Anyone win anything yet?


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Original Poster
Well, I figured i'd ask since we're a good way into October...

Anyone win anything from the Year of a Million Dreams yet?

My experience in the parks has been.. odd.. I don't see any people with Dream Fastpasses nor DreamEars.

I haven't personally won anything, but i wasn't expecting to, i was expecting to have seen some other people wearing the FP's and ears though.

I have seen the Dream Squad - at the weirdest times and places. During MNSSHP. Why? It's a hard ticket private event - is it really fair to be giving anything out during those hours? But there they were on the bridge to Adventureland in the middle of the dark with their bags, apparently waiting for someone or something....

And at the AP preview for Nemo, once kept pacing past the waiting line, I suppose if the line had moved or been open she might have picked someone from it - or maybe no one was wearing a Goofy hat, who knows.

Each time I've seen them it's been at a place that wasn't open to the general park public.. that just seems odd. Unfair.

Anywho - anyone win anything?


Well-Known Member
I spent this past weekend around the parks. I did see the dream squad, people with the dream ears and many people with dream fast passes. I however didn't win anything nor did I actually see anyone win anything. It seems like an odd promotion that you could go for days and never see anything. I guess the normal "average" guest isn't supposed to realize how many prizes there are and who the dream squad is. If they win something it will be quite surprising, unlike us who study every move of wdw. I have an annual pass and will not be disappointed if I don't ever win anything as I already have the ability to visit the parks often, which is more than most.


Active Member
On Friday oin line for Everest they were giving out the pin things I was in the Singles line. But if I only went into the stand-by line I would have got that. I was so mad that I didn't get one.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My youngest daughter got one of the Tink pins from another guest for listening to her mother in the ToT gift shop.


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I haven't been there yet during the event...but what exactly are the dreamears for? what will that give a guest?

A hat, protection from skin cancer, style, the jealousy of your friends and neighbors?

It's just a pair of mouse ears that's themed to the celebration, it's one of the low end prizes that's supposed to be awarded en masse.


Well-Known Member
My youngest daughter got one of the Tink pins from another guest for listening to her mother in the ToT gift shop.

:sohappy: I'm glad to hear guests are using the Pixie Dust Pins!!! I was worried they'd all end up on Ebay! :lol:

And, to merf... yes I've seen many many people wearing the Dream Fastpasses (more than I'd expected to see) as well as the Dream Ears.... I've seen many more FP's than ears, though... weirdly enough.


Well-Known Member
A couple of members here have won stuff...I have yet to visit 'the world' since they started the whole thing though soooo....

Whether I ever win something or not, I think its cool Disney is doing adds to the magic and probably doesn't cost all that much.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
*Robs list*

-3 of the sets of 2 pins (including one which was awarded to me by Al Weiss' son)
-5 AK Dream Fastpasses

On my wish list, the ears and a lanyard.


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Nobody win anything at Epcot...?

Are there even 6 FP attractions at Epcot? *thinks* Soarin, TT, M:S, Maelstrom... umm.. Am I forgetting something? Oh HISTA and LwTL but one of those is shut down and the other is a show...


Well-Known Member
Rob, you've already won 8 things!!! Oh my word!! No chance you happened to know the dream squad members did you...;) Just kidding, that's way cool!

I've faithfully entered every day by mail. 4 times a day, one for each family member. I think I read they do the drawings for all mail entries in a month at one time. So October prizes wouldn't arrive until middle of November I'm guessing! We'll see, I've got my fingers crossed!:sohappy:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
:sohappy: I'm glad to hear guests are using the Pixie Dust Pins!!! I was worried they'd all end up on Ebay! :lol:

And, to merf... yes I've seen many many people wearing the Dream Fastpasses (more than I'd expected to see) as well as the Dream Ears.... I've seen many more FP's than ears, though... weirdly enough.
When I was there 2 weeks ago something occurred to me concerning these passes. We all know that Disney patented several versions of their fast pass system including versions where resort guests received free fast passes. Could this part of the promotion be a way to test the impact of one of these systems?

Just think of it. Lets say for the sake of argument there are 20,000 deluxe resort guests in the parks on one particular day so the dream team hands out 20,000 Dream fast passes and then the wait times are monitored at the parks. If the impact is huge (20 min wait vs. 60 min) this might discourage Disney from implementing a Dream fast pass as a resort perk. However if the impact is negligible (20 min wait time vs. 25 min) this result from this test might be the go ahead they need to initiate this sort of program.


New Member
Last week, I was in line at Test Track and the ride operators let a family stay on and ride again, and gave them a certificate. We were also eating at Cosmic Ray's in front of Sonny and they had the family of the day come down in front and sit at a special table and brought them anything they wanted. I talked to the family and they were really nice. I was so happy for them.

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