Since some here have been wondering about September dates for E-Ride nights I have been scouring reliable sites and the consences seem to be that since Disney has not posted any dates for september and were almost at the end of July. One fact that seems to give creadence to this it that there are no E-Ride nites for the last week of August. 
I have seen some rumors say that this is to be another seasonal perk like CoP and Time Keeper??
I hope this isn't the case since I am planing to go in the off season in February and was hoping to take advantage of this .
I guess this may be another instance of Disney giveith and Disney takeith away:veryconfu :veryconfu

I have seen some rumors say that this is to be another seasonal perk like CoP and Time Keeper??
I hope this isn't the case since I am planing to go in the off season in February and was hoping to take advantage of this .

I guess this may be another instance of Disney giveith and Disney takeith away:veryconfu :veryconfu