Too much Alcohol in the parks!

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The Andrews

New Member
Original Poster
I know I'm asking for alot of negativity here but does anyone else out there think that there is definitely too much alcohol floating around the parks? I know MK doesn't allow it but particularly Epcot. If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being buzzed it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the World Showcase sampling all the beer and wine meanwhile bumping into you with that smelly stuff. I don't believe it should be allowed, (promoted) at all but at the very least they should coral the minority of "drinkers" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt! ...............................You may now bring the hate...


Think for yourselfer
I know I'm asking for alot of negativity here but does anyone else out there think that there is definitely too much alcohol floating around the parks? I know MK doesn't allow it but particularly Epcot. If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being buzzed it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the World Showcase sampling all the beer and wine meanwhile bumping into you with that smelly stuff. I don't believe it should be allowed, (promoted) at all but at the very least they should coral the minority of "drinkers" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt! ...............................You may now bring the hate...



Well-Known Member
No hate here... just my opinion.

I don't really drink (a glass of wine with dinner a few times a year is about it). So personally, if they did away with booze, no skin off my nose.

But in the several times I've been to Epcot (or any of the parks serving alcohol), I can't sat I've ever noticed anyone visibly intoxicated. For that matter, I don't really recall seeing anyone outside of a restaurant with an adult beverage.

How many times have you actually been bumped into by a rude person, who was carrying a beverage with alcohol, who was noticeably intoxicated? People bump into other people all the time in Disney because of not paying attention, and I doubt it has anything to do with alcohol. Serious question... just curious.


Active Member
I know I have never consciously noticed anyone excessively drinking at the parks. Some people really enjoy alcohol, and I agree that you should be able to enjoy Disney without being drunk. But there are a lot of people that can handle alcohol and enjoy it with dinner or a beer when it's hot and so on.

Also, World Showcase allows a lot of people to enjoy "authentic" food and drinks that they may not otherwise enjoy. I think the alcohol offerings there are quite unique.

If you want to go somewhere that promotes drinking way too much, go to universal. But I think Disney simply offers it to those that want it. Also, they make a fortune off of alcohol. That keeps ticket prices and other prices even lower because of how much people are paying for their booze. So, if you don't drink be grateful those people are saving you some cash money.

PS: all of this is coming from someone who has never had a drop of alcohol while in one of the parks.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Know what else there is too much of in the parks... double wide strollers. And just strollers in general.

If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being clipped in the achilles tendon it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the parks... bumping into you with those behemoth things. I don't believe they should be allowed, (rented) at all but at the very least they should corral the minority of "stroller users" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt!

The Andrews

New Member
Original Poster

#1 at Mexico there are the Margeritas, (If thats how you spell it) which there is usually a line for yuo have to walk around to keep the flow of traffic
#2 In france there are the small plastic disposable wine glasses people get filled at the little wagons right on the walk way.
#3 In germany you can buy those extra large slinder glasses and have them filled with beer.
I'm not picking a fight I promise. I just have just noticed it has had a more prominent place each year we go. We come once a year and the changes to us are more drastically noticed rather than a slow growth type of thing that isnt noticed as much by those who are regulars. It just really doesnt seem to fit the theme of a family place is all im saying.


Well-Known Member
Know what else there is too much of in the parks... double wide strollers. And just strollers in general.

If there is one place on this planet you should be able to have fun without being clipped in the achilles tendon it is disneyworld. I get so tired of all those people who roam the parks... bumping into you with those behemoth things. I don't believe they should be allowed, (rented) at all but at the very least they should corral the minority of "stroller users" in certain areas away from the majority who doesnt!

*rams into you with Maggies stroller while drinking a beer*


Think for yourselfer
You know what there is really too much of in the parks? Other peoples offspring. I don't know about anyone else, but when I am on vacation I do not like to be bombarded by the little monsters. Screaming, running around, knocking into my already injured knees. They should corral all the kids into a kids only area, enclosed with double pane sound proof glass. If I am enjoying a nice frosty beer, I don't need some reproducer and their youngins disturbing me.


Well-Known Member
no hate here....

The only way to control or corral drinkers in Epcot would be to get rid of alcohol competely. That's the same as one bad apple ruining the bunch. I get what you mean though about people who go too far. What is the need for getting drunk?? But on the other hand I am considering for the first time on one of our trips getting a pina colada or margarita in "Mexico". However, I'll only get one. I absolutely know my limit. Would I miss it if it was gone? No. But I have a friend whose husband would get sloppy, loud, obnoxious drunk everytime they went to Epcot. Those are the people you wish you could "ban" from drinking. They ruin it for the rest of us. :fork:


Well-Known Member
No. Just no. Drunkenness in the parks has never been an issue on any of my WDW trips.

Nobody goes to WDW to get wasted. You can do that for a lot less money elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
#1 at Mexico there are the Margeritas, (If thats how you spell it) which there is usually a line for yuo have to walk around to keep the flow of traffic
#2 In france there are the small plastic disposable wine glasses people get filled at the little wagons right on the walk way.
#3 In germany you can buy those extra large slinder glasses and have them filled with beer.
I'm not picking a fight I promise. I just have just noticed it has had a more prominent place each year we go. We come once a year and the changes to us are more drastically noticed rather than a slow growth type of thing that isnt noticed as much by those who are regulars. It just really doesnt seem to fit the theme of a family place is all im saying.

Maybe part of it is while I'm on vacation, I'm looking to have fun for myself, and as long as no one is outright bothering me, I could care less. Ultimately, if the mere offering of alcohol is too much for you, I would avoid World Showcase or Epcot altogether.


Well-Known Member
#1 at Mexico there are the Margeritas, (If thats how you spell it) which there is usually a line for yuo have to walk around to keep the flow of traffic
#2 In france there are the small plastic disposable wine glasses people get filled at the little wagons right on the walk way.
#3 In germany you can buy those extra large slinder glasses and have them filled with beer.
I'm not picking a fight I promise. I just have just noticed it has had a more prominent place each year we go. We come once a year and the changes to us are more drastically noticed rather than a slow growth type of thing that isnt noticed as much by those who are regulars. It just really doesnt seem to fit the theme of a family place is all im saying.

I have been to WDW countless times, and actually spend most of my nights in the so-called alcoholics heaven you described as world showcase. I have yet to see 1 person who was out of line due to alcohol consumption.

As far as spills go - I hate having sticky smelly pop dumped on me, or water spilled on me, I also hate having ice cream spilled on me as well. Therefore I propose that we also have designated water, pop, and ice cream consumption areas to allow the majority of those not drinking to walk in peace.

I also propose to have uniformed WDW "foot traffic" cops stationed throughout the parks to ensure that a group of people do not suddenly stop in the middle of a walkway thus causing those behind them to bump into them. After all this type of behavior is most likely the root cause of the rampant alcohol spillage you mention and the rampant pop, water, and ice cream catastrophies I have described. Those caught violating the non-stop rule should face immediate fine and or/removal from the park based upon the severity of the resulting bumpage/spillage.

These ideas would most definitely make sure that WDW could be enjoyed more by the majority of its visitors. The proof lies in the fact that the majority of people are not drinking any liquids while walking the majority of the time, or consuming solids the majority of the time they are walking. BY removing these smelly sticky perils and associated people from the parks we could truly have a magical place.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
You know what there is really too much of in the parks? Other peoples offspring. I don't know about anyone else, but when I am on vacation I do not like to be bombarded by the little monsters. Screaming, running around, knocking into my already injured knees. They should corral all the kids into a kids only area, enclosed with double pane sound proof glass. If I am enjoying a nice frosty beer, I don't need some reproducer and their youngins disturbing me.




Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
#1 at Mexico there are the Margeritas, (If thats how you spell it) which there is usually a line for yuo have to walk around to keep the flow of traffic
#2 In france there are the small plastic disposable wine glasses people get filled at the little wagons right on the walk way.
#3 In germany you can buy those extra large slinder glasses and have them filled with beer.
I'm not picking a fight I promise. I just have just noticed it has had a more prominent place each year we go. We come once a year and the changes to us are more drastically noticed rather than a slow growth type of thing that isnt noticed as much by those who are regulars. It just really doesnt seem to fit the theme of a family place is all im saying.

Probably has a more prominent place because it is one of the best money makers for the pavilions. Honestly the place might not be able to operate if you took away the booze. I have not seen anyone too drunk ever there(I am sure it happens though), a few people a bit buzzed and talking loudly but nobody I could not walk a few feet away from, other than smell, has anyone ever injured you or offended you that was intoxicated?
Also, as has been said, you go to the countries of Epcot to get a taste of those places. When I was in Berlin it was sometimes easier and cheaper to buy a beer than a soda, so yes beer should be prominent in Germany, Wine should be prominent in France....


Well-Known Member
I have not seen sloppy drunk in any of my visits, even during F&W. As a person who enjoys trying different libations, I ensure you I will not be bumping into you, as I do not want to waste my $8.00 drink. If only others with strollers and ones that think the park was just for them would do the same.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I've also never encountered any of these stumbling drunks while sampling the different offerings in World Showcase. Hopefully that doesn't mean I was one of them! :lol:
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