What ride is going to have the next big refurb.


Well-Known Member
A new version of the Imagination pavilion is what everyone wants. Everyone wants a new and innovative experience that respects the original ideas that made it so great.....oh yeah and we want Dreamfinder.
yeah! elcanatureboy i want Dreamfinder too! I think that Imagination needs to be refurb!:wave:

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I agree, but I'd go even further: I'd rebuild it from top to bottom. If done with ambition and vision, it could come awfully close to matching Forbidden Journey IMO. It has that much potential.
The concept of the ride could, but I don't think anything too awe inspiring could fit in that ride's show building.

Agreed though that its actually a pretty laughably pathetic ride, by far the worst of the Fantasyland originals.


Well-Known Member
When they open the new fantasy land and close Snow White... maybe they can think of something new and exciting... then build that. Then when they closed a ride for a year or so to really refurbish, the crowds would be ok. I personally think they need to build a completely new world like "Cony Island" and have a ton of old fashioned rides. A huge roller coster and ferris wheel would help spread out the crowds.

Isn't that in direct contrast to a Disney Park and fall more into the realm of local amusement park? Those are the types of additions we typically rail against.


Premium Member
Don't want to be accused of attacking those with less than Spirited observational skills, but Splash Mountain has been in godawful show shape for so many years that I seriously wonder if anyone here would be capable of telling just what's working and what's not or missing.

I have ridden it days after a rehab in 2011 and it still was in pathetic show shape.

If you believe it is fine, then go fly to Tokyo, ride that version and come back and we'll talk.

MK's Splash Mountain is ghetto all the way.

~Change is coming. BIG, SPIRITED change!~

I will in 3 weeks ;)

Lord Pheonix

Active Member
No inside info here....but a Splash Mt rehab is a no-brainer, then followed by a thorough Jungle Cruise rehab (and plus). I'd love to see piranha (like DL's), added.

personally, and im sure im not the only one here thinking this, but i dont want to see anything plused, its just more crap to break down within a year or two, like everest. it seems that everytime they add something it becombs an embarrasment to the parks like the yeti. im really worried about the expansion. how long will me have working waterfalls on mermaid, or moving dwarves instead of statues in the mine train scenes?

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
^they meant a top to bottom complete redo of a Peter Pan ride, not just the current Peter Pan's flight. Journey is a good ride, but it's really not THAT great.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
^they meant a top to bottom complete redo of a Peter Pan ride, not just the current Peter Pan's flight. Journey is a good ride, but it's really not THAT great.

Yes, that is what I meant. Not a redo of the current ride in the same tiny building, but a large-scale "re-imagining", where the best parts of the old ride are still present, but majorly plussed.

Imagine sitting on ride buggies shaped like small beds, in a moonlit Victorian nursery. A huge nursery window faces us. We see stars sparkling in the sky, one star in particular - second star to the right, actually - being especially noticable. Suddenly the window doors fly open, and Peter Pan and Tinker Bell appear before us, beckoning us to Never Land. Tink sprinkles pixie dust on us, and the "beds" begin to move. We seem to fly through the window into the London night sky, past Big Ben, which chimes so loudly the beds shake, we look down on London by night, smell the chimney smoke, hear the clop of horse's hooves, the hooting of owls, and then suddenly we're wrenched upward and go hurtling towards a very bright star. With a flash, we go past it and "straight on 'til morning", until we arrive as a new day dawns in Never Land. There we see mermaids, Indian encampments, and the Lost Boys. We become engaged in a deadly sea battle as Peter fights with Captain Hook, who fires his cannons at us. We hear the booms, feel the sea spray, smell the gunpowder. Peter defeats Hook, and we're whisked back up into the sky again, which darkens and becomes star-filled. One star gets brighter and bigger until we recognize it as the nursery window. We fly through it and we're home again. Peter and Tink tell us they hope we liked the journey and to remember to believe in "faith, trust, and pixie dust!" After which we depart the ride and say to ourselves, "Harry who?" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Imagination doesn't need that much work actually... :lookaroun it looks fine. it's fun, theme is spectacular, it's a peppy ride and my little cousins love it. what about it exactly makes it such a bad ride?

anywho. The Land needs a big refurb. i know it's random, but there is so much of that amazing pavilion that is so underused by park guests. Soarin is the only thing keeping it alive. there needs to be something equally as big, if not bigger than Soarin. that place used to attract so many people. now it just feels like a graveyard compared to the amount it used to have.

Carousel of Progress needs a major refurb as well imo. it's very outdated and the theater itself just needs to be changed.


Well-Known Member
Imagination doesn't need that much work actually... :lookaroun it looks fine. it's fun, theme is spectacular, it's a peppy ride and my little cousins love it. what about it exactly makes it such a bad ride?
I'll list a number of things i personally hate about it. Not trying to make anyone angry, these are my honest to god views about how i personally feel about it-

- Inspires no Imagination of any sort for me, the theme of the pavilion isn't expressed in the current laboratory theme, the only parts i find tolerable are the upside-down room and the ending scene. The original had gorgeous scenes from Fantasy, Literature, Stage, and Science that all inspired imagination. Nothing about the new one does, it just feels like a ride built to quite literally torture all of the senses of your body.
- The music doesn't complement the ride. The original had a wonderful Sherman Brothers score with the One Little Spark song, it changed with every room and felt dynamic with lots of different and imaginative lyrics. While they took the same tune, it's redone to accentuate Figment's obnoxious new nature.
- Loud and annoying. A ride can be loud and fun, but this one is just loud and obnoxious. This goes back to torturing the senses.
- I've nothing against Eric Idle as i've seen him do good roles, but he's absolutely boring and uncalled for to have here. Just your basic stuck up science dork. And they transformed Figment into an obnoxious and rude brat who comes off like he should be locked up in a crazy ward for everyone's protection. He's nothing like he was originally. Neither have any of the character or amazing chemistry that Dreamfinder and old Figment had. Dreamfinder was a brilliant original Disney character, being the wise sort of mentor with the vivid imagination (a kind of mix of Walt Disney and Merlin from Sword in the Stone). Figment complemented him with the youthful naive innocence of a child.
- Skunk spray, enough said but i felt insulted when they did this as if they were saying "You want a good attraction? Too bad, we're going to spray some foul smelling gas on you instead".
- Dialog is badly written and badly read by the characters. Especially compared to the brilliantly crafted and flowing poetic narration from the original, but it's still bad based on its own merits.
- The ride feels empty and cold overall, like a hollowed out dark warehouse with track and vehicles. Little to no show scenes. The original was an amazingly detailed ride with tons of scenery and animatronics. Versions 2 and 3 look like they gutted the place and only got 10% finished building it before running out of time or money. It's like they took an empty dark warehouse, a track, and slapped a couple of signs on the walls and called it a ride. Even on its own merits and disregarding the original the newer one is STILL abysmal.

I could probably go on and on, it's sometimes hard to put why it feels bad into words. I guess the key words are that it feels "empty, cold, unimaginative, boring, etc". I honestly hate it just based on its own merits, you could delete all my comparisons to the original in that list and i'd still think the same about it. The first time i rode it in 2010, i hadn't been to WDW since i believe 1997 before they changed it. I also wasn't aware that they had closed the original and replaced it with this version. It was quite a shock, and i was absolutely furious. I kept expecting the ride to get better, but it never did. Rode twice more after that, those times trying to divorce myself from comparisons to the original and give it a chance to exist on its own merits. Even as a standalone ride not compared to the original it's still atrocious and unbearable to me.

I won't even ride Imagination anymore even to get out of the heat. I go to the Land pavilion to do that, and enjoy a ride that is actually still great- Living with the Land. It could use some TLC and plussing perhaps, but i think i'd literally vomit if they ever did anything to it like what Imagination suffered.:hurl:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Imagination doesn't need that much work actually... :lookaroun it looks fine. it's fun, theme is spectacular, it's a peppy ride and my little cousins love it. what about it exactly makes it such a bad ride?
Did you experience the original?
I'll list a number of things i personally hate about it. Not trying to make anyone angry, these are my honest to god views about how i personally feel about it- [...]

I won't even ride Imagination anymore even to get out of the heat. I go to the Land pavilion to do that, and enjoy a ride that is actually still great- Living with the Land. It could use some TLC and plussing perhaps, but i think i'd literally vomit if they ever did anything to it like what Imagination suffered.:hurl:



Well-Known Member

the fact that you're looking for seriousness in a DISNEY attraction. it's supposed to be cute and funny because he's obnoxious. and the part with the skunk is funny.

why would anyone go to Disney to expect realness? it's a cute ride to accommodate children under 10. not you. keep that in mind. considering that, i think they did a good job.


Well-Known Member
Did you experience the original?

once or twice when i was little. but i do remember riding it. and like i said, the new one doesn't compare on the same level has the previous version. but it's not bad and it's built on the basic senses which made it much more realistic imo than the one before.


Well-Known Member
once or twice when i was little. but i do remember riding it. and like i said, the new one doesn't compare on the same level has the previous version. but it's not bad and it's built on the basic senses which made it much more realistic imo than the one before.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I can't imagine anyone that experienced both attractions in their hay day would think that the current version is even acceptable. The original was far superior in every way. It was grand in scope and vision. It embodied creativity and imagination.

The new one is a cheap cop out with simple parlor tricks and stupid gags.


Well-Known Member

the fact that you're looking for seriousness in a DISNEY attraction. it's supposed to be cute and funny because he's obnoxious. and the part with the skunk is funny.

why would anyone go to Disney to expect realness? it's a cute ride to accommodate children under 10. not you. keep that in mind. considering that, i think they did a good job.

I am going to go out on a limb here. I don't find the current version cute or funny, just plain ignorant. just my opinion though.

My problem is that they took an attraction that appealed to and was loved by all ages and dumbed it down to appeal solely to a 1st grader. It was all part of Disney's great attempt during that time period to take out attractions for families and gear them to just children. Stitch was another product of that ill logic...

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