Philhar. Easily. It's the only attraction there that's near the top of my list of favorite attractions period. Winnie the Pooh (even though I'm not a Pooh fan) is my favorite ride, also easily, though I enjoy the Tea Cups as well.
Sorry if my interest in Peter Pan and Snow White has disappeared over the years. My interest in Small World has actually grown, though. Strange, eh?
Favorite attraction by land:
Main Street: Horse Drawn Carriage (Especially when the Dapper Dans are riding.)
Adventureland: Pirates of the Caribbean (Jungle Cruise is we have eight lands.)
Caribbean Plaza: Pirates (duh)
Frontierland: Splash Mountain
Liberty Square: Read the user name.
Fantasyland: Philharmagic
Toon Town: Barnstormer (Unless I can pick the railroad.)
Tomorrowland: Space Mountain