DB4's First WDW Trip! 1/12-1/18

Well, here goes. I enjoy reading and looking at everyone else's TR, I am about to attempt my own. You'll have to let me know how I am doing.

Members of our travel party:

Me (Amber, age 29)
DB (Zac, age 4)-first trip
Mom (Bonnie)-first trip
Sister (Chrissy, age 27)-first trip
Sister's BF (Duane)
Cousin (Jamie, age 23)
Cousin's BF (Brad)-first trip
Cousin (Robbie)-first WDW trip, but had been to DL

Well, I am the Disney fanatic in my family. We adopted my DB when he was 10 months old and from that day on, I "shaped" him into my co-Disney lovin' buddy. So, needless to say, I could not wait until his first trip!

Saturday, January 12(travel/ arrival day)

We left our hometown in central PA (after picking up my Sis and her BF...we had to wake them up b/c their power had gone out and the alarm did not go off.) and headed to Pittsburgh Airport. My cousin Jamie and her BF were flying to Orlando from Richmond, VA, and my cousin Robbie was flying in from Denver, CO. Pretty much an uneventful 3 hr. trip and we were at the airport.

My DB, Zac acted as if he pretty much traveled everyday, it was so cute. He pulled his own luggage along, and chatted up the parking shuttle driver at the airport. Flight was on time and away we went.

Zac's first flight:


We arrived at MCO and had no wait for Magical Express. My Sis and her BF didn't use it because they were going to Universal for a couple days as well, so they rented a car and drove to the resort. Not me, I'm a Disney-only gal, so off to Pop Century we went. Jamie and Brad were already at the resort and Robbie didn't arrive until evening.
Our driver told us that since Marathon was going on that day and Sunday, that some roads were blocked off, but it didn't affect us any, so it was a fairly short trip to the resort. It was so good to be "home".
We were in the 90s building 8 (or as my DB called it all week 'our cell phone home').
We changed into more weather-appropriate clothes (coming from cold weather in PA to very humid weather Sat.) and explored the resort and went to the food court to get something to eat.

I think this resort is great for kids...they love all of the over sized icons. Mom, Zac, Jamie, Brad, and I even played a game of Twister! I would post pics of that, but no one needs to see Brad's butt from that angle!! After exploring and eating, I took Zac swimming, hoping to tire him out so he would go to bed and be ready for a busy next day. My cousin Robbie arrived then from Colorado and we spent some time at Petals catching up. We only get to see him every couple of years, so it was nice to have this relaxing time before digging right into the parks. My mom, Zac, Chrissy, Duane and I shortly said good night, while Jamie, Robbie, and Brad headed to the WWOS to try to watch football playoffs.

Sunday, January 13 (Animal Kingdom/ Magic Kingdom)

We got up the next morning and ate breakfast at the resort...I love the omelets! After we got our group all together, we headed off to AK and were there shortly after opening.
Zac met his first ever character, Koda:


We walked through the trails. I usually head right to Everest, but this time, I found myself enjoying taking my time (especially because the crowds were great-even with Marathon) and letting Zac and mom take all the Disney-goodness in.


We did eventually end up near the Everest fastpass kiosk near ITtbaB, so all but Mom (who doesn't do coasters) and Zac grabbed a FP. We made one MAJORLY STUPID decision here. We took Zac on ITtbaB for his first show. Let me preface the rest of the story by saying that I have been showing Zac the Disney plannin dvds for years and we always watch the specials on the travel channel together, so I thought he would be fine. I overestimated. WRONG! He freaked out and my cousin Robbie had to take him out. Even one of the CMs said "Oh, poor guy and he almost made it to the nice part". Oh, well. For the rest of the week, everytime he went on a ride, he would ask us a little fearfully if a bug was going to 'toot' on us!!

We decided that even though we had a little time before our FPs kicked in that we would head over to Everest because I had seen some good pics on here of the queue and wanted to replicate them. This was the only time the Marathon affected us. We had to cross the runners in pairs, but it was no big deal. It was very cool to see them all, almost to the end.



Well, we got to Everest and discovered NO WAIT!! We were just standing near the Exit of EE deciding where to meet Mom and Zac when we were done when I heard someone talking 2 feet behind me. I turned around and saw Joey Fatone and his daughter! They apparently had ridden EE with a group of other people and were separating from them. A girl from the group was saying to the daughter "it was nice to meet you" , then they headed out of Asia toward Africa.


We rode Everest, then headed to Dinoland. Everyone played some carnival games and my sister won Zac a dinosaur. Zac insisted that he wanted to ride Dinosaur, but, sure enough, as soon as we were in line, he freaked out again and decided he didn't want to. A lovely CM named Joan invited him (and me) to come backstage and watch everyone else ride it on the monitors. It was so cool! They were super nice, trying to show Zac that they weren't real dinos, and Jean made it a Magical Moment with a certificate stating that Zac was a Time Travel Specialist. Very cool for him, and me!

Then, we headed to Festival of the Lion King (my fave) and Zac really started to get the hang of things and not get so nervous. We then headed to Kilimanjaro Safaris. On the way, we stopped to watch the performers in Africa and Zac and I got pulled into the show to dance (no pics, thankfully!).





Crazy Cat Lady
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We didn't see the lions clearly but many animals were still out, despite it being the middle of the day. The weather was getting pretty cloudy and I didn't know how the animals would react, but we were pleased by the amount we saw. Zac and mom loved it.


We then went to Rainforest Cafe for lunch and just as we stepped into the shop, the sky opened up. It must have felt good to the runners, but was I ever glad we had ADRs at the time we did!!

After a late lunch, we headed to Magic Kingdom. My cousin Robbie has been to DL, it being much closer to Denver, and he was anxious to see MK before he left (he was only staying until Tues.) Plus, with Zac's reactions, I thought it might be good to get him on some Fantasyland rides.


I don't know what the look on his face is, but he had a good time getting autographs-we filled up 2 of the autograph/photo types during the week!



I don't remember what order we did everything in, but we rode Aladdin's Magic Carpets, PotC, climbed the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, met Aladdin and Jasmine (who Zac and Robbie love), then headed to Tomorrowland to ride Buzz (my brother's overall favorite ride), Space Mountain twice (NO WAIT!!). It was EMH so we watched Wishes from Tomorrowland and headed to Fantasyland to ride Dumbo and the Teacups, then to Liberty Square for HM. We had a great CM there. He didn't say a word, but just stood behind my cousin Jamie and stared at the back of her head, which gave her quite a start when she turned around!


Robbie getting no love from Jasmine..haha




My mom

After shopping our way out, we headed back to the resort with a very sleepy little boy.

More to come, hope you are enjoying!


Crazy Cat Lady
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Monday, January 14 (DHS)
The next day was our Studios day. We got there bright and early and enjoyed several performances by Streetmosphere and In-the-Can Productions. They are hilarious. When I usually visit in March, it is so crowded that I am only worried about getting from attraction to attraction. This time there were little to no waits, so we enjoyed the simpler things.



We headed down Sunset to Tot and RnRC. Our wait for ToT (actually it wasn't even this long)


After the 'big kids' rode these rides, we took Zac over near the hat and to Animation Courtyard so he could meet some characters. Chip and Dale came by and got Zac's hand and skipped and danced with him over to where there line was forming. He felt so important, he said "I'm the Line Leader"


He met JoJo & Goliath and Mr. Incredible, so he was happy. After that, Jamie, Brad, Chrissy, and Duane split off to do Star Tours, so Mom, Zac, Robbie, and I headed to Beauty and the Beast which was wonderful. Gaston was really cute this time!!

Zac and I waiting for B&B to start.


Later we met up to eat at 50s Prime Time Cafe. I have to eat there everytime I go to WDW, and this was no different. However, this was the one area I was disappointed in this trip. The food was wonderful as always, but our server did a few requisite "elbows off the table" statements, not even with a little sass, and that was it. I know some don't like being yelled at when they are eating, but I had talked this restaraunt up to my family and it really was disappointing. I'm thinking it was just our server, because all around you could see other servers making their "kids" eat their veggies, etc. Nothing for us. Boo. I'm done now. I guess if that's all I have to complain about, which it is, then we did well.

We checked out the Jedi Training Academy. Zac got chosen and halfway up the stairs of the stage, he chickened out and ran back to us. Oh, well. It wasn't the only thing he got chosen for as you'll later see.

We met back up and did Lights, Motors, Action, and Indiana Jones, watched the parade, and did the great Movie Ride before calling it a day.

More later!


Crazy Cat Lady
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Tuesday, January 15 (Magic Kingdom)

Robbie left early Tuesday to head back to Colorado. Even thought it was only 2 days, we were so glad he could come!
The next morning we had to get up bright and early; we had DRs at Cinderella's Royal Table for breakfast at 8:20. Some of the 'big guys' weren't exactly thrilled, but this is where Zac had chosen to eat. Well, they sure changed their minds!!

It was really cool to walk down Main Street USA and not have a huge crowd of people in front of the castle. I snapped as many pics as I could to take advantage of this, all while pushing my mom's wheelchair (she had surgery the last week of Dec and still got tired by walking for too long/far.) As many times as I have been to WDW, I never took the time to get this shot, so I made sure to this time.


The boys quickly decided that Zac had made a choice wise beyond his years. I highly recommend this character dining experience. The setting was absolutely perfect. The food was good; the boys especially appreciated the all-you-care-to-eat factor. The princesses were so sweet to Zac, calling him a little prince and handsome. Cinderella was, of course, there for pictures, and Snow White, Aurora, Belle, and Jasmine made their way around the dining room for pics and autographs.

His favorite moment was when Aurora kissed his cheek with lipstick on and it left an 'impression' on him. For the rest of the week, when anyone asked his favorite thing about the trip, this is what he mentioned. Oh boy, he's starting early!!




view from out the windows to Fantasyland:


Then, probably my favorite part of the trip. We left the castle and walked toward Fantasyland. Zac had enjoyed this area so much Sunday night, so we wanted to get him on a ocuple of things before it got overrun by people (which BTW, it never really did...did I mention fabulous crowds?!) We looked around in Sir Mickeys and Tinker Bell Treasures (thanks to wdwmagic, I looked for the special things in those stores like the giant lifting up the roof). Then I told Zac to go see if he could pull the Sword out of the Stone, never really expecting anything to happen. He gave a tug and, nothing. Another tug, and Holy Cow! the sword raised up!! We were just as shocked as Zac. Then a woman from the Dream Squad came over and asked "Who did that?" Zac was so scared, but he said me, and she gave him a Magical Moment certificate stating that he was "Ruler of the Realm" for the day. Boy, was he in heaven!
I know some people don't really like YOMD and such, but even this little certificate was so special to our family because it was Zac's first time. I had been trying to express to my mom about what was so special about Disney, the little details and recognitions, and one happened to us! It was sweet.


Look at the expression on his face like, "oh, crap, what did I do?!"



After the Sword int he Stone (which my mom called Scorceror's Stone all week -d'oh!), Jamie, Brad, Chrissy, and Duane went to Universal. Harumph. Oh, well. Mom, Zac and I had lots of fun together!

Zac and I on Dumbo:

...to be continued...


Crazy Cat Lady
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Tuesday, cont'd
We did Teacups again, Mickey's Philharmagic, IaSW, Carrousel, Peter Pan, and let Zac run around at Pooh's Playground. Then it was time for Dream Along with Mickey at the castle:


We then ate at Columbia Harbor House and watched the parade from under the Liberty Tree, our favorite viewing place. Then we went over to Adventureland. I knew they held Captain Jack's Pirate Tutorials, but didn't know times. We asked a PotC CM and were told that one started in about 25 minutes. I really wanted Zac to get chosen in it, so we hung out at the Tutorial location. We were the only family waiting there, so when Mac the Pirate came out to set up the area, he used Zac as the "rope stander":


Sorry about the blurriness of this pic. I have other cleare ones, but not face-on. Mom and I were floored-we could have been looking at Johnny Depp; he had all of the mannerisms to a t.


Captain Jack picked 3 audience members and Mac picked "his excellent rope-stander', so Zac got to be in it!! He loves Pirates, naturally, so he did not chicken out of this experience!


We loved this experience! I highly suggest finding out the times for these little shows (Jedi Training, Pirate Tutorial, or Woody's Cowboy Camp). They make the little ones feel so special, especially during low crowd times when there is more chance of your little one getting chosen. I never did see times for them on the times guide, but the CMs can help you.

After that, we did a first for me. We more or less just picked a direction and walked. Tom Sawyer Island. What a fun place! Since it was just the 3 of us, and the Pirate Tutorial had been the one must-do for the day, we were under no time constraints. We just had to take it easy with mom, but Zac loved this area, and so did I. He really enjoyed the Fort and the Barrell Bridge.


After we explore the Island for some time, we rode the Railroad back to Mickey's ToonTown Fair. Even though it was chilly and the water features were not on, Zac loved running around and through Donald's boat. He and I also rode the Barnstormer! He was so proud!!
We walked through Mickey's house and to the Judge's Tent to meet Mickey.


After that, we went and got seats for Wishes in front of the castle.
I'm not a really great photographer, but I thought this one turned out kinda cool.


After Wishes, we headed back to our resort. More later!


Crazy Cat Lady
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More, more, I want more! Great TR - looking forward to reading the rest!

Thanks! Downloading the rest now. I have so many pics it was hard to choose what ones to use in the TR. I think I might just tack on random ones at the end, because I love showing my brother off:)


Crazy Cat Lady
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Wednesday, January 16 (off day)
This was a day I had been looking forward to for some time. I had Dolphins in Depth planned for 9:45! Mom took Zac to breakfast at the resort, then Chrissy took him to the playground and around the resort to give Mom some help. She isn't allowed to lift over 20 lbs. for a few more weeks, so it makes it hard for her to care for him alone. Plus, it was nice for her just to have break.
I headed out WAY early, so once I got to Guest Relations at Epcot, I just sat end enjoyed the music and scenery while I waited for the tour. There were 7 of us all together (only me from my group). We got to go backstage and in the CM areas of The Seas. It was stressed to us that any dolphin participation is strictly voluntary on their part. We watched a brief training session (the dolphin didn't want to participate for long). Then we got to don some really s-e-x-y wetsuits (again, thank goodness no pics) and head into the water waist-deep with the dolphins. One dolphin, Khyber, at first didn't really want to listen. Although it is voluntary, the trainers ask for certain behaviors. If they don't want to listen, that's fine, but then the trainers "ignore" them. They show the dolphins that if they DO want to interact with humans, it needs to be on our terms. Since none of us had any plans for the rest of the day, we were willing to wait until he was ready to listen, which took a little while, but boy was the wait worth it!!
We split into groups and got a total of 30 minutes with 2 different dolphins. They were so beautiful and graceful. We learned how to make the dolphins do tricks. Awesome!
We got a t-shirt and a conservation button, as well as a photo of myself and Khyber, and for waiting so long for the interaction, we got a Magical Moment Certificate from the Disney Dolphins.
The whole experience was totally worth the money IMO. Our instructors Jean and Jackie and our trainers Kim and Leslie were awesome and enthusiastic. Would do it again!

Unfortunatley, whether it was due to excitement, not eating all day (DiD last 3+ hrs), or what, but I wound up with a migraine shortly thereafter. I met Mom and Zac at the resort food court and attempted to eat, but couldn't. We headed back to the room for what we meant to be a short nap. It turned out to be a 3 hour nap! Oops. I still didn't feel very well, but the 3 of us headed out to Downtown Disney for a bit. We shopped a bit, finding a really cute yellow Pooh onesie for my neice or nephew that I'll be getting in September. (off-topic here, but this was only one of 2 items that we were able to find that was gender-neutral for infants.) While in Once Upon a Toy, we chatted with a lovely CM named Collette. When she found out that it was Zac's first visit, she arranged a phone call from Goofy welciming him to WDW. It was really nice. Zac loved the Pirate room in World of Disney, highly entertaining other guests by interacting with the pirate figures there in the entrance. While inside, um, without getting gross, I got really sick and so we headed back to the resort for an early bedtime.


Crazy Cat Lady
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Thursday, January 17 (Epcot, MK)

The next day was our first visit to Epcot for this trip. The whole group (all 7 of us) were there. We walked straight to Spaceship Earth, which was operating and had no wait. I really enjoyed the AAs, didn't really find the narration that compelling. On the descent, Zac's picture worked, which he got a kick out of, but mine didn't. SSE wasn't ever really my favorite, anyway, so I don't really have an opinion one way or another, but it was nice to ride it for the first time in years.



After SSE, we headed to Soarin', which my mom loved! She's not a thrill ride rider. She won't do rollercoasters or ToT. She hadn't quite forgiven me for making her ride BTMR and Dinosaur. So she was a little nervous about my reassurances. But she loved it. There was only a 10 minute wait!!

Then we checked out The Seas. It was my first time riding the Nemo ride, which I thought was really cute. After my Dolphind in Depth experience, I felt like such an expert! I got to regale everyone with my knowledge of the dolphins, even pretending I could tell them apart!! Everyone was amazed by my knowledge. Hehe. Zac enjoyed Turtle Talk and playing around in Bruce's area:


Then, we Fastpassed Test Track and the big kids went to ride M:S Orange. Chrissy had never ridden it and we tried to convince her to ride Green, but she thought she'd be fine. Well, she wasn't. It wasn't really bad, but she just got a little lightheaded, so sat in Mom's wheelchair for a bit until our FP for TT rolled around. By then she was fine, so everyone but Mom rode it. Zac absolutely loved it. He thought he was driving. Then he liked sitting in all of the cars in the GM showroom.


After that, we headed to World Showcase to try to find something to eat. It wasn't really crowded, but we couldn't get into LaCellier for Thursday or Friday lunch. We were a little dissapointed, because I have read some good reviews of it here and the boys really wanted steak, but what are ya gonna do?
Who doesn't take advantage of this photo op in Canada??

We went to the pub in Great Britain and it was really yummy. I had the mushroom and leeks over puff pastry for an appetizer and the open-faced beef sandwich for my entree. Yummy! Brad and Duane had the beer sampler, and at only $10 for 30 oz of beer, not too bad.


Then we looked around the pavilions. Zac met Mary Poppins in GrB.


and watched the Lollipop Lady at Japan. I think Zac could have stood there and watched her all night. With her soft voice and her waving yummy candy goodness all over, kids (and adults) are mesmerized.


While we were walking the WS, it was spritzing off and on. Finally, it started to downpour. This was the nearest place Mom could find to get out of the rain:


Of course, it was a DVC umbrella, so the CM, I think his name was Brian (from PA, too!) opened it up and signed Duane up for the open house. He was really nice, though, and since we were stuck under the umbrella for awhile with him, Zac told him our whole vacation. The rain only lasted 10 minutes, and we were on our way.
At this point, Mom, Zac, and I headed back to the front of the park to catch the monorail to the MK for Spectomagic. On the way, we saw a rainbow:



Crazy Cat Lady
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Zac and I got to ride up front with the pilot on the monorail. Poor Mom had to ride in the regular part, but she knows what a Disney freak I am and so she completely understood that I would leave her in the dust for the chance to ride up front (my first time, too!!) It was really eerie, it seemed like if you leaned too far, you would fall off the rail! Our pilot was a guy (didn't catch his name) from London. Really funny guy.


When we got to MK, we found a spot near the Hub in front of the castle. Mom went for our nutritious snack of cotton candy (for Zac), a candy apple (for herself), and a Rocky Road brownie (for me), while Zac and I held our parade spots. While we were waiting, it poured again. Zac and I were in Mom's chair huddled under one poncho, but miraculously it worked. It rained hard then stopped, started, and stopped several times. The last show of Dream Along with Mickey was cancelled, and the parade was postponed 15 minutes. But, the sky cleared and the parade started which Mom and Zac loved.


Since we still had time before park closing, we headed to Fantasyland to ride the Teacups and Dumbo, yet again. Right when we loaded on Dumbo, the fireworks were just about to start. The CM waited until the first blast and then sent us up. What a cool way to end the day for this Disney nut. Being up in the sky on Dumbo with my little brother while Wishes is going off! Brought a tear or two (or more) to my eyes!

Hidden Mickey??


On the way out, I told Zac that I didn't want to go home on Saturday and asked him if we could stay. He said that, no, we had to go back to school and work. I said I didn't want to; I wanted to stay; and I would cry when it was time to go. He said that we have to give someone else a turn. How sweet is that? The wisdom of children. Amazing.

On the way out, I tried to replicate this pic that I've seen on here:


Last day to come later.


Crazy Cat Lady
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Friday, January 18-last day (AK, MK, Epcot)

On our last day, we decided to hit the attractions that we wanted to see but missed. Zac also had alot of say in where we visited. So, first we visited Animal Kingdom. We lingered in the front of the park, getting autographs and pics with some characters and watching the talking tree. We met ZGovernor Ratcliffe from Pocahontas, Meeko, and Rafiki:


(by now, Zac had gotten the hang of these photo/ autograph sessions, and was now trying to direct them. He's telling me where to stand to get the pic!)

We hadn't gotten the chance to see the Finding Nemo show, so we headed there next. I snapped this pic while in line:


What an AMAZING show. I was in tears by the end (did I mention I'm very emotional and sentimental??) We all loved it.
After Nemo, I wanted to go and get this shot that I've seen on here:


After that, we took our time walking between Asia and Africa. I wanted to see if DeVine was out, but she was not. We did see Baloo and King Louie, so we met them, then Zac spent a lot of time banging the different drums.


This was a cool angle of the Tree from Africa.

Then, Zac had been wanting to see the Pocahontas and Her Forest Friends show, so we headed to Camp Minnie-Mickey to see it. He felt so grown up because the children get to sit in the front 4 rows with no adults.


It was cute, something kids definitely like.

Then, we wanted to visit MK on our last day. How sad I always get on my last day. Everything was making me tear up! So true, so true! Isn't it the best place in the world:


There were so many characters out. The park was really crowded compared to earlier in the week. I think that Cheerleading groups were coming in as well as the MLK holiday on Monday drew the 4 day weekend crowd. We took time in the Town Square to meet Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket, and Cruella DeVil, who along with Captain Jack Sparrow are the funniest face characters!



We were the last family to meet Cruella and when she was done with us, she flounced away. There was a family coming around the corner and she yelled "Move! get out of my way!" scaring them half to death, but it was hilarious. Great character performance.


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We went to Zac's favorite land-Tomorrowland and rode Buzz again. He was really convinced we were saving the world from Zurg. It was adorable. We did TTA and Monsters Inc. too. Zac really liked the talking, burping trash can.


We ate at Pecos Bill while the parade was going on, then headed to the Railroad again. This time we rode around the whole park, back to Fronteirland. When we got back, we saw Woody and Jessie coming out for the Cowboy Camp performance. Zac got picked to ride the wooden stick horsies and dance with them. I wasn't able to get really good pics, but then he met them during thier meet and greet.


We rode the Magic Carpets and PoC again, then headed out of the park for Epcot to see Illuminations, which we hadn't yet seen this trip.

Took this on Main Street on the way out. (Sniffle, sniffle)
Its a little blurry, but I liked the colors of the buildings with the color of the sky. Oh, and on the way out we got ice cream-yum!


We rode the monorail to Epcot. When we got there, we wandered around FW some. We didn't really ride anything, but Zac wanted to see the "Mine, mine" seagulls again and play in the Imagination fountains. He could have spent all night trying to catch the water. We explored the twinkly sidewalks, then headed over to WS to finish at least walking through the rest of the countries that we missed the day before. Then, with some eggrolls and a yummy jam-filled waffle from Norway in hand, we watched Illuminations which was fabulous as always! Zac fell asleep on the way out, and as Mom made a bathroom stop on the way out, I took this last shot of SSE:


Well, that's it. As I said, I may post some random pics later, but that's pretty much our trip. As you can see, it was a very child-oriented trip, but I loved every minute of it. I can't wait to take him again in a year, year and a half. I hope you enjoyed, and please comment or ask questions as you want. Thanks for reading!


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