Those dang kids with those Heelez!!!


New Member
Original Poster
Recently in the parks not saying that I aint still a kid or anything I am almost 17 and theres no way Id be wearing "Heelez",its bad enough "these" kids are complaining about stuff while in Disney but these younger kids with "Heelez" those skating shoes basicaly are getting rather annoying, and if I ever saw an adult wearing "Heelez" in a park id prolly throw my whole body into them and run. I mean seriously it almost like rollerblading in the park in my opinion, and its so freakin annoying they skate right in the front of you and they dont pay any attention at all then they smash into you they you just stare at them and they run off! I mean really cant they just WALK!!! Its prolly not very good on Disneys part if a kid for some crazy reason slams into a curve and gets hurt, now Disneys in trouble. Anybody else here think its annoying?


New Member
I had a go with some adult ones and found them pretty fun, if a little socially embarassing for a 23 year old to be wheeling around.

Its a shame when they are not used responsibily but hey it is fun.


New Member
Amen, brother! My 9 year old made the mistake of asking for a pair after our trip to WDW in April. I about hit the roof. Can shoes be rude? If so, these are the worst. I can't tell you how many times I had to jump out of the way of some out of controll brat. Ban them, I say!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I agree that they probably should be banned, however with all the different styles, it would be next to impossible.

(Imagine the lines at the gate while security checked the bottoms of all shoes :eek: )

Mecha Figment

New Member
The are officialy not allowed in the parks at all. The problem is, they look like regular shoes when you go in . And they can be conceeled at the flip of a switch. I don't like them either, because somebody is just asking to be hurt.


Well-Known Member
I said the same thing when we went in May. There would be a family standing there looking at a map or something and 2-3 kids would be skating in circles around them. Others would have to walk a wide circle around the skaters to keep from getting hit. The parents never said anything. I have a 9 yr old, so it's not like I'm against kids, but even she thought they were rude to wear them. I couldn't believe how many kids I saw wearing them.:eek:


Well-Known Member
I agree, I cannot stand those shoes! I'm constantly getting run into when I'm out shopping. Didn't notice them on my last trip to WDW though.

*can I say one thing...the word "prolly"...:brick: when did this come about? Its probably...its only 2 more letters to type. Sorry, but that word just gets to me :eek: *


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Mecha Figment said:
The are officialy not allowed in the parks at all. The problem is, they look like regular shoes when you go in . And they can be conceeled at the flip of a switch. I don't like them either, because somebody is just asking to be hurt.
What is the official CM line on this. Can CM's throw them out? or do they have to just look the other way?


Well-Known Member
They are no longer allowed in the schools by me.
But, that doesn't mean they're not allowed in stores.....I work retail, and I mostly do stock, I've had many a kid nearly miss me as I'm walking out with boxes stacked in my arms. I mean, what would happen if the kid crashed into me? The boxes would be all over both of us! They're a cute idea and all, but it's just so freaky to see kids "gliding" up and down the aisles of stores. I never thought of how it would look in Disney.

How much do those shoes run for anyway?


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
I agree, I cannot stand those shoes! I'm constantly getting run into when I'm out shopping. Didn't notice them on my last trip to WDW though.

*can I say one thing...the word "prolly"...:brick: when did this come about? Its probably...its only 2 more letters to type. Sorry, but that word just gets to me :eek: *
Boy I'm with you on this Mad (and on "Prolly" too!)
I'm sure there's a time and place for them, but stores,schools,crowded parks, and churches are certainly not appropriate places for them! what's with the parents of these kids anyway?!


Well-Known Member
also noticed them last year .. but I though those looked fun .. they never ran into someone with those shoes ... although they could have easily

(and it was crowded during easter time)


New Member
Thank you!!!! We saw so many kids with those darn shoes on. I was just waiting for one to trip or lose his balance and crack his head on the pavement. And then the parents would sue Disney. They're not just annoying, they're dangerous for the kids to be wearing. I'm glad the parks banned them. Now, they just need to enforce it.


New Member
We saw them alot on our last trip as well... sometimes it was very frustrating as kids have bad judgement on when it's appropriate to use them or not - but I did see some kids use them smartly and it seemed as if that age group (8-11'ish) did pretty well with them when with their parents... I saw several kids with one arm on a parent just letting their parents tug them along - i remember my legs being exhausted at that age... so it didn't seem so bad for those kids... but on the whole I saw alot more kids abusing them than using them properly...


New Member
I don't think the are allowed anywhere. My wife and I were at the entrance to MK one day, and a kid came ripping down the monrail ramp full speed. If someone was at the bottom, they would have been hurt. A security guard came over to the kid and went up to the parents and said something to them. I felt like cheering.


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
Boy I'm with you on this Mad (and on "Prolly" too!)
I'm sure there's a time and place for them, but stores,schools,crowded parks, and churches are certainly not appropriate places for them! what's with the parents of these kids anyway?!

Ther are the same parents that let their kids run wild in the parks, no difference. I hate those skates and they are everywhere and never once have i seen a kid use them out on the street or in the park or on the sidewalk. 100% of the time they are in the mall, grocery store, or anywhere else that they should absolutely not be skating in. Any CMs out there should definitely speak up if they see this going on, avoiding confrontation is nice but keeping the other guests safe is way more important.


Well-Known Member
I hate those shoes. On Easter we went to a buffet up here and this kid was riding around the tables with it and knocked into me and i nearly lost my food over a stranger. I hate those things.

Not too mention the mall you have to dodge those kids.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
all i do is the "swing kick" like in karate kid when they get infront of me and one leg hits the other, takes them both out and the little "brats" fall on their faces.

"have a magical day little brat" :D

*then i get escorted out of the park*


New Member
When we were there in May I saw several kids get reprimanded by Park Security or Cast Members for those stupid shoes. In all cases not only were the kids warned but the parents also. Some parents were so embarressed they made their kids remove the wheels.
Where I live in NJ, they are banned in the supermarkets.


Active Member
Ladies and Gentelmen,
Please let the kids have fun...I see no problem with them in any case if a kid runs into you trust me they will get the worst of the hit :brick:. And if they're not your kids and the parents are not paying attetion to the annoying little brat well then accidently clip the back leg they'll flop stright down...LOL J/K

Really though if I were a kid a would want some I know we all wish that it existed when we were that age group. And our parents would have behaved the same way. So take it light they're having those moments we all wish we could have. :rolleyes:

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