I had the pleasure of attending a panel at the recent Comic-Con in which Chuck McCann appeared. After the panel was over, I went to talk to him. He was nodding and smiling politely at the endless "I loved 'Far Out Space Nuts!'" comments directed toward him, until I approached and said that I was a big fan of the Dreamfinder. His face lit up and he immediately started doing the Dreamfinder voice for me! I was floored! I only wish I had my recorder going at the time.
When he was done, I told him how sad I was that Dreamfinder was gone. He replied, "I hear that he may be coming back." Then he said, rather emphatically, "And *I* should BE him!"
We were interrupted at this point so I didn't get to ask anything else. I know this doesn't prove anything, but I think it's pretty interesting that even he has heard about the Dreamfinder possibly returning. And I was pleased that he really wants to play the character again. I hope he gets his wish. It's a quarter of a century later, but he still does the Dreamfinder's voice exactly like he did all those years ago.