Sounds Dangerous I consider the most pathetic and useless attraction in all of WDW. And it's not even close. Fortunately it appears to be gone now.
Idol is, I think, very well done and an awesome idea that has been executed nicely. And obviously Idol is popular and it fits the guest participation stuff that use to make MGM great. It's just not my cup of tea. It's an attraction I can recognize as a good one but still not be personally interested in.
Epic is good to do once or twice, but doesn't have much re-watchability. Decent attraction, but I've done it to the point that I don't feel like doing it again.
I will always love Star Tours. Probably more than it deserves just because I'm such a huge Star Tours fan.
Still, this is easily GMR, which I have come to love more and more the more time I've spent at Disney over my life time. It has some flaws that could be worked on, it's frustrating to get a gangster/cowboy who doesn't do a good job, and it could lose out if we get Star Tours 2.0, but, for now, it gets my vote.