Elsewhere in DHS, AFI reopens (and no one cares)

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The AFI showcase reopened for a 30 day refurbishment with a few new pieces in place of the old ones.

That seriously shouldn't have taken 30 days. They just moved some things around and put new stuff in a few of the cases. There were a few of people who worked on it lingering to watch guests come through. Serves them right that none of them stayed for more the a minute and the place was abandoned within moments of a fresh tram unloading.

30 days to move a few glass cases and drag in a few costumes and props?Ya'll can call me pessimistic but that's just ridiculous.

I'll have photos in a few. There was absolutely no one else in there despite the trams dumping people off every few minutes, except myself and I walked in the exit just to get photos.


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What is AFI?

Refurbs don't always focus on things that you see. There could have been some maintenance issues that took place during the 30 days.

That being said...AFI? I'm not sure what that is either.


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Original Poster
The witch from Enchanted replaces a different costumes in a glass box..


But Darth Vader was moved maybe 50 yards, that surely took 10 days all by itself.


There is a lighting grid on the ceiling and the lighting is still poor, and worse, there were TV's for film clips that weren't even working. They had 30 days, what's so hard about making a TV play a film loop? Anywho, Narnia junk which was moved from the old Narnia exhibit to here:


And new Narnia junk, which either cant fit in the new exhibit or is going to be moved there in another 30 days.


Here's another one, incase having two nearly identicle costumes in one case wasn't enough:


And finally, the piano from Pirates, which would have a neat video next to it showing how they CGI-created tentacle-face and his paino skills, but that isn't working, because getting a VCR to play a loop is obviously too difficult.


Think i'm being too harsh? Real museums move whole gallery installations in and out within days. This building is pre-built as a gallery space with lights and everything ready to go. All they did was move some stuff around and put a few costumes in cases - oh and added the big pirates prop/set. That should not have taken 30 days.


New Member
Take a chill pill, I know you may feel out of the loop lately, but come on. Do you really think many people care that it took 30 days to refurb part of an attraction that many on this forum think is a mess. Well that is just my two cents. This was not a personal attack per say. I just do not think it was that big of a deal to get all bent out of shape. If you really care that much, go to work for the mouse.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't that room also have some special effect interactive areas that haven't worked right in ages? Or am I thinking of another area in the studios. If so, did they work on those at all?


Well-Known Member
I interned at a history museum last year and I can tell you that the entire process of putting exhibits together takes a long time. After you have gone through the planning phase, which takes a while unto itself, there are a number of different variables that need to be taken into consideration when setting up the exhibits (but I will not bore you with the details). Anyway, I can see how it would take thirty days to do the refurb (and I think the exhibits look pretty interesting).


DivineMadness7 Quote:
Originally Posted by mousermerf
Think i'm being too harsh? Real museums move whole gallery installations in and out within days.

This is an incorrect assumption and over-generalization.

Chill out.

SHHHHHH he is always right :hammer:


Merf's complaining... there's a surprise.

Truth is... just like everyone else here has shown.... no one really cares about the exhibit. If it's cheaper doing it in 30 days than 10... they are going to go with the 30 day route for something like this.


Well-Known Member
And if they had done it in a week, he would complain it was rushed. This guy isn't happy unless he has something to complain about :hammer:


Active Member
I really couldn't care less how much time they spent, as long as the gallery received a much-needed shot in the arm. In any event, the AFI Showcase isn't going to make or break anyone's vacation plans. :lol:

Also, get off Merf's back. He has the right to criticise things without a mob jeering him at every turn. Sheesh...


Active Member
i love how when someone gets upset, everyone has to step in and be the hero and try and justify their existence on this planet. like...

"of course it took 30 days. they had to move the snufffufflin and try and accurately rotate the airblidgerin 200 degrees, and we all know how hard that is. chill out, merf! god, always trying to be negative"

god, why does everyone think this way? This refurb took 30 days, and things still aren't working and it was obviously half-a**ed. To be honest, that entire attraction is half a**ed. Oh well. Hopefully in 10 years that space will be used for some high tech attraction and we will all be happy.

also, people stop being harsh on merf. its rude and not welcome here. no one cares that you know about museums or that you think people should chill. you guys should chill, and be happy. hakuna matata.
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