Water Parks in January


Original Poster
I live in New York where it get’s cold during the winter. I’m taking a trip to the world in January so the temperature there will feel nice and warm down in Florida. Are the water parks there open during this time? I remember once taking a trip to Florida during Christmas and I went to the beach on Christmas day. I also was there and went in the pool in December. It would be nice to hit the slides and relax on my vacation.


New Member
I'm almost positive they're open.

And as a native Floridian, you wouldn't find me there in January. Though not comparable to New York's, our winters are still pretty chilly.


yodasmith said:
I live in New York where it get’s cold during the winter. I’m taking a trip to the world in January so the temperature there will feel nice and warm down in Florida. Are the water parks there open during this time? I remember once taking a trip to Florida during Christmas and I went to the beach on Christmas day. I also was there and went in the pool in December. It would be nice to hit the slides and relax on my vacation.

Likely only 1 will be open. We were ther in January of this year. Temps were usually 40's to 50's.


I would agree that usually in the winter only one of the water parks is open at a time. The other will be closed for maintenance. The weather in Florida in January is iffy for the water parks. I spent New Year's at Disney two years ago. We only had Florida resident seasonal passes so we were blocked out of the theme parks. Instead, we went to Typhoon Lagoon and had a blast. The temps were in the 70's, the lines were minimal, the sun was shining, the water heated. It was great!! Having said that, it could also be drizzly, cloudy and 50 degrees.
Good luck!!!


New Member
Just a general statement about winter florida weather that I noticed. The sun is hot, but the air is chilly. I carried a sweater with me and when I was in the sun I took it off cause I warm, but as soon as a cloud covered up the sun it got chilly and I had to put my sweater back on. So some days I would find myself taking off and putting my sweater back on every 15 mins or so. I don't know if anyone else has had that problem.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon because I've never been there, but The Resort swimming pools are all heated.

You could swim ..no problem...but getting out of the water into the cool air might be kinda rough ::shiver:: :(


I have been three times in January and every year one of the two water parks are closed alternately.... TL one year, BB the next. I belieive BB is set to be refurbed this year. Although the weather is kinda cold for Florida standards I have always swam at the pools and have visisted the water parks at least once during my stay.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
During the winter they alternate the opening of the water parks so they can have their annual maintenance. In January only one of the water parks will be open. The water is heated so you will be fine when you are in. The problem will be when you get out and want to walk from attraction to attraction. If the temps are in the 50's like they usually are, you are going to be cold. Since it is cold out though, you won't have to worry about crowds. So as long as you don't mind the cold you will have a good time.


Active Member
We went to BB in December a couple of years ago, and it was the best day we'd ever had at the park. It was barely warm enough for them to open it, but being cold-weather folks, we didn't really mind. We rode every slide multiple times and the park was practically empty. We left a few hours before closing because even we were getting cold, but all in all, it was the best day ever.
We also did TL in December one year, and the park was deserted that day too. It almost felt like we were on our own tropical island or something.
If you don't mind a few goosebumps, I'd say go for the water parks. It's part of the Disney experience.


New Member
As far as the weather goes... you just never know here in Florida. Winters here range anywhere from the 30's to the 70's+... you simply never know! :lol:


New Member
I have seen on another web site that BB is scheduled for rehab in Oct. which is strange because they usually rehab BB in Jan. As far as swimming in January...go for it you are on vacation to relax, the temp. is not thaat bad so just enjoy the WORLD.


New Member
I've been to Blizzard Beach in January. People are right, one or the other is open. Yeah, it was cold when I got out of the heated water, but I looked at the upside... my tatas looked fabulous :goodnevil


New Member
i went to disney world in february 04 and 1 day was really chilly and not warm. but the next few days we were there me and my party were sweating. u never know with florida weather! but in general it's usually very warm even in the winter. :D

but i also heard that in january 1 water park is open while the other is in re-hab.


Premium Member
Though I currently live in NC, I am a native Upstate, New Yorker. We went to Disney this past January and some days it was HOTTTT (like 80's) and some days it was totally freezing cold outside.


New Member
like others have said, our winters here in FL are pretty random, so my suggestion would be to look at the forecast and go on the warmest day... though even on the warmest day you wouldnt find me anywhere near there...LOL....way too cold...


New Member
kellydisney said:
I've been to Blizzard Beach in January. People are right, one or the other is open. Yeah, it was cold when I got out of the heated water, but I looked at the upside... my tatas looked fabulous :goodnevil
Pictures? ;) :D


New Member
imagineersrock said:
As far as the weather goes... you just never know here in Florida. Winters here range anywhere from the 30's to the 70's+... you simply never know! :lol:

Yeah, no kidding! My family always goes to WDW for New Years, and its a real treat to escape the cold weather (I live in Western North Carolina). We've gone for the past few years, and we have rarely encountered cold weather. Its always just right for us. However, this past New Years was freezing! We didnt see that coming! The ironic thing was that out neighbors told us that it was really nice while were gone! They said the weather was great, too warm to be January!!

Oh well, at least we were at WDW!

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