Good food, great friends and a near heat stroke

What do all those things have in common? They all happened in a mere 4 days worth of Disney fun and frivolity.

As usual for the Yoda household the trip started way early. We left the house at 4:45 AM. By 5:30 I was the only one left awake. I was however kept quite entertained by my oldest daughter who was sitting next to me. She had gotten home late from work the night before and instead of grabbing 3 or 4 hours of sleep she elected to go with the "I'll just stay up all night!" logic. She was slumped over, held up only by the seat belt, and would jerk herself up about every ten minutes only to slump back down moments later. We made it to WDW without incident about 7:00 AM and made our ritual stop at the IHOP just outside of DTD on 535. I do not know what it is about this place but the wait staff has a Disney quality about them.

From there we made our way to Pop Century to pick up our package. We did the online check in and it worked quite well. For some reason we always seem to time our resort arrivals exactly ten minutes after a full DME bus drops off and this trip would be no different. The regular check in line was packed and the online check in line was empty. We were in and out in 5 minutes.

The obligatory Pop century the road warrior years picture.


Next stop DHS......

We made it there just before opening and met up with my big brother and his family. First stop was of course TSMM. We caught one of Luxo's shows while waiting in the line outside.

My middle daughter's boyfriend, Neal, got the high score for the day. I am not sure I like him anymore. Not only can he kick my a$$ in real life but he can do it on TSMM as well.:lol:

From there we went to ToT.


This is the face of a first time ToT rider.


This is the face of a ToT veteran.


We of course could not go to DHS and not see Mulch, Sweat and Shears. My oldest daughter decided they needed a bit more cowbell.


The day at DHS with the family was finished up at Indy. I have seen this show a million times and it never gets old. Apparently I am not the only one because even though the park was deserted Indy was around 80% full.


We went back to the Pop to hit the pool for a little while and get ready for a 9:00 PM dinner at T-rex. I went back to DHS to meet up with Marie (wannabebelle) about 5:30 to catch the finally of American Idol. Marie loves the show and I was there solely for research purposes.:lookaroun I have to be honest though. In spite of all the negative flack this attraction got before they even so much as the first refurb wall was in place it is a very well done attraction. I am a casual fan of the AI and it replicates the show incredibly well. The stone cold truth is that if you like AI, even a little, you will like this attraction. If you do not like AI you will hate it. The only criticism I really have for the attraction is that is should have been build years earlier.

The night finished up at T-Rex. I have to say I really like this place. Like it's not so identical twin, RFC, it is a bit loud and very busy but I really like the theme much better than RFC. Food and service is on par with what RFC use to be before it's downward slide a few years ago. We got to sit in the ice cave which was very cool but it has one major flaw....the lighting. You are bathed in this blue light which in itself is not bad but it removes the color red from your food. This became an issue when 3 of us ordered medium rare steaks. When we cut into them the looked well done. When they brought out a flash light it was clear that they were done correctly but under that blue light they looked burnt to a crisp. I seriously doubt that this was the first time that this happened and the problem could easily be solved by giving the wait staff a mini flash light and a little explanation. As expected my 8 year old suckered me into a build a dino. Thank god they were regular build a bear prices. I was able to get out of there for around $35.

The Ice Cave


The Chocolate Extinction. A simple but very good desert.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
Day 2 started with a 9:00 AM ADR at WCC for 18. In attendance were my family, my brothers family, my daughter's boyfriend and his mother, Marie and Martin and his crew. Marie mounted a steed in the pony races and a member of Martin's group got the airplane treatment from out server when she was perplexed about me pouring gravy on my biscuits. As usual my stomach hurt from pigging out on the skillet and my face hurt from laughing so much. As expected Martin and company are absolutely class acts and incredibly fun to be around. From there we took the boat over to MK to catch three must see attractions for this trip. First on the list was JC. The refurb looked very good. I can not remember the last time I saw that many AA's working on JC. Next stop was HoP. All I can say is wow!. The refurb and the story line change was incredible. I love the way the new storyline features the president's and does not center around the civil war. From there we acquired dole whips as I fear incarceration by the Disney police if I was to set foot in MK and not get a dole whip.

Even the indigenous life at MK loves dole whips.


The next and last stop was the TTA. I was not super impressed with this refurb. The station has a fresh coat of paint and there is the new lighting but it seems like they did a half arsed job in cleaning up the rest of the attraction. The sets look fresh but the tunnels still look dirty. Much to my chagrin there was nothing to see inside of Space Mountain.

After that we headed back to the resort to get ready for MNSSHP. On the way back to Pop my wife showed me a picture that she took at the resort that made me double over in pain.


So why would this picture make me double over? Lets just say that I had an unfortunate incident many years ago with my wife, a koosh and a throw that could of landed her a starting pitching gig with the Yankee's.:eek:

We made it to MK right at 5 and met up with our party in front of PotC.

Me and my oldest


Zoie and Neal



After a quick ride on PotC we made our way over to the Noodle station to meet up with Martin. We then made our way over to HM for the mandatory ride of this classic attraction.

As usual MNSSHP was a blast until.......

One thing I have yet to mention was how hot it was on this trip. The heat and the humidity bordered on unbearable at times. After more than 5 hours wearing 30 lbs of material and a wig I began to feel a bit iffy. I decide to call it a night a little after ten. The rest of the family stayed at MK and I took the bus back to POP. After getting back to the resort and getting out of my costume I took my temperature and it was approaching 101. Nothing like a little heat stroke to cap off the evening! I spent some time in a cold shower and my temperature was back to normal by about midnight so both the crisis and a trip to Celebration hospital were averted. I think this will be the last year I don the Jack Sparrow gear at MNSSHP. My Jedi robes are much more comfortable and less likely to kill me.

Day 3 was at Epcot.

The family wanted to sleep in so I started the day solo. I made it to Epcot about 8:15 and took the first flight out on Soarin. My brother and his family arrived about 9:30 and a few of us went on M:S and then made our way to JII. My family arrived just as we were getting off JII so we took one more spin on the Dreamfinderless abomination followed by a trip to the seas.

Our group split up after that and my wife and I took our 8 year old to get her Kimunicator. If you have not done this I highly recommend it. Do it even if you do not know who Kim Possible is. The immersion and level of detail is without question up to Disney standards. We did 3 of the 7 quests and had an absolute blast. The party plus one regrouped at the 6:30 Off Kilter Show and then made our way to the Rose and Crown. The plus one to our party was non other than everyone's favorite duck from the forums JPVonDrake. Being able to sit across the table and rap about all things Disney with JP made for a great evening. Our server moved us from our table to one of the outside tables with a view of the Lagoon just before iluminations. This was an incredibly good this as the heavens unleashed a furry not seen since Epcot's 25th anniversary. We were able to watch iluminations high and dry while the rest of Epcot was washed away in an almost biblical level flood. The rain stopped shortly after we paid our check and we were returned to POP quite dry and quite stuffed from dinner.

We are so proud of our yungins


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
Our final day was spent at AK.

We got there right at park opening. Neal and I grabbed everyone's APs and went off to get fastpasses for EE. The central fastpass location was shuttered so we made the trek to the machines at E:E. We were greeted with no lines at the FP machines and we quickly made our way back to KS. Despite the already stifling heat and 100% humidity the animals were quite active well except for the lions of course.

This little guy walked about a foot from our truck.


In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight....


Next stop was E:E. I think this might be my last train ride through these mysterious mountains until it comes out of a refurb. There is simply so much not working on this attraction that the list of what is working is shorter then the list of what is not working. On our ride through the mountain all that was working was the front water fall and the projection. The yeti, mist, steam, even the on ride photo were all 101.

What a beautiful piece of sculpture and an all out mechanical failure.


The rest of the day was filled with the typical AK fair like Dinosaur, Nemo, ITTBAB and FotLK. Dinner at Tusker House completed our Disney trip. I really enjoyed Tusker house. The food was similar to Boma and aside form an issue at check in the service was great.

The birthday kids. Nearly everyone thought they were fraternal twins. After a few times they went with that angle but were reluctant to make out after saying so to add that Donny and Marie creep factor.


Two brothers on their way.....
One wore blue and one wore gray......


The highlights of our whirlwind trip….

* Finally getting back to WDW after nearly 1 year without the mouse
* The friends and family. Disney is such a great base camp to get together with friends from all over the world.. Many thanks to Marie, Martin and JP for making every trip a little better.
* The staff at R&C. They turned what could have been a horrible night into one we will never forget.
* The DDP. I do not think I would pay for it because it is simply too much food but not having to worry about paying for dining was a big plus.

The low-lights…..

* That whole heat stroke thing.
* E:E. Bite the bullet and fix that thing Disney.

All in all it was a great trip but as usual it was over way too quickly. One of these days I fully intend to go to WDW and come back when I am done instead of when I have to.


Well-Known Member
Great TR....

Although I was fooled by the Jack Sparrow goatee, was thinking it was a really good make up job..:ROFLOL:
Glad you had a great time. I love the costumes. At first glance before looking at your caption- I thought you were the Jack Sparrow from the park. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Great report. The costumes look great but I don't see how you made it as long as you did with the heat!

I agree with you about the dining plan.. there is so much food, it is a good thing we log as many miles as we do while there or we would be in trouble with the scales! :lol:


Active Member
My wife is still on the fence on whether or not she is gonna try out for AI:Experience. I may show her this and convince her to suck it up and get on stage. :)

Great trip report... love the pictures.


Well-Known Member
Hey Yoda!!! I was on the look out for you at MNSSHP!!! I got to tell you, I agree, it was HOT on Friday, I been to Disney during the summer, and I have to tell you, Friday and Saturday might of been the hottest I ever experienced!! Glad you all had a great time thou!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
Hey Yoda!!! I was on the look out for you at MNSSHP!!! I got to tell you, I agree, it was HOT on Friday, I been to Disney during the summer, and I have to tell you, Friday and Saturday might of been the hottest I ever experienced!! Glad you all had a great time thou!
There were quite a few good Jacks there this year. I ran into one that I would not be surprised if he did it professionally as he went as far as getting the tattoo and having his teeth capped.


Well-Known Member
There were quite a few good Jacks there this year. I ran into one that I would not be surprised if he did it professionally as he went as far as getting the tattoo and having his teeth capped.

No Way!!! That is freaking crazy!!! Yes we saw some pretty impressive costumes!!!

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