6/11-6/12 Mini Dolphin trip

It was time to get away! My huband offered to watch the children this weekend and let me get a break from being a stay at home mom. A friend of mine suddenly got me a great deal at WDW's Dolphin Resort. I've never really thought of staying there, but hey, it was an awesome price! After mtk's advice on taxi's (thank-you, btw!), I decided to drive it. I left at 6:30am from Jacksonville and headed down to Orlando. It took longer than expected due to torrential downpours (thanks Arlene). There were times that I was going 20-30 mph, because I couldn't see. I began to second guess my decision to go to WDW.

Anyway, by the time I hit Orlando, the rain had let up a bit and I arrived at the Dolphin. It was huge! I really didn't care for the whole peach/teal theme, but it was still impressive.


Follow me for a tour of WDW's Dolphin!

First, the entrance (notice the heavy grey clouds :():


Once you step inside, there are these really cool water features on both sides of the walls.


If I you looked up at the ceiling, you can see all sorts of twinkling "stars". The picture doesn't really do it justice.


The lobby to follow through these entryways...:




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Ok, follow me into the Lobby:


The first thing you'll hear and notice is the Dolphin fountain (the lobby was kinda dark, so this picture isn't the best).


A close up of the fountain:


Then look up at the ceiling. It reminded me very much of a circus tent (again, I apologize for the lighting in these pictures)!



After wandering around the lobby for a bit, I checked in. It was only 9am and I knew I was really early. I just wanted to see if the front desk would hold my luggage until check-in time. However, WDW worked it's magic and the CM asked me what I preferred for a room. I said I really didn't mind as I was putting them out already by arriving early. Well, the CM got me a room on the floor of the lobby and upgraded me to balcony room. The balcony had a great view of Disney's Boardwalk and a partial view of Epcot!! I was psyched and thought that was a really really nice thing they did for me. :sohappy:

Pictures of the room to follow after I feed my kids :lol: ...


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So, I checked into my very peach/teal room. However, besides the colors, the room was VERY nice. The rooms come with beds they call "Heavenly Beds". They're very soft and have down comforters, pillows, ect. As soon as I layed down in one, I sank into the bed. I was pure bliss!




Of course, I headed immediately for my balcony and checked out the view. Besides the dreary day, it was a nice view!



After settling in, I grabbed my bag and headed to the Magic Kingdom...


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The only real way to get to the Magic Kingdom was by bus via the Disney Transportation System. Our poor bus driver had a hard time though. There was something wrong with the bus and it wouldn't go over 30mph. He radioed in to dispatch and they had maintenance arrange to meet him at the gates to the Magic Kingdom. People in the bus were complaining that they were going to be late to their restaurants. He patiently explained that there was nothing he could do to make the bus go over 30mph. They just grumbled at him. He tried to lighten up the situation by explaining that we'd get dropped off closer to the entrance because of the emergency. I made sure I thanked him before I left.


The first place I headed to was Space Mountain. It was beginning to rain again and out came the ponchos!


When I got to Space Mountain, it was only a 20 minute wait, so I decided to go standby. I actually like waiting in the Space Mountain queu. Not only is it nice and cool, but it's also nicely themed.

After riding Space Mountain, I decided to take some pictures of the castle via Arlene.



I then went on Philharmagic (5 minute wait), Snow White's Scary Adventures (10 minute wait), and it's a Small World (5 minute wait). I happened to visit IASM at exactly 12 noon.


I did have to use a fastpass for Peter Pan though. For some reason, that was the only one that had an hour wait. The fast pass line was much nicer. :)


Well, the kids are getting fussy. I'll finish my trip report later. I hope you've enjoyed it so far!


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After IASW, I decided it was time for some lunch. Even though the weather was dreary, it was also very hot and humid. I couldn't think of eating anything big, it was so hot. So, I opted for the lightest lunch I could find (aren't you glad I took this picture?):


After lunch, I headed over to the Haunted Mansion. There was no wait and I just walked right in. They guy helping load the people was very good at his job! After people were loaded in, he would lean and tower above them and just stare. It was really funny watching people react to him and try to avoid him.



Unfortunately, after HM, a HUGE thunderstorm came through the area. It was causing some ride problems. I believe I saw the Magic Carpets of Aladdin shut down for a little bit. Since it was pouring so much, I decided to grab a Turkey Leg (my light lunch just didn't cut it) and head back to the hotel. While waiting in line for the turkey leg, I had an unusual queu companion:



The lightening caused some sort of power outage at the turkey leg kiosk. The poor CM was trying to write everything down on a piece of paper and still keep the guests happy. A manager finally came over to reboot the computers. While she was doing that, he asked if anyone had exact change, which I did, and he let me purchase my turkey leg and I headed back to the hotel.

The thunderstorm didn't let up for a few hours. I tried going out to the Magic Kingdom again, but long lines (Space Mountain had an 80 minute wait!!!) and lightening chased me back to the hotel. By the time I got back, even though I used an umbrella, I was thoroughly soaked. My sneakers and socks were squishing! So, of course, I had to go to the store in the lobby and buy some new clothes. :D

Finally, after three hours, the rain let up and I ventured back out in search of food. I ended up getting a bacon turkey wrap at Cosmo Ray's. After dinner, I decided to head back to the rides. However, I left my camera at the hotel, so I didn't get more pictures. I got to ride Big Thunder Mountain (30 minute wait) and a few other rides. I still hadn't gotten to ride Splash Mountain and thought I'd wait until the parade started to ride Splash and Space Mountain again. I thought wrong!! Even with the parade crowd gone, the wait was still 50 minutes for each one. So, I decided to call it a night and go back to the hotel. I got to see the fireworks over the Eiffel Tower from my balcony. :) I finally fell asleep around 1:30am.


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The next day, I had checkout at 11. I was going to go to Epcot (I purchased the "Florida Resident 3 Day Play Pass"), but because of the weather, I decided to head home. I still have six months to use my other two days and decided to wait until a calmer time.

With a little bit of time left before driving home, I decided to walk along Disney's Boardwalk. Boy was that deserted. And wouldn't you know it, the sun came out just in time to give me slight sunburn to bring home.



I took a few pictures of the back of the Dolphin too.






After that, I walked back to the truck and settled in for the 3 hour drive back home. Once I got on the other side of Orlando, it began to get really dark and pour again. Hopefully, next time I visit WDW, the weather will be a little more cooperative!

That's about it. Until next time! :wave:


New Member
What a great husband to give you the weekend like that !! I am so jealous !! Your pictures are great by the way, I like the unusual pics that you took, not the standard shots you usually find,( even though I did love the castle pics )!:)

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