I work in a lab. We use a technique called accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to measure rare nuclides. Currently, we are working on a project to determine the production rate of a rare, long-lived isotope (aluminum-26, half-live of 720,000 years). It is produced by muon induced decomposition of silicon-28. It is used for dating (much like carbon-14). One thing that limits the utility of this nuclide is the fact that its production rate is unknown. What does this have to do with WDW you ask?
Well, a couple of weeks ago we figured out that if we could find a solar panel that had been exposed to the environment (i.e. cosmic rays) since the 1970s or 1980s it would be an ideal way for us to determine the production rate of aluminum-26 here on earth. I immediately thought of the solar panels on UoE built in 1982 (I didn't tell my co-workers they already think I'm insane). However, a couple of telephone forays to WDW have yielded nothing. Does anyone know of any way I could contact an engineer who works at EPCOT or someone who does routine maintenance on UoE (i.e. would know if they ever swap out solar panels, etc.). THANKS!!!
EDIT - If you know someone I could contact personally, you may just want to send me an e-mail since I'm sure people don't want contact info advertised all over a public forum.
Well, a couple of weeks ago we figured out that if we could find a solar panel that had been exposed to the environment (i.e. cosmic rays) since the 1970s or 1980s it would be an ideal way for us to determine the production rate of aluminum-26 here on earth. I immediately thought of the solar panels on UoE built in 1982 (I didn't tell my co-workers they already think I'm insane). However, a couple of telephone forays to WDW have yielded nothing. Does anyone know of any way I could contact an engineer who works at EPCOT or someone who does routine maintenance on UoE (i.e. would know if they ever swap out solar panels, etc.). THANKS!!!
EDIT - If you know someone I could contact personally, you may just want to send me an e-mail since I'm sure people don't want contact info advertised all over a public forum.