduced into the song and therefore casuing havoc and senseless violence that the Doll Protectors were totally "unaware" of (obviously).

I only ask a few things:

1. Do not have any more hard feelings or slanders toward old opposing sides

2. Discontinue posting in IASW Song Thread

3. Keep this thread from growing too big

4. Have fun, party, and make amends.


Jamie a.k.a. spider-man a.k.a wdwspider

Official Founder of the WDWMagic It's A Small War Veteran's Association.


Well-Known Member
Great idea, Spidey! Since it's party time, we might as well be Easy Company! Get it? Cause we're taking it easy... :lookaroun Right? :lookaroun Ok, I'll shut up now... :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Great idea, Spidey! Since it's party time, we might as well be Easy Company! Get it? Cause we're taking it easy... :lookaroun Right? :lookaroun Ok, I'll shut up now... :p

*raises saber high*

Cheers everyone...the battle was short and sweet...but that's all behind us now...IT'S PARTY TIME!!!

*does Freaky dance*


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Ewok-amole for everyone. :lol:

*Stats setting up Small Wars themed party decorations and party favors*

Hey Freak, look at this one...

It's a Jar Jar head, you blow in the back and his tongue flys out.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Ewok-amole for everyone. :lol:

*Stats setting up Small Wars themed party decorations and party favors*

Hey Freak, look at this one...

It's a Jar Jar head, you blow in the back and his tongue flys out.

Meesa People gonna Blow?

I like Pin-the-tail on the Wookie!


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Hey, I picked these up at the last Intergalatic Flea Market...

A Bouncing Jedi training Ball. Not only can you fine tune your Saber skills with this ball, but *clicks safety switch* it's also has a rubber ecterior and doubles as a super cool high bounce ball.

Oh, and look at this... *pulls out Giant Black ball full of gadgets* It's an older model throwback Mind Probe, however, this was a Party Probe, so it doubles as a Disco ball. Yeah, Darth and the troopers had many good times with this baby. :lol:


Well-Known Member
*while everyone celebrates the end of the war*

*off in a distant corner of the sea*

*lays sealilies on the grave of his dear sister*
:( :( :( :(

Let us never forget the suffering and pain this war caused. Truly, a dark era in our history.


New Member
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Originally posted by MerHearted
*while everyone celebrates the end of the war*

*off in a distant corner of the sea*

*lays sealilies on the grave of his dear sister*
:( :( :( :(

Let us never forget the suffering and pain this war caused. Truly, a dark era in our history.

:rolleyes: For the last time... History was changed. Read the history threads sometime. Your sister is over here getting plastered on Grotto Grog. :animwink:


*Saunters in... clashes sabers with everyone*

How-do people! Glad to see everyone here. But, where are the Protectors? I'd like to see more of them around.

*admires the mural*

Wow... we look good...



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jrashadb
*Saunters in... clashes sabers with everyone*

How-do people! Glad to see everyone here. But, where are the Protectors? I'd like to see more of them around.

*admires the mural*

Wow... we look good...

:king:'re right..they caught you in your "Lay-Z-Boy" sipping a Daq and saber lit...AWESOME!

Welcome to the PAR-TAAAAAAY!


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*Serves everyone Dagabah Punch*

Obviously it's strong stuff ;) Just look at Yoda, he took one swig and hasn't been able to talk straight ever since. :D


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
*gives every Resistance Member a bottle of expensive booze they like... as a gift for being part of the "team". :) :wave: *


New Member
*pops into the party* Hey guys am I late? *grabs a couch near the door* ... No alcohol for me. .you know what happened last time lol.

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