World Showcase


Original Poster
Hi all! Just thought I would ask of you...What is your favorite country in WS and why and if you could add one country, what would it be and why? I think I would pick either France or the UK as my favorite. I love being in France with the music playing...the atmosphere is so wonderful. I also love the UK for the same reasons and also because of the studly UK men....:)lol (the fish and chips aren't bad either)
I would love to see Switzerland added...I think that could be really cool.They could add some type of mountain ride or something like that...Would love to hear your thoughts!


New Member
My favorite is Norway. Maybe it is the hot women that they always have working "Maelstrom", or that you can purchase beer while in line. I also like the UK, however I think that they could do more with Ireland and Scotland. Sucking up to the Brits, Ariel? he he :D


Well-Known Member
World Showcase is amazing! I love Norway, for the ride and the girls :p I really like Mexico as well because of the atmosphere and El Rio Del Tiempo. Japan is a big favorite of mine too because of the food, which is unbelievable.


New Member
my fave is mexico. good food, neat artifacts, romantic setting and lovely boat ride.

if i could add a country, it would be vatican city, which is an independent state.

i think that would be fun!

you could have pope mickey (who's obviously a eunuch, anyway). the nuns would wear mouse-ear habits. a ride could be based on heaven and hell, with the line designated as purgatory.

than again, maybe not.

how about ireland instead? more beer!


New Member
Put my vote in for MEXICO....
I think they did a fantastic job in replicating the atmosphere of the Mexican street vendors and nightlife.

England is next best for me...I had a British aunt with such a strong dialect that it was as if she were speaking another language, don'cha know?

And, I think the next country that should be added is "Brooklyn."
Brooklyn is so diverse in ethnicities that it would bring new meaning to 'WORLD' showcase!:D


Well-Known Member
I forgot to say the country I'd add :p

I'd have to go with "Switzerland" as well, I'd love to the snowy mountains peak up in the corner of World Showcase. Plus maybe, it could be WDW's chance at bringing the Matterhorn over (fat chance)


France is my fave. I love the Impressions De France film (I've been enjoying this attraction more and more every year) and its beautiful architecture. It looks so busy and elegant. I also like to get a chocolate Moose from the little bakery.

My second favorite is the inside of Mexico's pavilion followed by the UK. My favorite attraction however is the American Adventure by far.

As for another country I'd like to see a Switzerland added as well (along with a Matterhorn). I hope World Showcase does expand in the future. There is still room for aboot 6-8 pavilions.


New Member
My vote is for Mexico (which else? :D ) Great atmosphere, indoors!! very nice and romantic restaurant. A well put museum inside.

Second favorites.... it´s hard to pick, but maybe France and Morocco.

The idea of the Vatican is hilarious! I don´t think they would allow it, but it would be funny and most of all unrespectful!
;) I would probably like to see The Netherlands or Australia, or Spain, or Greece, there are so many!!

Disney Fan

New Member
Boy, they're all so great, but I'd have to say my favorites are:
1. UK
2. Morocco
3. American Adventure attraction
Also, I would like to see a pavilion of a South American country, Australia or India.:cool:


Original Poster
Originally posted by Nut4Disney
My favorite is Norway. Maybe it is the hot women that they always have working "Maelstrom", or that you can purchase beer while in line. I also like the UK, however I think that they could do more with Ireland and Scotland. Sucking up to the Brits, Ariel? he he :D

Yeah...just hoping they will like

Disney Maniac

New Member
Jeez, this is a tough one...I rellay love them all, but here are my most favorite four, (in no particular order, I might add):

1.) The American Adventure...funnel cakes! yum! :)
2.) Norway...Maelstrom rocks!
3.) Frances...I love Bistro de Paris
4.) UK...Rose & Crown-great spot for Illuminations (good eats, 2)

As for the country I'd like to see added, I think it should be Russia. Here's why. With Epcot's Mission: Space said to have a place to chat daily with the crews of the International Space Station, of which the Russians are a major partner, it would be great to have a Showcase Pavillion where people can learn about the Russian crew member's home nation. Also, with Russia no longer an enemy, as it was when Epcot was first being built, it would be a show of good faith on Disney's part to add them to their community.

Anywho, I'd love to see a miniature St. Basil's or a Hermitage façade gracing the Showcase skyscape :D
My favorite (a rather impossible choice to make I might add) would be China! I love the beautiful gardens and display of colors on the buildings. Plus the circle vision and music before you see the circle vision are so neat. My first runner up would have to be the United Kingdom. Afterall, the UK is both our closest ally and a vast part of our cultural and governmental heritage. Plus, I LOVE the British accent. I don't know why, but we americans are such suckers for that delightful accent---maybe because it takes us back to our mother country. Long live the Queen and the Brits! :)

I would second the recommendation of adding Russia. It has such a unique culture and language that is missing from WS. Plus I think that its addition to WS would probably be the second greatest representation of the end of the cold war (next to the fall of the Berlin wall of course!). If not Russia, then I would add either Greece or Egypt. Again, the unique cultures and histories would be awesome.

To those of you across the pond, I apologize for the visit from our village idiot. I can tell you that we hope the idiot stays away!


Well-Known Member
The Maelstrom is our favorite ride but for atmosphere we like Mexico. I wish the next project Disney would take on would be for them to add several more countries. There was once a sign out that Spain and Africa were coming but that apparently didn't pan out. I would love to see Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Egypt, and India build pavillions. Also Australia. When New Orleans had the World's Fair in 1984, Australia and Egypt had nice pavillions. Tahiti would also be interesting.


New Member
I'm with Figmentcrazy. It is so hard to pick a favorite country at the world showcase. I love all of them and enjoy taking my time and walking through each one slowly to soak them all in.:D


New Member
My favorite countries are:
1 France
2 Morocco
3 Germany
4 Mexico - interior

I think the best food can be found at Mexico or France.
As far as adding a country - I vote for Switzerland and a Matterhorn ride.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
It was Norway for a long time. Still might be. However, I really enjoyed Mexico last time I went. Discovering the tequila bar tucked in the corner was amazing. Very cool.

I think I love all of World Showcase though. It is, for me, my favorite part of WDW believe it or not. Anyone else second that?

As for a country to add----Australia
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