28 days till iI surprise my wife!!


Active Member
Original Poster
In 28 days, I get to surprise my DW with a trip to WDW for a special birthday present for her. And the wait is killing me! I want to tell her, but I want to wait, too. I've had the trip booked since January, and she does not know anything about it, and will not know until the day before we leave. I need some support from my fellow Disney fans to not tell her for another 27 days. Please help me be strong!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, don't know how you've held out this long! Good luck, it's only another 27 days. You'll be a hero, hold on.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm impressed! Hang on just a little longer! It will be worth it. Your wife will be so thrilled. I know I would be. Now, if ony I could get DH to surprise me like that... too bad I'm the planner in our family! :lol:


Well-Known Member
In 28 days, I get to surprise my DW with a trip to WDW for a special birthday present for her. And the wait is killing me! I want to tell her, but I want to wait, too. I've had the trip booked since January, and she does not know anything about it, and will not know until the day before we leave. I need some support from my fellow Disney fans to not tell her for another 27 days. Please help me be strong!!

Good luck! I tried to surprise my wife with a Disney cruise for our 5th anniversary (our honeymoon was on the Disney Wonder). I agreed to give her clues about our anniversary, 1 per month starting a year out (I booked the cruise 13 months ahead).

The first clue was a number. It was the number of hours until our trip. She guessed within 2 days what it was. I figured I was a safe with that clue because our trip was actually a month after our anniversary.

Now I can't even say I have a surprise or she nags me until I give in. I tried to do the same for her 30th birthday awhile back - just told her we were going on a trip and she needed some specific days off. She cried and went on about how she can't handle surprisese - darn near had a nervous break down.

Again, good luck! I hope it works. You could try giving her hints (1 per week) like I did, but beware - it may backfire.


Well-Known Member
Good luck, man I give credit to you, I don't think I could've ever held out as long as you have. Hang on and have a great trip!


Wow! Good for you! I would love to do something like that for my wife, but her work schedule is so crazy, I would get something planned and have to change it half a dozen times.:) Be sure to let us know her reaction. Have a great time!


Active Member
Original Poster
Wow! Good for you! I would love to do something like that for my wife, but her work schedule is so crazy, I would get something planned and have to change it half a dozen times.:) Be sure to let us know her reaction. Have a great time!

I had no trouble with her work schedule when I booked the trip, but her she has some new travel plans right before our trip that will make it interesting. She has to go to Canada for a few days the week before we leave and will get back around 10:00 on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, while she is taking her shower, I'll be making Mickey Waffles to give to her as I sing a lyric-modified version of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Then I'll give her the customized maps I ordered and her tickets and tell all about the trip coming up the next day. While she is in Canada, I'm going to iron a BUNCH of clothes for her to select to pack so she will not have to worry about that. I'll already have mine our our sons packed and ready to go. When she gets in the car to go to the office, I'll have a Disney Park music CD that I've made for her.
Thursday morning a limo will carry us to the airport and we're off to Disney. First night we'll go to Cirque du Soleil, next night, MNSSHP and dinner at the castle, and I've got a few more surprises for her during the week. I can hardly wait to surprise her. We've been married 22 years and am still on the honeymoon! I'm a VERY lucky guy!
As a wife, I cannot tell you enough how many brownie points you'll be getting for that surprise!
I will say that if it was me, I would love to know right before and not a day sooner. Plus, it will make the surprise that much more intense!

Good luck and stay strong!

P.S. I think this makes you the husband of the year and definitely gets you a get out of jail free card!


Well-Known Member
In 28 days, I get to surprise my DW with a trip to WDW for a special birthday present for her. And the wait is killing me! I want to tell her, but I want to wait, too. I've had the trip booked since January, and she does not know anything about it, and will not know until the day before we leave. I need some support from my fellow Disney fans to not tell her for another 27 days. Please help me be strong!!

While at home Christmas morning 2005 , as my girls and I were watching the christmas special from WDW on TV, my hubby surprised me as he gave me an envelope , I could not believe it, I balled like a baby...(so did he, ok not balled but filled up) As I read what it was, a long weekend (3 days) In February 2006 for my 30th bday I was going to be in WDW , you would have thought that I had never been ..I was jumping up and down went outside and yelled it.....Christmas day at the inlaws as I'm running aroung telling everyone...They all knew, my babe , who him and I can't keep a surprise to save our lives had this trip planned for months....And the best part...our last day at disney my mother inlaw called us to let us know that due to a bad snowstorm (RI ) our airport was closed.....So hubby went to talk to guest services...(longest hour of my life) comes back to tell me , dam , we have to stay 2 more nites......I tell him that all the time..Even though we go at least once a year ...It being a surprise was unbelievable.....Your wife is going to be so excited........How great...Come here when you need support!!

yahoo we're leaving in 7 days...


Well-Known Member
Don't say a word!!! The wait will be worth the look on her face when you finally spring your surprise. :sohappy:

Have a great time!!! :wave:


New Member
I had no trouble with her work schedule when I booked the trip, but her she has some new travel plans right before our trip that will make it interesting. She has to go to Canada for a few days the week before we leave and will get back around 10:00 on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, while she is taking her shower, I'll be making Mickey Waffles to give to her as I sing a lyric-modified version of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Then I'll give her the customized maps I ordered and her tickets and tell all about the trip coming up the next day. While she is in Canada, I'm going to iron a BUNCH of clothes for her to select to pack so she will not have to worry about that. I'll already have mine our our sons packed and ready to go. When she gets in the car to go to the office, I'll have a Disney Park music CD that I've made for her.
Thursday morning a limo will carry us to the airport and we're off to Disney. First night we'll go to Cirque du Soleil, next night, MNSSHP and dinner at the castle, and I've got a few more surprises for her during the week. I can hardly wait to surprise her. We've been married 22 years and am still on the honeymoon! I'm a VERY lucky guy!

omg! this is sooo cute! you are the coolest husband EVER! i'm so happy for you two and i hope your trip is as amazing as you two sound! what an inspiring couple! you just made my day! thanks!


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks to all my support group! There is one more favor I would like to ask ALL of you. As part of the "reveal" the morning I tell her, I would like to give her copies of a thread I hope to start in a couple of weeks wishing her a happy birthday. It would be great to have a lot of messages from the folks at WDWMagic wishing her a happy birthday.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all my support group! There is one more favor I would like to ask ALL of you. As part of the "reveal" the morning I tell her, I would like to give her copies of a thread I hope to start in a couple of weeks wishing her a happy birthday. It would be great to have a lot of messages from the folks at WDWMagic wishing her a happy birthday.

When you post the birthday thread, post a link here to remind us about it! ;)


New Member
That is so awesome! My DH I know would love to do something like this. You will get big points for this. When ever you want to tell take a deep breath and know that years from now when you have grand kids she will still be talking about it. Stay strong and count me in for the Happy birthday thread.
My DH and I are going without the kids in 28 days! We can't wait. 5 year anniv. :sohappy:

Norm The Skull

New Member
You are my new hero

Well that will be great.
Wish I could do something like that but I know I could never pull it off.
Knowing all this time and not saying anything "You are my new hero"
Have a great time.
I will make sure to wish your wife a happy birthday
Let us know how everything went


Well-Known Member
That is incredible! You are one in a million!

Don't be tempted to tell now. My way of thinking: if you've come this far, why not go the distance? Hang in there and play it all out just like you planned. It's memories that will last forever.

Wow. Can I give you my hubby's cell #? Tell him to think: 15th anniversary. Christmas gift. Valentines Day. Golly, anything!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats for keeping the secret this long. I'm sure she'll be so excited when her birthday arrives. Just make sure you take lots of pictures and come back with a detail trip report.


Active Member
Original Poster
I'll probably start the thread around September 20, and call it "Need Birthday Wishes for my Wife" or something like that. Thanks in advance for all who will post on that thread.


Active Member
I had no trouble with her work schedule when I booked the trip, but her she has some new travel plans right before our trip that will make it interesting. She has to go to Canada for a few days the week before we leave and will get back around 10:00 on Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning, while she is taking her shower, I'll be making Mickey Waffles to give to her as I sing a lyric-modified version of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Then I'll give her the customized maps I ordered and her tickets and tell all about the trip coming up the next day. While she is in Canada, I'm going to iron a BUNCH of clothes for her to select to pack so she will not have to worry about that. I'll already have mine our our sons packed and ready to go. When she gets in the car to go to the office, I'll have a Disney Park music CD that I've made for her.
Thursday morning a limo will carry us to the airport and we're off to Disney. First night we'll go to Cirque du Soleil, next night, MNSSHP and dinner at the castle, and I've got a few more surprises for her during the week. I can hardly wait to surprise her. We've been married 22 years and am still on the honeymoon! I'm a VERY lucky guy!

Do you have a younger brother? :lookaroun

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