Jungle Cruise


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Whenever I ride Jungle Cruise I always find myself ranking the tour guides. Having ridden it over 50 times myself I feel that I could probably narrate the ride better then most of the cast members. Can anyone give me an insight into the training they go through for this ride? Are they given formally given a script or do they just use stuff they've heard over time?


If I remember correctly my Keys to the Kingdom Guide (Rae) told me they are given a script to work around, but improvise the rest. She also said Robin Williams and Steve Martin were both Skippers at one point.


New Member
I'm here!!! :) lol Yes there is a script, there are several different jokes and things you are "allowed" to say...but obviously the better skippers we have all enjoyed were ones with their own funny and unique jokes along with being a strong improv actor/reactor. I think the best times I have spent on Jungle Cruise were the times when the skipper obviously strayed from the script and did some heavy guest interaction. Those are the times we will always remember.

h and we did Keys to Kingdom last June and Rae was our guide as well!! She was great! :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
I Never Had A Good Skipper.. Well, Who Does! HAHAHA.. Jokes As Corny As Those Are Heard All Throughout..

Say, Is Disneyland And Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise Use The Same 'Scripts'? I Never Been On Magic Kingdom's..

BTW, Anyone Got The 'Birthday Song' Treatment? :animwink:


New Member
Maybe Steve Martin will be the Skipper for the movie? Hopefully not Robin Williams, I'm not a fan. Actually, there are people better suited than both of these, but I can definitely see Steve Martin's dry humor fitting in well.



Sounds like a great idea! I agree though I can practically mime those jokes but sometimes they vary between parks e.g. in Disneyland they often make references to people queuing for INdy as monkeys desparately scavaging! lol

"Trader Sam has a special offer today-Two of his heads for one of yours"

"That's sandstone, so don't take it for granite"

I could go on for days! But the ones that stick in my minds are those great guides who give you a stand-up style show. I remember getting told to get in the box in the middle or the monkeys will think hes stealing one of their young!


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My own personal creation. "They should have given that rhino an American Express card to stop him from charging."


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StuntDoomBuggy
I Never Had A Good Skipper.. Well, Who Does! HAHAHA.. Jokes As Corny As Those Are Heard All Throughout..

Say, Is Disneyland And Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise Use The Same 'Scripts'? I Never Been On Magic Kingdom's..

BTW, Anyone Got The 'Birthday Song' Treatment? :animwink:

I don't know if this is the same birthday song, but my they sang this to my nephew last May "This is your birthday song, it doesn't last for long". That guide was a good one.

Another good one was several years ago, the skipper was teasing a guest about having "pooh" on her shirt and I was like hey I like pooh. I was slightly embarrased when I realized that he was making a joke. :hammer:


New Member
That's The Song! The Skipper Sang It To Me Early March..

Skipper: Ok, Everyone, Stomp Your Feet To This Beat, Ok, This Is Your Birthday Song, It Isn't Very Long *pause, everyone confused..*

So It Is Routine..


New Member
One of my favorite jokes on the Jungle Cruise is at the end:

Skipper, "OK, there is a dock on the left, and a dock on right. We call it a paradox (pair-of-docks)." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Has anyone heard about a joke about the Temple on the ride, one of the Skippers I had a long time ago mention a joke about the temple being early monorail builders, because the beams in the entrance of the temple look like monorail beams. Anyone?

I heard it once, and I thought it was a good joke.


Yup, somehow it just wouldn't be a trip to the Magic Kingdom without a spin on "the World Famous Jungle Cruise."

Incidently, if you would like to read a sample script from what was assuredly a very funny skipper, check this out.

A lot of the best jokes are covered, as well as a few (I'm sure) unscripted stabs at the WDC


New Member
Originally posted by figmentfan
One of my favorite jokes on the Jungle Cruise is at the end:

Skipper, "OK, there is a dock on the left, and a dock on right. We call it a paradox (pair-of-docks)." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Has anyone heard about a joke about the Temple on the ride, one of the Skippers I had a long time ago mention a joke about the temple being early monorail builders, because the beams in the entrance of the temple look like monorail beams. Anyone?

I heard it once, and I thought it was a good joke.

LOL! The girl I had used that and finished it up with: "And there are two skippers infront of us... we call them a pairadorx (pair-of-dorks)...(in a low voice) no really they are... you don't have to work with them..."

And I like, "Ah haha that joke gets funnier every ten minutes."


Naturally Grumpy
Multiple times

Originally posted by StuntDoomBuggy
I Never Had A Good Skipper.. Well, Who Does! HAHAHA.. Jokes As Corny As Those Are Heard All Throughout..

Say, Is Disneyland And Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise Use The Same 'Scripts'? I Never Been On Magic Kingdom's..

BTW, Anyone Got The 'Birthday Song' Treatment? :animwink:

I usually ride multiple times during a visit to compare "scripts" and enjoy the little differences.

You can check out MouseHeads.com as that site was started specifically by Jungle Cruise skippers, and has expanded out to mostly CM's.

The scripts between WDW and DL are different as the rides are different (WDW is longer). DL usually has comments as it goes past Indiana Jones, WDW has the temple caves.

Some of my other favorite lines include the first encounter with the tiger where the skipper says "The adult tiger can leap 30' but don't worry we're only 15' away so it will jump right over us.

With the elephant, "The adult male African elephant is the second most dangerous animal in the jungle, oh, here's the most dangerous (points to the right), his mother-in-law.

At the beginning of the tour skippers point out the giant butterflies (not at DL) and say these giant butterflies can grow from 12" all the way up to 1'. They have the scientific name of lepidopteris mechanicus.

"You also can see 100's of species of plants along the tour, look there's one...silence...."

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