HISTA will close May 10


Active Member
Original Poster
Right now, they are preparing to close HISTA on May 10. Last week it was going to be May 2. They have decided to upgrade the audio system and that is about it, they don't want to change it much because they will have to change it back again to HISTA after EO has had it's run of a year or so.

It sounds like the other parks are going all out with the special effects and make they will have good shows, but TDO wants to get by on the cheap. So it sounds like HISTA will be around for another 2-3 years, at least at Epcot.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, Disneyland got no special effects installed back in at all. It's just the movie and some bouncing from the floor. No lasers, fog, or starfield. This doesnt sound any different at all from the park that everybody says Orlando's quality can't match. It's a quick temporary replacement, money's not being spent. The nicest thing Disneyland got was a new sign outside.


New Member
I just hope the EO print has been cleaned up a bit.... or digitally restored to its original glory.

Knowing TDO the film was stored in the old Skyway station in TL along with Time Keeper all these years in a cardboard box. They are going to blow the dust off and hope for the best :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Knowing TDO the film was stored in the old Skyway station in TL along with Time Keeper all these years in a cardboard box. They are going to blow the dust off and hope for the best :lookaroun
Oh man, I had almost completely forgotten about the Timekeeper for about a week. Sorry, that was random.

I'm hoping this bad boy opens just a bit early....I'd like to get the chance to see it. I remember hating it as a reallllly little kid, and I actually thought it was kind of scary. It would be interesting to see what I think now.


I'm hoping this bad boy opens just a bit early....I'd like to get the chance to see it. I remember hating it as a reallllly little kid, and I actually thought it was kind of scary. It would be interesting to see what I think now.

My only memories of EO are of it scaring the crap out of me. I remember that I kept taking my glasses off and my Dad kept yelling at me to put them back on. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Right now, they are preparing to close HISTA on May 10. Last week it was going to be May 2. They have decided to upgrade the audio system and that is about it, they don't want to change it much because they will have to change it back again to HISTA after EO has had it's run of a year or so.

It sounds like the other parks are going all out with the special effects and make they will have good shows, but TDO wants to get by on the cheap. So it sounds like HISTA will be around for another 2-3 years, at least at Epcot.

Not surprised but... :dazzle::dazzle::dazzle:



Well-Known Member
I am hoping that this will become one of those temporary closures that never reopens, but Im not counting on it.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hmm, how can I properly express my feelings about the existence/non-existence of HISTA and Captain EO? Ah yes.....:snore:


Well-Known Member

Yea! So its really gonna take that long to Install the film? If its closing in May, couldn't it open in may? Either way, I'm just glad its coming back!


Well-Known Member
At this point it seems that Captain EO will be an open ended run. I expect it to run for as long as it's more popular than HISTA, or until they decide to finally overhaul the pavilion.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

Yea! So its really gonna take that long to Install the film? If its closing in May, couldn't it open in may? Either way, I'm just glad its coming back!

Well, they're got to find the right projector from the 1980's to use, and an A/V geek to keep an eye on it should the projector break down.....:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well, they're got to find the right projector from the 1980's to use, and an A/V geek to keep an eye on it should the projector break down.....:rolleyes:

they just need to go to a public school storage room for that, though the A/V tech would probably be a college student (I was probably last generation to have those old skool projectors cause after I left they got digital projectors hooked up to a computer like the universities have)


Well-Known Member
Knowing TDO the film was stored in the old Skyway station in TL along with Time Keeper all these years in a cardboard box. They are going to blow the dust off and hope for the best :lookaroun

One could only wish! Just look at the film in the most popular attaction in Epcot and possible all of WDW. Soarin'. The film for Soarin' with the hair in it and the blotches is horrible. I do not expect much out of this. WDC is riding the Michael Jackson wave right now (what's left of it) and looking to boost attendance for little to no cost for the short term. Good strategy on WDC's part, but I hope it last no more than a year and at that point the Imagination pavillion get a whole new look. It really needs it.

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