Just got back ... a few thoughts.


New Member
We just got back from our 7 day 6 night stay at Disney, my parents, my brother, his girlfriend, my husband and I and our 3 1/2 y/o daughter. We did the MYW package with the dining plan and park hopper tickets and stayed at the Grand Floridian. I have to start out by saying this was the best vacation I have ever taken and my husband who basically said he 'just didn't get it' when we were planning the trip was ready to schedule us for the bounceback deal that was offered before we checked out. We didn't take the offer as tempting as it was because basically who can afford to do Disney every 6 months? Anyway like everything life even the best things are not perfect so I thought I would share some experiences.

1) As much as I loved staying at the GF and the hotel itself with all the restaurants and shops, the rooms are not all that great. We booked adjoining rooms which by Disney standards means next to one another not what I thought which meant with a door connecting them. No those are connecting rooms. They were able to switch our rooms and retain the lagoon view upgrade but the view was not as good but worth the sacrifice. However the room they switched us to had a broken toilet. Every time you flushed it water came out of the bottom. It took 3 calls to the front desck to get someone out and then he said oh I can't fix this we need to call a plumber. No kidding! Two days later it was fixed for 1 day but then broke again but it wasn't worth the hassle so we just threw extra towels on the floor.

2) Can't say enough good things about the DDP. I felt like we really ate great and got our money's worth. My parents kept saying this is the best food we've ever eaten at Disney. I'm sure it was a better deal with the tip included but we still made out.

3) Pal Mickey - cute but I wouldn't shell out the $65 again. We thought we would get 'inside' tips - character sightings and short wait times - not so much. We would pass right by characters and he wouldn't say a thing.

4) Refillable mugs - way worth it. We got our mugs the first say $12 each. Coffee in the morning with a fill up of soda on the way to the park. A refill after nap time and one on the way in from the evening. Averaging 3-4 drinks a day for six days - a good deal.

5) The last night we were there was the Pirate and Princess party which we were not interested in going to so I didn't pay much attention to it. I had no idea this meant that the park closes early to everyone who didn't pay extra. I was so mad that Disney would close a park early and jip everyone who paid for the full day out of 2 hours. Which may not seem like a lot but my little girl got in the habit of taking 3 hour naps while we were there and we couldn't make it back in time to do anything after her nap with it closing at 7:00. So because it was our last day like complete suckers we shelled out the $250 for five out of the seven of us to go becasue my daughter had to ride rides one last time before we left. It was fun but I am a bit sore that we shelled out that much.

And my last and final note...

6) No Mickey! We never saw Mickey; not once even at the P&P party. A whole week and no Mickey. What gives?

Anyhow 7 days 6 nights, good food, no Mickey, a leaky toilet, $65 for a plain old talking doll and $250 extra for our last night of riding it's a Small World - It was still the BEST VACATION EVER. Disney see ya next year!


Well-Known Member
You picked a nice time of year to go to the world. I would agree with several of your points: Pal Mickey not really worth it. GF is really not worth the price. The rooms are noisey and need a refurb to compete with the Poly and the Contemporary's refurbished rooms. Next year stay at the Poly you will love it. Glad to hear you had a good time and that your going back next year!! Overall Disney is a hard place to beat for a family vacation. :wave:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
1. This is the same at pretty much every hotel on the planet. By definition adjoining simply means next to. I have made the same mistake myself. I blame the English language.:lol:

6. I honestly do not know how you missed Mickey. He does not roam the park (few characters do anymore) but instead has dedicated autograph locations that he is at 24/7 in all 4 parks.
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New Member
We are in the process of planning our next trip after this year (how crazy is that :p), which will be in 4 years when we will be celebrating my husbands 50th birthday and if the Lord blesses them with good health, celebrating his parent's 50th anniversary. We discussed going to the Grand Floridian, because we have all that outside it looks so beautiful. So I started looking on an alternate site (sorry!) for photos and I have to say I thought they were ugly! I know the victorian era was flowery, but honestly that is too much flower power for this girl, especially for the price! Has anyone heard if they are on the list for a rehab in the next 4 years? If not, we may consider an alternate hotel instead.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
We are in the process of planning our next trip after this year (how crazy is that :p), which will be in 4 years when we will be celebrating my husbands 50th birthday and if the Lord blesses them with good health, celebrating his parent's 50th anniversary. We discussed going to the Grand Floridian, because we have all that outside it looks so beautiful. So I started looking on an alternate site (sorry!) for photos and I have to say I thought they were ugly! I know the victorian era was flowery, but honestly that is too much flower power for this girl, especially for the price! Has anyone heard if they are on the list for a rehab in the next 4 years? If not, we may consider an alternate hotel instead.
The GF is a very polarizing resort. You either love the look or you hate it. If you don't like the look now you won't ever. Quite honestly it is my least favorite resort on property from a decor standpoint. I would look into the Poly, Wilderness lodge or Animal Kingdom lodge as an alternative.
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New Member
Original Poster
I was worried about the floral when I was planning but it really wasn't that bad. Some of the photos of the rooms I had seen were navy blue and really flowery. Our's was yellow, sage and cream and more scroll prints that giant flowers. The room itself was a good size and even though we had 6 adults and 1 child in 2 rooms we never felt crammed. I just thought that for what you pay per night someone really would have jumped to fix a leaking toilet but every hotel has it's glitches I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
Mickey is always in the judge's tent behind his house in toontown (magic kingdom), at the character connection spot (in EPCOT) more recently he has been at the anamation building (in hollywood studios), also he's at camp mickey minnie (in DAK). I'm sorry you missed him.
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New Member
Original Poster
Mickey is always in the judge's tent behind his house in toontown (magic kingdom), at the character connection spot (in EPCOT) more recently he has been at the anamation building (in hollywood studios), also he's at camp mickey minnie (in DAK). I'm sorry you missed him.

It seemed that we were always at the wrong place at the wrong time. When we finally made it to toontown it was while the parade was going on so he wasn't there. We didn't really do Epcot other than Nemo and Turtle Talk on our first 1/2 day there; I thought most of the stuff there was a bit beyond my 3 y/o. And at Hollywood studios they even announced that he would be by the big hat all day and we searched and seached but no luck. Skipping Camp Minnie and Mickey was a big mistake and we will definitely go there next time. It just seemed like we were running between shows at AK. I guess you have to leave something to look forward to next time.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I'm sorry you were caught unawares by the early closing at MK on a P&PP night. They do make an effort to advertise the early closing around the entrance plaza to avoid disappointments like yours. There's a lot to be said for advance planning as well. The park hours for MK would have shown the early closing for months in advance and perhaps you'd have been better prepared and planned around the park hours. You might have saved yourselves the $250 for P&PP tickets or at least have been able to budget for them.

As for Mickey, the only time we've ever seen him is on stage at the castle, at character meals or in parades.
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Well-Known Member
A broken toliet is UNACCEPTABLE at any hotel, never mind the most expensive hotel on Disney property. I would have been fuming!:mad:

As for not seeing Mickey, as a previous poster mentioned, he's not out wandering the parks. If you really wanted to see him, any CM would have been able to tell you where and when Mickey was at any of the parks.
Plus he's in every parade. I can't believe you were at WDW for a week and didn't see Mickey-that's just CRAZY!:p
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Active Member
I just thought that for what you pay per night someone really would have jumped to fix a leaking toilet but every hotel has it's glitches I suppose.
That is a shame and I agree with you, even if you were staying at Motel 6, a properly working toilet is not too much to ask for. I had a similar incident happen at the Poly last year. Any hotel, out of 100 or even a 1,000 guests may have only one bad incident occur as a statistic. It is unfortunate if you happen to be that one it happens to. It's not even so much that an incident happens, but when you can't get anyone to fix it for you...that's bad.
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New Member
The GF is a very polarizing resort. You either love the look or you hate it. If you don't like the look now you won't ever. Quite honestly it is my least favorite resort on property from a decor standpoint. I would look into the Poly, Wilderness lodge or Animal Kingdom lodge as an alternative.

I agree completly. Having expeinced the GF, along with othe "Deluxe" resort. I preffer the atmosphere and setting of the Poly or AKL, compared to the GF....it just seems a bit stuffy to me.l
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New Member
We just got back from our 7 day 6 night stay at Disney, my parents, my brother, his girlfriend, my husband and I and our 3 1/2 y/o daughter. We did the MYW package with the dining plan and park hopper tickets and stayed at the Grand Floridian. I have to start out by saying this was the best vacation I have ever taken and my husband who basically said he 'just didn't get it' when we were planning the trip was ready to schedule us for the bounceback deal that was offered before we checked out. We didn't take the offer as tempting as it was because basically who can afford to do Disney every 6 months? Anyway like everything life even the best things are not perfect so I thought I would share some experiences.

1) As much as I loved staying at the GF and the hotel itself with all the restaurants and shops, the rooms are not all that great. We booked adjoining rooms which by Disney standards means next to one another not what I thought which meant with a door connecting them. No those are connecting rooms. They were able to switch our rooms and retain the lagoon view upgrade but the view was not as good but worth the sacrifice. However the room they switched us to had a broken toilet. Every time you flushed it water came out of the bottom. It took 3 calls to the front desck to get someone out and then he said oh I can't fix this we need to call a plumber. No kidding! Two days later it was fixed for 1 day but then broke again but it wasn't worth the hassle so we just threw extra towels on the floor.

2) Can't say enough good things about the DDP. I felt like we really ate great and got our money's worth. My parents kept saying this is the best food we've ever eaten at Disney. I'm sure it was a better deal with the tip included but we still made out.

3) Pal Mickey - cute but I wouldn't shell out the $65 again. We thought we would get 'inside' tips - character sightings and short wait times - not so much. We would pass right by characters and he wouldn't say a thing.

4) Refillable mugs - way worth it. We got our mugs the first say $12 each. Coffee in the morning with a fill up of soda on the way to the park. A refill after nap time and one on the way in from the evening. Averaging 3-4 drinks a day for six days - a good deal.

5) The last night we were there was the Pirate and Princess party which we were not interested in going to so I didn't pay much attention to it. I had no idea this meant that the park closes early to everyone who didn't pay extra. I was so mad that Disney would close a park early and jip everyone who paid for the full day out of 2 hours. Which may not seem like a lot but my little girl got in the habit of taking 3 hour naps while we were there and we couldn't make it back in time to do anything after her nap with it closing at 7:00. So because it was our last day like complete suckers we shelled out the $250 for five out of the seven of us to go becasue my daughter had to ride rides one last time before we left. It was fun but I am a bit sore that we shelled out that much.

And my last and final note...

6) No Mickey! We never saw Mickey; not once even at the P&P party. A whole week and no Mickey. What gives?

Anyhow 7 days 6 nights, good food, no Mickey, a leaky toilet, $65 for a plain old talking doll and $250 extra for our last night of riding it's a Small World - It was still the BEST VACATION EVER. Disney see ya next year!

They do not close the park early. These special events take place on nights the park would normally close early.
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New Member
DW and I really want to stay at GF, But since joining DVC we just don't know anymore we have toured the GF and loved the decor, haven't been in any of the rooms, but there has been alot of bad reports about it lately!:shrug:
We keep reading that it needs a refurb.....
It is BEAUTIFULL tho:wave:
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I like the GF, however I had a funny/bad experience there once. Since it's the most expensive resort, you don't see many minorities staying there. Me being a minority, I was standing by the front desk when a caucasian woman asked me to take her bags for her. i guess the clothes i was wearing that day made me look like a cast member or something.......or was it my color? :shrug:

I think i would choose to stay at the polynesian or contemporary from now on....those seem a little less ...."snobby".....only word I can think of.
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I like the GF, however I had a funny/bad experience there once. Since it's the most expensive resort, you don't see many minorities staying there. Me being a minority, I was standing by the front desk when a caucasian woman asked me to take her bags for her. i guess the clothes i was wearing that day made me look like a cast member or something.......or was it my color? :shrug:

I think i would choose to stay at the polynesian or contemporary from now on....those seem a little less ...."snobby".....only word I can think of.

oh my...I don't even know what to say!!! Please tell me you were dressed like an ice cream vendor from the 1940's (which is what i thought all the GF staff looked like)

The only thing I wonder is what sheltered little world does the caucasian woman who spoke to you come from...now THAT's a Small world I do not want to visit. :brick::brick::brick::brick:
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New Member
1. This is the same at pretty much every hotel on the planet. By definition adjoining simply means next to. I have made the same mistake myself. I blame the English language.:lol:

Works the same in French and Spanish as well. Just try getting two room anywhere near each other in a European hotel ... adjoining, connecting, on the same floor, in the same area code ... doesn't matter. You'll end up opposite ends of even the smallest hotels.
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