WDW with a 3MO Old? (AKA What Have We Gotten Ouselves Into?)


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Last January DW and I made plans with her parents to spend a week in Jan 2003 at WDW. We booked a 2BR villa at BWV and were all ready to go. Next thing you know, we went and got pregnant in February. :rolleyes: Our daughter was born in mid-October and will turn three months old while we're there (1/11 - 1/18). She's our first child. All three of the doctors (including her pediatrician) we talked with about this have said that there's no problem with bringing her there as long as we're not letting every stranger touch/handle her (and are people really that rude?). Because of this, we're really not very worried about the health implications, but as the day gets closer and she seems to be getting fussier, we're starting to panic about the plane flight, the strange surroundings, eating out, being out with her for extended periods... etc., etc... What have we gotten ourselves into?!!?! :veryconfu

Do any of you parents out there (probably chuckling as you read this...) have any advice (Wha? People with advice for new parents? ;) ) for us on dealing with baby's first real trip? (Spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa doesn't quite count.)

We've read the Infants and Toddlers FAQ at WDWIG and we're doing most (all?) of the suggestions listed there. We're renting a minivan to travel around. We're bringing our own stroller and car seat. DW and I are very laid back about our park visits, frequently taking breaks in the middle of the day. We're also very concerned about disturbing other visitors.

She loves to sleep in her car seat and will usually sleep most of the time from around 8pm to 4am. We've taken her out to dinner with us a handful of times and they've mostly been pretty okay. I don't remember seeing this in the FAQ, but we're planning on bringing her pack 'n play too (she sleeps in there pretty well). Heck, with all her stuff, DW and I won't actually be able to check any bags for ourselves...

Anyway, any advice for first time (AKA, hyper) parents dealing with an infant at WDW?




OK, take a deep breath, relax, and think magical thoughts!:animwink: You're all going to be fine.
First off, congratulations and welcome to the wonderful adventure of parenting!
I don't know how many times you've been to WDW but as long as you realize this trip will be more about experiencing the atmosphere than doing rides etc., you'll have fun. We never did WDW when our babies were that young but did our share of travelling with them and it is fine so long as you adjust your expectations and go with their needs and not yours. You mentioned having grandparents along, with 4 people, you should be able to switch off babycare enough for everyone to enjoy your little darling and WDW.
You mentioned that your DD is getting fussier, it's not uncommon for babies to do that around this age, things usually improve by 6 months so you may have a sleepless night or two. I remember one trip we were on where my DH ending up driving the baby around in the middle of the night so I could get some sleep because the only way she woold sleep was in the carseat, not that I'm trying to scare you. If you don't sleep well, make it a mellow day and go back to the room for a nap.
As to restaurants and disturbing other people I don't think you need to worry at WDW there are so many kids everywhere and people are in a good mood.
So have a great trip and remember any day at the World is a good one! Have fun!
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We had our first child in late Oct., and we are planning a trip in Feb. We also had concerns about taking a baby so young. My wife talked to her aunt yesterday, and she said that they took their baby to WDW when she was 3 months old, and they did fine. She said the best thing that they did was to get one of those backpacks to put the baby in, that way they could fall asleep if they wanted to. Maybe we should start a going to WDW with infants support group.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
3 months old can be a good time to take a vaction with a baby. They are still young enough to not do much other then eat, sleep and ________. When they are tried, they sleep anywhere.

Be sure not to get the baby too hot or dehydrated or in the sun. (under 6 months shouldn't use sun screen, but we did when we took our 3 month old the beach.) Test it out ahead of time to be sure of no recation. Remember there is not need for a baby that age to drink water, only brest milk and formlua. (any water takes away from nutriants they would be getting from the milk)

They baby care stations are great, breast feeding is easy any place at WDW (if you don't mind being in puplic, but there are many quit out of the way spots.) If you are flying feed the baby on take off and landing. If the baby uses pasifiers, bring plently. We walked up and down Sunset Blvd many times looking fora lost one.

Enjoy your vacation and time together. Congraduations. Your next trip (when the baby is older) will be very different. Our daughter is now 21 month old and is nuts about WDW. We go again in March!!! Can't wait.

Wow, I have been edited for talking about baby po op !!!:)
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Our son is a good baby and has been sleeping through the nite since he was 3 weeks old. We thought about leaving him with grandparents and going by ourselves (4 days), but we both decided that we would miss him too much and would have a miserable time worrying about him the whole trip. We go to WDW every year, and thought that there would be no reason not to go, just because of the little one. (he was conceived at WDW last January, so in actuality he has already been there:lol: ) I've read all of the previous threads on taking infants to WDW, and most people agree that it is fine. My wife is breastfeeding so feeding shouldn't be a problem. In the past we tended to do WDW commando style, so with a baby it might actually be more of a relaxing trip just watching him, and his reactions o stimuli.
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She is BEAUTIFUL! I wonder how many babies were conceived in WDW?

Just a bit of advice, DON'T bring a 3 mos old to swim with dolphins. Yes, believe it or not, When we were at Blue Lagoon for the dolphin encounter, some MORON! I repeat MORON ( and yes, I hope you read this LADY!) brought her 3 mos old in the water ( which was freezing) to be kissed by the dolphin ( a very LARGE NOISY SPLASHY MAMMAL) for a picture. The poor little baby was scared to death.
Had to get hat off my chest!:mad: :hammer:
Have a great time Sig!
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Originally posted by Grumpy56
OK, take a deep breath, relax, and think magical thoughts!:animwink: You're all going to be fine.
*breath* *breath* *breath* *breath* *breath*reath*th* *thump* ;)
I don't know how many times you've been to WDW but as long as you realize this trip will be more about experiencing the atmosphere than doing rides etc., you'll have fun.
Oh, a few and this has been our attitude most of the time we go to WDW. I love it for the atmosphere and Disney's attention to the details. I never quite understood why people who go frequently need to be park commandos.
You mentioned having grandparents along, with 4 people, you should be able to switch off babycare enough for everyone to enjoy your little darling and WDW.
That's the only reason why we're still going. Her grandparents are great with her and they love seeing her. If it were just DW, DD, and me, there's no way we'd be heading to WDW now.
You mentioned that your DD is getting fussier, it's not uncommon for babies to do that around this age, things usually improve by 6 months
Hmmm, but we're not staying there until she's 6 months ol.... OH! We can just stay there until she _IS_ 6 months old! :D
so you may have a sleepless night or two.
Nothing new there. I guess we're already getting our WDW experience.
I remember one trip we were on where my DH ending up driving the baby around in the middle of the night so I could get some sleep because the only way she woold sleep was in the carseat
Actually, the thought of driving around WDW at night, exploring and killing time seems kind of interesting....
not that I'm trying to scare you. If you don't sleep well, make it a mellow day and go back to the room for a nap.
This is part of our SOP. :) Mid-day breaks at WDW are sooo nice and one of the big plusses of staying on property.
As to restaurants and disturbing other people I don't think you need to worry at WDW there are so many kids everywhere and people are in a good mood.
I guess this is where I expect my previous life to come back and bite me. I always tried to avoid the earlier seatings to avoid "screaming kids" and, to be honest, screaming kids still bother me. I guess this is just something I have to get over...

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Originally posted by Nut4Disney
She said the best thing that they did was to get one of those backpacks to put the baby in, that way they could fall asleep if they wanted to.
We have a Baby Bjorne. It's pretty nice. I like having her right against my chest, but I think I'd prefer having a backpack as it'd be a more comfortable place for me to carry some 12lbs of DD. I'm guessing that there are backpack-style baby carriers with head support so that it doesn't look like I'm carrying a broken bobble-head doll in a sack? :eek:

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Originally posted by Nut4Disney
Our son is a good baby and has been sleeping through the nite since he was 3 weeks old.

I think I speak for a lot of parents (or at least my DW and I) when I say, "We hate you." ;)

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Originally posted by sigsegv
I think I speak for a lot of parents (or at least my DW and I) when I say, "We hate you." ;)


There are nites every once in a while when he will not sleep though. :D The downside to him sleeping through the nite is that he will only sleep in our bed between us, and he likes to kick and punch me while he's asleep. Occassionally he will sleep in his car seat on the floor, but never in the basinett or his crib. Speaking of driving around in the middle of the nite, this is kind of funny. The other nite he would not go to sleep for nothing, so it's 3:00 am and I put him in the car for a ride on some curvy back roads near our house. I get pulled over by a cop ( I guess they were out looking for drunks or something) and he asks me what I'm doing out so late, and I point to the back seat where Aidan was asleep in his car seat, and he said, "Oh, I understand, have a good nite". I thought it was hilarious.
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Three months is a great age for traveling. They still sleep a lot. Can't move and get in trouble. Hopefully you're nursing her so you don't have to deal with the bottles. (But they have dishwashers in the villas for that.)

You can do the baby switch on rides so some of you will be able to ride the rides twice. (When you do the switch they let up to 2 people REride with the person who holds the baby the first time.)

Piece of cake.

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Originally posted by dreamer
You can do the baby switch on rides so some of you will be able to ride the rides twice. (When you do the switch they let up to 2 people REride with the person who holds the baby the first time.)
Oh yeah, I forgot about the baby switch. I wonder if they'll let you baby switch at the Adventurer's Club? :hammer:

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"I guess this is where I expect my previous life to come back and bite me. I always tried to avoid the earlier seatings to avoid "screaming kids" and, to be honest, screaming kids still bother me. I guess this is just something I have to get over... "


Well, yes, I think you probably will have to get over that:animwink: if you think she screams a lot now just wait till she's a teenager!:brick:

It's sounds like you've got a handle on it, I'm sure you'll have a great time!
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I think back to the section in the Unofficial Guide to WDW where the author tells parents thinking of taking infants to WDW to think of who this vacation will benefit.

We are the parents of grown children ages 20 & 18. Both have been to WDW numerous times, but never before the age of 10. We just got back from WDW, and it amazes me to see parents with infants, and all the stuff they have to cart around for the babies. I don't think kids even up to say 5 will remember the Disney experience.

I have no problem with people bringing infants to WDW, but I, for one, am glad that I don't have to deal with all the ramifications that come with infants and manuevering around the parks.
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You have to remember that part of the joy of taking a young child to WDW is to relive the magic through their eyes. I know they may not remember it like I will (although my son is like an elephant and never forgets) but seeing the joy on their faces is like reliving as a 4 or 5 year olf for myself. I remember the look on my daughter's face the first time we went on TOT, and it was just a look I will never forget. It was the same for my son and Space Mountain.
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I think takeing a 3 month old baby to disney is absolute insane. Our baby is due in june and we are not planning to go down untill he/she is 4 or 5 so they can enjoy it too. at 3 months old they are not going to even remember going. remember you have become parents and you should have more responsibility to that littly tiny baby then draggin her through the parks. I think it's kinda cruel. All the baby is going to want to do is eat and sleep. Going to see family is one thing, but dragging the baby on a big trip like that at 3 months is ir-responsible. a first trip to disney is special indeed so wait till there older and they know who mickey is and can enjoy it with you. being parents is a big responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.
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There was a big heated thread concerning this debate back in April, so I'm not going to drag this out, you can do a search for it if you like. Good for you that you are not going to take your child down there until they are 4 or 5. I'll be sure to pick up your book on parenting when it comes out. True, they will not remember going, but they also will not remember the first time they rolled over, crawled, stood up, walked, or their first words either. But we will, just like we will remember his first trip to WDW. We take vacations as a family, and as such that means bringing our child. Are you saying that you should'nt take a vacation until your child turns 4 or 5, if so that's asenine (sp).
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Originally posted by Sherm00
I think takeing a 3 month old baby to disney is absolute insane. ... being parents is a big responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.

I have to disagree. We have five kids and wouldn't have taken an infant because of how difficult it would have been for US, not the infant. A three month old will suffer no pain at DW as long as you keep him/her warm and fed. She'll just sleep and cry when she's hungry and ________ like she would at home.

Some people are just not as uptight as others about their babies, and I don't think that's wrong. (Dragging an exhausted preschooler around and taking them on scary rides is another matter and NOT what I'm talking about here.)

I would say that the parents must plan the trip around the child and it's needs. Get yourself a GOOD snuggly to hold her and hopefully everyone will take turns. Pray she doesn't have colic -- or you may have to spend a lot of time at the villa.
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Our son was 9 weeks old when he first experienced the magic of a WDW vacation. We loved being there and didn't think having a baby in tow was too difficult. At each park there are changing and nursing stations (which I frequented on a regular basis:) ). The only real problem we had was when he got a bit fussy at night. Then we just headed for our room and relaxed after a busy day.

Our son was in a front pak making it easy to carry him and keep an eye on him. My husband and I took turns going on rides with our 5 year-old daughter.

Thinking back...it may have been easier traveling with a very young baby than a toddler who likes to go in 5 different directions at once:hammer:

Good luck!
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