It's a little confusing, I know, but if you stop and pull a "Da Vinci" code, you can imagine where everything was and it all clicks into place. If you're looking to your left down that long hallway with the double doors at the end, that's where the Green Thumb shop was. The area with the desk and the entry "Gliders" is in an fuzzy area because it takes up not only where the exit doors were, but if you go into the blue room and look back, you can see where they've pushed that area into the old theater. (This is the key, when you reach the part at the end of the blue room, stop and look back. Look familiar? It's because this is the view you had when entering the Food Rocks theater.)
AFTER Soarin' you pass by this part of the queue again, this is the part most demolished, the curved ramp that led down into the theater. As you're exiting, you'll breach a green wall, THIS is where those glass doors were. You'll then see the Fastpasses to your right. Ahead of you, and to the left is where the big pre-show room was, and down the aisle of Fastpasses was where the "SmellBox" rooms were. The reason this space looks smaller is because they've curved the wall on the left side, and I beleive there are a few new rooms back there in the leftover space. You can prove all this, by remembering that there was a double door on the top right side when you were facing those glass doors. Those led directly outside. Fast forward to today, at the exit near the Fastpasses there's a set of tan double doors, push through those, and then you'll find a short hallway and another set of doors-These are building doors that have always been there, hence I conclude they are in fact those doors, if not proof you are in the same portion of building as Emergency Exits tend to stay in the same areas.
They really did a number with it, but as always there are tell-tale signs of redesign.
If Martin or anyone else has a layout of the original area, I'd be happy to overlay where what is now.