OK, so other threads and my own interest motivated me enough to try to determine what final, "real world" costs might be, per year. For me, knowing the per year cost helps me know if I would have spent that much on hotels to begin with. So I made a quick spreadsheet to show a guestimate of average rates of increase in maintenance fees (based on disneyberry's excellent post in DISBoards.com) versus worst case scenario, based on what Disney contractually says it can charge (15% year-over-year increases).
Thus, the projected rates of increase for Saratoga Springs for 2005-2014 are based on an average of historical fee percentage changes across all DVC resorts, based on disneyberry's post. After that, it's pure guesstimate on my part, figuring that rates of increase will go up the older the physical facilities get and the more work likely to be needed to keep them up to Disney standards. It's hard to know whether my "guess" is too aggressive or not since OKW is really the only one we have to go on.
But the amount I'd need to spend per year to make DVC financially viable was higher than I expected (150 pts, $5100/year), dramatically so if you look at worst case (which I grant you I made look unrealistically bad). The total invested over the course of the agreement is, as some have pointed out, the equivalent of buying a house somewhere in Central Florida ($252k), whose equity would have grown by 2054.
Admittedly, I did not expect the per year cost to be so high so I tend to think my rates of increase after 2014 are too aggressive. Or maybe it's reality and I was being too eager to believe in DVC. I honestly don't know.
This wasn't intended to ignite a flame war so please take this FWIW, "for entertainment purposes only." If you see any factual errors or obvious omissions, please feel free to let me know since I really do want an accurate picture, if only for my own benefit.
I don't have auth to attach the actual .xls file so excuse the formatting.
Initial One-Time Costs
Points $$/Point Purchase
150 $95.00 $14,250.00
200 $95.00 $19,000.00
AVERAGE CASE: 150 points
Annual Dues Fees and Lifetime Costs
Year Fee Incr Fee/Point Points Annual Dues Cumulative Total Total Cost/Year
2005 0.00% $3.8300 150 $574.50 $14,824.50 $302.54
2006 2.15% $3.9123 150 $586.85 $15,411.35 $314.52
2007 1.33% $3.9643 150 $594.65 $16,006.00 $326.65
2008 2.86% $4.0776 150 $611.64 $16,617.64 $339.14
2009 2.63% $4.1850 150 $627.74 $17,245.38 $351.95
2010 1.47% $4.2463 150 $636.95 $17,882.34 $364.95
2011 8.08% $4.5895 150 $688.42 $18,570.75 $378.99
2012 3.80% $4.7638 150 $714.58 $19,285.33 $393.58
2013 3.53% $4.9318 150 $739.77 $20,025.10 $408.68
2014 3.20% $5.0896 150 $763.44 $20,788.54 $424.26
2015 8.00% $5.4968 150 $824.51 $21,613.05 $441.08
2016 4.75% $5.7579 150 $863.68 $22,476.73 $458.71
2017 5.00% $6.0457 150 $906.86 $23,383.59 $477.22
2018 5.25% $6.3632 150 $954.47 $24,338.06 $496.70
2019 5.50% $6.7131 150 $1,006.97 $25,345.03 $517.25
2020 8.50% $7.2837 150 $1,092.56 $26,437.59 $539.54
2021 5.00% $7.6479 150 $1,147.19 $27,584.78 $562.95
2022 5.50% $8.0686 150 $1,210.28 $28,795.07 $587.65
2023 6.00% $8.5527 150 $1,282.90 $30,077.97 $613.84
2024 6.50% $9.1086 150 $1,366.29 $31,444.26 $641.72
2025 9.00% $9.9284 150 $1,489.26 $32,933.51 $672.11
2026 6.00% $10.5241 150 $1,578.61 $34,512.12 $704.33
2027 6.50% $11.2081 150 $1,681.22 $36,193.34 $738.64
2028 7.00% $11.9927 150 $1,798.91 $37,992.25 $775.35
2029 7.50% $12.8922 150 $1,933.82 $39,926.08 $814.82
2030 10.25% $14.2136 150 $2,132.04 $42,058.12 $858.33
2031 7.25% $15.2441 150 $2,286.61 $44,344.73 $904.99
2032 7.75% $16.4255 150 $2,463.83 $46,808.56 $955.28
2033 8.25% $17.7806 150 $2,667.09 $49,475.65 $1,009.71
2034 8.75% $19.3364 150 $2,900.46 $52,376.12 $1,068.90
2035 12.00% $21.6568 150 $3,248.52 $55,624.63 $1,135.20
2036 8.50% $23.4976 150 $3,524.64 $59,149.28 $1,207.13
2037 9.25% $25.6712 150 $3,850.67 $62,999.95 $1,285.71
2038 10.00% $28.2383 150 $4,235.74 $67,235.69 $1,372.16
2039 11.75% $31.5563 150 $4,733.44 $71,969.13 $1,468.76
2040 15.00% $36.2897 150 $5,443.46 $77,412.59 $1,579.85
2041 8.50% $39.3743 150 $5,906.15 $83,318.74 $1,700.38
2042 9.00% $42.9180 150 $6,437.70 $89,756.44 $1,831.76
2043 9.50% $46.9952 150 $7,049.28 $96,805.72 $1,975.63
2044 10.00% $51.6948 150 $7,754.21 $104,559.94 $2,133.88
2045 15.00% $59.4490 150 $8,917.34 $113,477.28 $2,315.86
2046 9.00% $64.7994 150 $9,719.91 $123,197.19 $2,514.23
2047 9.50% $70.9553 150 $10,643.30 $133,840.48 $2,731.44
2048 10.00% $78.0508 150 $11,707.63 $145,548.11 $2,970.37
2049 10.50% $86.2462 150 $12,936.93 $158,485.04 $3,234.39
2050 15.00% $99.1831 150 $14,877.47 $173,362.50 $3,538.01
2051 11.00% $110.0933 150 $16,513.99 $189,876.49 $3,875.03
2052 11.50% $122.7540 150 $18,413.10 $208,289.59 $4,250.81
2053 12.00% $137.4845 150 $20,622.67 $228,912.26 $4,671.68
2054 15.00% $158.1071 150 $23,716.07 $252,628.32 $5,155.68
Thus, the projected rates of increase for Saratoga Springs for 2005-2014 are based on an average of historical fee percentage changes across all DVC resorts, based on disneyberry's post. After that, it's pure guesstimate on my part, figuring that rates of increase will go up the older the physical facilities get and the more work likely to be needed to keep them up to Disney standards. It's hard to know whether my "guess" is too aggressive or not since OKW is really the only one we have to go on.
But the amount I'd need to spend per year to make DVC financially viable was higher than I expected (150 pts, $5100/year), dramatically so if you look at worst case (which I grant you I made look unrealistically bad). The total invested over the course of the agreement is, as some have pointed out, the equivalent of buying a house somewhere in Central Florida ($252k), whose equity would have grown by 2054.
Admittedly, I did not expect the per year cost to be so high so I tend to think my rates of increase after 2014 are too aggressive. Or maybe it's reality and I was being too eager to believe in DVC. I honestly don't know.
This wasn't intended to ignite a flame war so please take this FWIW, "for entertainment purposes only." If you see any factual errors or obvious omissions, please feel free to let me know since I really do want an accurate picture, if only for my own benefit.
I don't have auth to attach the actual .xls file so excuse the formatting.
Initial One-Time Costs
Points $$/Point Purchase
150 $95.00 $14,250.00
200 $95.00 $19,000.00
AVERAGE CASE: 150 points
Annual Dues Fees and Lifetime Costs
Year Fee Incr Fee/Point Points Annual Dues Cumulative Total Total Cost/Year
2005 0.00% $3.8300 150 $574.50 $14,824.50 $302.54
2006 2.15% $3.9123 150 $586.85 $15,411.35 $314.52
2007 1.33% $3.9643 150 $594.65 $16,006.00 $326.65
2008 2.86% $4.0776 150 $611.64 $16,617.64 $339.14
2009 2.63% $4.1850 150 $627.74 $17,245.38 $351.95
2010 1.47% $4.2463 150 $636.95 $17,882.34 $364.95
2011 8.08% $4.5895 150 $688.42 $18,570.75 $378.99
2012 3.80% $4.7638 150 $714.58 $19,285.33 $393.58
2013 3.53% $4.9318 150 $739.77 $20,025.10 $408.68
2014 3.20% $5.0896 150 $763.44 $20,788.54 $424.26
2015 8.00% $5.4968 150 $824.51 $21,613.05 $441.08
2016 4.75% $5.7579 150 $863.68 $22,476.73 $458.71
2017 5.00% $6.0457 150 $906.86 $23,383.59 $477.22
2018 5.25% $6.3632 150 $954.47 $24,338.06 $496.70
2019 5.50% $6.7131 150 $1,006.97 $25,345.03 $517.25
2020 8.50% $7.2837 150 $1,092.56 $26,437.59 $539.54
2021 5.00% $7.6479 150 $1,147.19 $27,584.78 $562.95
2022 5.50% $8.0686 150 $1,210.28 $28,795.07 $587.65
2023 6.00% $8.5527 150 $1,282.90 $30,077.97 $613.84
2024 6.50% $9.1086 150 $1,366.29 $31,444.26 $641.72
2025 9.00% $9.9284 150 $1,489.26 $32,933.51 $672.11
2026 6.00% $10.5241 150 $1,578.61 $34,512.12 $704.33
2027 6.50% $11.2081 150 $1,681.22 $36,193.34 $738.64
2028 7.00% $11.9927 150 $1,798.91 $37,992.25 $775.35
2029 7.50% $12.8922 150 $1,933.82 $39,926.08 $814.82
2030 10.25% $14.2136 150 $2,132.04 $42,058.12 $858.33
2031 7.25% $15.2441 150 $2,286.61 $44,344.73 $904.99
2032 7.75% $16.4255 150 $2,463.83 $46,808.56 $955.28
2033 8.25% $17.7806 150 $2,667.09 $49,475.65 $1,009.71
2034 8.75% $19.3364 150 $2,900.46 $52,376.12 $1,068.90
2035 12.00% $21.6568 150 $3,248.52 $55,624.63 $1,135.20
2036 8.50% $23.4976 150 $3,524.64 $59,149.28 $1,207.13
2037 9.25% $25.6712 150 $3,850.67 $62,999.95 $1,285.71
2038 10.00% $28.2383 150 $4,235.74 $67,235.69 $1,372.16
2039 11.75% $31.5563 150 $4,733.44 $71,969.13 $1,468.76
2040 15.00% $36.2897 150 $5,443.46 $77,412.59 $1,579.85
2041 8.50% $39.3743 150 $5,906.15 $83,318.74 $1,700.38
2042 9.00% $42.9180 150 $6,437.70 $89,756.44 $1,831.76
2043 9.50% $46.9952 150 $7,049.28 $96,805.72 $1,975.63
2044 10.00% $51.6948 150 $7,754.21 $104,559.94 $2,133.88
2045 15.00% $59.4490 150 $8,917.34 $113,477.28 $2,315.86
2046 9.00% $64.7994 150 $9,719.91 $123,197.19 $2,514.23
2047 9.50% $70.9553 150 $10,643.30 $133,840.48 $2,731.44
2048 10.00% $78.0508 150 $11,707.63 $145,548.11 $2,970.37
2049 10.50% $86.2462 150 $12,936.93 $158,485.04 $3,234.39
2050 15.00% $99.1831 150 $14,877.47 $173,362.50 $3,538.01
2051 11.00% $110.0933 150 $16,513.99 $189,876.49 $3,875.03
2052 11.50% $122.7540 150 $18,413.10 $208,289.59 $4,250.81
2053 12.00% $137.4845 150 $20,622.67 $228,912.26 $4,671.68
2054 15.00% $158.1071 150 $23,716.07 $252,628.32 $5,155.68