MK/Epcot News & Photos: Stitch, CoP Glitch, Fig construction, SURPRISES!, & firetruck

General Grizz

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MK and Epcot Report & Photos: Stitch, CoP Glitch, New Figment construction, Seas Leak/Rehab, old friends @ Imagination, and a FIRETRUCK!!

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Howdy, friends, some news and photos and updates from around the park. Not as comprehensive as my previous Epcot update (rumor-wise), but I hope you’ll appreciate what I have to bring you in the next megabytes. . .

Stitch’s Great Escape

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Anyone wanna ride?
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You can just SMELL Skippy. . .

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Carousel of Progress

To date, only two of the six television screens are brand new – but, boy, do they look GREAT! Crisp, sharp color. There were two major glitches in the show:

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Entering theatre one, the sign was already up! The curtain that is supposed to hide the logo until the narration begins just didn’t seem to work.

(2) John’s mouth in Act II (1920’s) barely moves.

Overall, though, great functioning of the attraction. It is in desperate need of rehab (I want to see new animatronics, new sound system, new show, etc.), but let me tell you – I heard people commenting on Carousel of Progress all day. Even before the ride opened, families and kids were walking up (excited, of course – some waiting until the attraction opened outside), and I overheard (even as far as Country Bear Jamboree) excitement that “Carousel of Progress is open!”

Granted, my theatre wasn’t that full. I’d say 2/5, which really wasn’t that much. I was worried. But, then I noticed that on both sides of me, (the two other theatres), the seats were nearly completely filled! So, Progress fans, do not feel despair if your theater isn’t that full – remember that there are 6 others.

As for the attraction, the official MK documentation states that it will go down when Stitch opens for seasonal operation. One person reported this, another said it would stay open a little longer until going under seasonal operation again. No one heard of any permanent closure, which is great news. It must continue to be this way, but even seasonal operation is pretty depressing. Please, Disney, this ride could use a great update in quality after ten years!

Meet – or Hate – Woody

Oh gee whiz. I hope NO classic Diamond Horseshoe Cast Member sets foot in their now ghost-town theatre.

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There it is. The replacement for the classic, one and only Diamond Horseshoe Revue. Pitiful, isn’t it? Because Disney doesn’t want to pay for (albeit expensive) GREAT talent, they resort to this. You can be “realistic” about it in that Disney is a business, but you also need to be realistic in that a bad show (and an insult!) does not bring guests back.

Word on the Frontierland streets is that Goofy’s Dancing Jamboree just didn’t have the attendance. Not surprising. It’s time to bring the Diamond Horseshoe Revue back!

Astro Orbiter

I was walking past the Magic Kingdom near the Contemporary, and BAM! There stuck out the Astro Orbiter. It’s REALLY an eyesore not to see the planets rotating. I even forgot about it until suddenly its lack of motion grabbed my attention. I could care less about the Epcot wand (for now) compared to this. Such an eyesore without motion!


General Grizz

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Spaceship Earth

Show quality is excellent. Seriously, friends, despite some of the clunky ride vehicles, this attraction looks better than ever.

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That being said, Disney has been looking at changing the attraction (I think I may have spotted some WDI in the “pavilion” myself), but I have only heard more and more chatter of a 1995-style rehab. Which is GREAT news!

Disney is looking at a sponsor, although it may or may not be Nextel. Time will tell.

The Living Seas

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Where can you see this sign?
(A) In front of the SeaCabs construction wall
(B) In front of the Finding Nemo exhibit
(C) In front of the Jason AA exhibit
(D) In front of the “Atlas” exhibit.

If you picked A, you are too hopeful!
If you picked B, be realistic!
If you picked C or D, you are absolutely correct.

It may be safe to say that JASON, the underwater robot, and ATLAS – not to mention two original fishes – may be gone from the Living Seas forever.

Jason’s room:

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Atlas’s “theater” room:

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Let me be honest. Neither of them were attention grabbers. There were a few kids here and there, sure, but Jason never touched a kid (although he was pretty funny). In the place of these original areas will be brand new FINDING NEMO exhibits. One will feature CRUSH in an interactive computer-style game where you can actually interact and talk with him. From what I’ve heard it’s very impressive!

Also of note at Seabase Alpha. . . a leak???

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I promised FIRETRUCKS!

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Don’t ask me about this one, I heard about it, but didn’t participate in it. This brand new exhibit is described elsewhere on these forums. But moving on. . . .

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Haunted Mansion… in Innoventions? Setup in the videogames section. Very odd.


General Grizz

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Let’s go out of order.


As promised, the brand new African Heritage gallery is set up:

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But also of note: the “EXCLUSIVE SHOWING” American Adventure banners are GONE! Are they under rehab? Did Charley, Frances, or Jeanne blow them away? Who knows. But I forgot to post a photograph!

This, however, should make up for it:

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The Land


Time is ticking. . .

I was told today of a May 5, 2005 opening date. I think that’s pure speculation. Soarin’ is way ahead of schedule, and I’m really thinking it will be open in March.

Living with the Land may have redone animatronics/scenes, but most of the changes will concern the Land’s food court structure/modernization. I have yet to find out exactly what this will entail, so hang with me.

If you want to hear more specific about the changes at the LAND, SPACESHIP EARTH, and WONDERS OF LIFE, check out my August Epcot update:


Take a look at this:

What is WRONG with this photo:

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If you said, STROLLERS, you are correct! WHY were there strollers at Imagination? Let’s take a closer look.

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Whoa now. . . everyone seems to be heading towards the SIDE of the pavilion. . . I wonder why??


General Grizz

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A HA! That’s what it is! Dreamfinder came back and brought all of Imagination’s population back with him!

Sadly, I am kidding. And now that I’m officially missing the Dreamfinder (for the sixth year), here is the REAL reason Epcot visitors lined up behind Imagination:

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Bing-o. Character Meet and Greets. Sadly, not Dreamfinder, but this was actually a pretty smart move. You see, Imagination is one of Epcot’s least visited pavilions (although it does rack up a rough 8,000 per day on average). By putting the characters beyond the attraction, families with children were brought TO the Imagination ride. I am curious to know by how much percent attendance went up with this meet and greet, but I am sure it affected the attendance by leaps and bounds of imagination. . .


. . . is NOW under construction! There are construction materials inside the old Kodak Camera Center, and a giant wall was constructed roughly where the checkout counter was. The area looks a lot smaller than I thought. . .

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More on Imagination. . .

GOOD NEWS: The cranes are now GONE! If you noticed in the photos I linked above, there are no more glass cleaning cranes. However, there seems to be permanent stains on the glass. Oh well, at least that horrible bad show is out of there!

BAD NEWS: Some of the leap frog fountains don’t work. The left-most sprout for the upside-down waterfall isn’t exactly reaching where it should. And this thing needs some bleaching!

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Dreamfinder and Figment were booted from Imagination. We protested, and got Figment back. But as we've seen Imagination still isn't perfect. Disney created a huge blunder in destroying that work of art to make something on the cheap, and I hope they've learned their lesson.

We miss you, Dreamfinder. It's been six too many years without you! (SEE THREAD IN GENERAL DISCUSSION BY TAHU)


We will close this update off with a photo of the Food and Wine Festival display at the Rose Garden:

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Not exactly the Kitchen Karnivale (which was actually a motive for me to go to Epcot), but apparently there’s some good honey there. Or something.

(Kitchen Karnivale was cooler.)

Here, triangles for everyone!

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Well-Known Member
I noticed that the JIIWF sign is gone in one of those photos. They need to get that back up or the kids won't meet our traumatized purple friend. Speaking of which , I'm going as Figment for halloween this year by wearing my Figment hat, a yellow jacket with orange wings attached, and maybe, if I get to making one, a purple tail with the orange spines.

General Grizz

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Tahu said:
I noticed that the JIIWF sign is gone in one of those photos. They need to get that back up or the kids won't meet our traumatized purple friend. Speaking of which , I'm going as Figment for halloween this year by wearing my Figment hat, a yellow jacket with orange wings attached, and maybe, if I get to making one, a purple tail with the orange spines.
Wow. . . I did not notice that. GOOD CALL!

Perhaps it was because of the hurricane(s) ;). . .


Well-Known Member
Hah i stopped in today at Woody's meet and greet. what a sham...

EDIT: While i'm here I'm going to ask if there is a new sound clip on the TTA. When I rode today, just when you enter space mountain, some guy was going on about "delivering multiple items every few seconds!" or something like that. It don't think it could have been from the speedwalk ramp below because you can barely hear that stuff even when you're above it. Maybe i'm going crazy.

General Grizz

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TimeTrip said:
Hah i stopped in today at Woody's meet and greet. what a sham...

EDIT: While i'm here I'm going to ask if there is a new sound clip on the TTA. When I rode today, just when you enter space mountain, some guy was going on about "delivering multiple items every few seconds!" or something like that. It don't think it could have been from the speedwalk ramp below because you can barely hear that stuff even when you're above it. Maybe i'm going crazy.
I rode Space Mountain today, but not TTA, so I couldn't tell you.

I can report that narration is STILL missing on the exit ramp, and that the lights to the unload are squares (not Mickey shapes, as I believe they were about a year ago). . .

P.S. I was trying to find bird ________ around Pinocchio Village Haus! Were you able to verify if it was still there??


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
P.S. I was trying to find bird ________ around Pinocchio Village Haus! Were you able to verify if it was still there??

LOL! Yes I glanced over as I was walking by.. and it is still there. Sad really.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update Grizz!

Hate to see the Diamond Horseshoe like that. It was always a great place to sit, relax, and eat an overpriced ham and cheese sandwich. Even during the period where there weren't many shows. You could always go in there and enjoy the surroundings.

I know we'll never go back to the "Go get reservations, first thing when you enter the park" days, but hopefully when the 20K Character Meet and Greet Opens, they can put some tables and snack foods back in there.


Well-Known Member
I was in the MK on Saturday, one of the busiest days that I can remember (and I was there every Saturday in the summer) It was so busy, that the TTA even had a decent line before the speedramp....but CoP was pretty empty, and never had a line.

Epcot was also very busy this weekend, and the park looked great....I love festival time at Epcot. I can also not wait for the next update to TLS for be complete.


General Grizz said:
I was told today of a May 5, 2005 opening date. I think that’s pure speculation. Soarin’ is way ahead of schedule, and I’m really thinking it will be open in March.

Don't discount that date, Grizz.
I have heard it, too. Specifically, that is the day the Golden Celebration starts, and may entail a ceremony at WDW which could include the grand opening of Soarin'.
Land goes down in January, back up sometime March/April. That would leave a few weeks for soft opens and previews leading up to 5/5/05.

I'll try to nail it down.

General Grizz

New Member
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Lee said:
Don't discount that date, Grizz.
I have heard it, too. Specifically, that is the day the Golden Celebration starts, and may entail a ceremony at WDW which could include the grand opening of Soarin'.
Land goes down in January, back up sometime March/April. That would leave a few weeks for soft opens and previews leading up to 5/5/05.

I'll try to nail it down.
That's true. Grand opening doesn't mean "opening."


TimeTrip said:
While i'm here I'm going to ask if there is a new sound clip on the TTA. When I rode today, just when you enter space mountain, some guy was going on about "delivering multiple items every few seconds!" or something like that. It don't think it could have been from the speedwalk ramp below because you can barely hear that stuff even when you're above it. Maybe i'm going crazy.
Yes, that is part of the exit speedwalk of Space Mountain. One of the first scenes on it they talk about that (after all, it use to be sponsored by FedEx).

Also, could the TS meet and greets just be a temporary thing until they get an attraction idea (like in 20k lagoon's case)?



ral8026 said:
If I want to be in the "know" about WDW all I need is the one, the only GRRRIZ! Thanks, I alway look forward to your posts. :)

Im in the same boat..........i cant wait for the next one
great job


Well-Known Member
askmike1 said:
Yes, that is part of the exit speedwalk of Space Mountain. One of the first scenes on it they talk about that (after all, it use to be sponsored by FedEx).

Just to clarify some more I heard it just before you go between the chain lifts, and I hadn't heard it in all of my previous rides. Grizz also mentioned that the exit narration was not working today. Weird.

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