Loved it!!! The show that is, not the prognosis. You are correct in that there wasnt a lot of good news but the future doesnt look all bleak. The Federal taxes and fees are outrageous and should be stripped down quite a bit if not totally eliminated!!!! That story of the 8 year old girl just about broke my heart!!!! That is MONSTROUS!!!!! And people wonder why people get crazed when they fly. I couldnt imagine a child I was flying with all of a sudden not being on the plane. I would be out of my mind!!!!!
As far as the airlines, the point they made about service is key I think. The oil prices arent helping, but when people are paying high $200's low $300's for a ticket they bought last year for $128.00, yes they are going to expect to be treated a LOT nicer than before. No one is blaming the airlines for the feul price hikes, however how they respond to it will make the difference between surviving in this economy or not. Great show and thank you for the heads up ImaMouse. I very much appreciate it!!! Belle