The Expedition Everest Yeti Has Been Seen By My Eyes!!


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Expedition Everest Yeti Caught?

After recording the Christmas Day Parade on my DVR, i was looking at the EE Segment. Doing a frame-by-frame advance, i see the actual yeti! Just speculation for now, so i might be wrong:lookaroun
Modern Marvels on the Architecture
"The mountain is a complicated structure. On the outside it looks like a mountain, thats nice. But in fact, its three independant architectural systems. There is a "rigid" system, which holds up the concrete of the mountain. There is a "flexible", "dynamic" system which is the ride, which is because that multi-ton vehicle is riding on it, it has to move! Those two systems can't touch each other. But they have to be built simultaneously, so that the steel of one is actually penetrating through the steel of another, and if you put one piece of steel in at the wrong time, you've stopped the whole construction.
Modern Marvels on the Expedition Everest Yeti
"The yeti is so big, the Yeti is sitting on HIS OWN independant architectural structure that goes all the way into the footings."
Narrator - "The Matterhorn also features a yeti, but the one at Expedition Everest will be both huge and nasty! For now, he's a closely guarded secret."
Joe Rhode- "Our yeti is gritty, real, yeti. With slobber, and wet legs from walking in an out of the snow. With matted, dreadlock hair. A real animal, an animal that you see for a VERY brief moment, but when you see it, you think, "Wow, was that REALLY REAL?"

Update: New AVI Uploaded, Longer Video and Not Choppy Like The Last One.
view here:

On the video, right after the video gets fuzzy, there are a pair of eyes. Red ones. They disappear VERY quickly, but i was able to get a shot.

Right before the end of the end where it starts to fuzz, there is a dark tunnel ahead. Welcome to Yeti Land?

RED: Tunnel
GREEN: Track


New Member
If you give me a time estimate of where it is, I'll gladly post some of the raw mpeg-2 I have of it, and you can then have a clearer picture. I need the time estimate, because my vision isn't very good, and I won't be able to pick out the exact frame you want. But I'm totally willing to post some of it if people tell me something like 45 minutes in. Please keep in mind, I have not edited out the breaks yet, and will wait until I see a time request posted here. It would be much harder to do after I mess with the timeline by getting rid of the breaks.



Well-Known Member
That was slightly anticlimactic. I hadn't seen the parade, so this was new to me, but I only saw the silhouette. I couldn't find the face anywhere. Are you talking about the eyes in the end, right before it's over.


New Member
Don't know if evereyone knows this but right before the camera get's busted you see red eyes, possibly the yeti, but is it VERY quick.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Sure they just didnt flash a shot of the creature from Matahorn in DL for effect....I doubt seriously that they would give away the creature for this minimal of a promo...


Active Member
Just visit Animal Kingdom shoppe Beastly Bazaar on the right,they have tonds of Yeti merchandise for sale,lol.I have a pic but can't post it of some magnets and a little plush of the yeti.:xmas:


Active Member
I doubt they would keep yeti (has he been given a name yet?) under such tight security and then go off and show him to a few million people.
Then again, stranger things have happened...

Huge Dreamer

New Member
Connor002 said:
I doubt they would keep yeti (has he been given a name yet?) under such tight security and then go off and show him to a few million people.
Then again, stranger things have happened...
Like what?
I thought the yeti's name was Henry and hes the cousin of anaheim resident Harold? Wasnt this established when the ride was first unvieled to everyone?

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