WDW Fan Base Initiative


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Stemming from multiple threads and conversations that have been showing up through these boards over the past couple weeks and amplified by a particular Kevin Yee article from last week. I think the time has come to try to organize the WDW Fan Base to help voice the opinions and concerns that we have about current WDW management and park maintenance issues that we so often hear about.

We have a huge problem though...we don't have a go to "Al Lutz" figure to voice the concerns and we don't have a blog/website dedicated to a controlled discussion, presentation, and analysis of the concerns...to date all we have are a few threads where Fan Boys boast "Down with TDO!" and "off with her head!", but those end up turning into flame wars and loosing steam and popularity within a week or two as the focus shifts to the next "Star Wars Expansion" or "Will Indy or Matterhorn ever come to the East Coast" thread.

So what we're looking for now is who would be interested in participating in such an initiative? Whether with constructive material, in park analysis and photo updates, detailed information about current management expertise and strong/weak points with those individuals, website/blog construction/maintenance, etc. If we ever want to get something off the ground we need to start somewhere...so we might as well start asking who would be willing to help?

So let's let this discussion begin...and see if it goes anywhere. Hopefully that somewhere will be positive instead of the way of a THREAD LOCK! :wave:


Beta Return
Stemming from multiple threads and conversations that have been showing up through these boards over the past couple weeks and amplified by a particular Kevin Yee article from last week. I think the time has come to try to organize the WDW Fan Base to help voice the opinions and concerns that we have about current WDW management and park maintenance issues that we so often hear about.

We have a huge problem though...we don't have a go to "Al Lutz" figure to voice the concerns and we don't have a blog/website dedicated to a controlled discussion, presentation, and analysis of the concerns...to date all we have are a few threads where Fan Boys boast "Down with TDO!" and "off with her head!", but those end up turning into flame wars and end up loosing steam within a week or two as the focus shifts to the next "Star Wars Expansion" or "Will Indy or Matterhorn ever come to the East Coast" thread.

So what we're looking for now is who would be interested in participating in such an initiate? Whether with constructive material, in park analysis and photo updates, detailed information about current management expertise and strong/weak points with those individuals, website/blog construction/maintenance, etc. If we ever want to get something off the ground we need to start somewhere...so we might as well start asking who would be willing to help?

So let's let this discussion begin...and see if it goes anywhere. Hopefully that somewhere will be positive instead of the way of a THREAD LOCK! :wave:

I'll be first (unless someone types faster than me).

I would be interested in participating in something like this, so long as it does not become a mud-slinging, Disney bashing site.

There does need to be a voice, but that voice needs to remain positive and constructive, as the OP said. For example, if someone's going to point out that "Splash Mountain is in terrible condition!" they need to write up a well-written and constructive article explaining WHY it appears to be in "terrible condition" as well as providing useful feedback as to HOW to fix it.

And useful feedback does not include "Fire everyone at TDO!" because it is only hearsay that TDO is poorly managed and full of people who don't care. Much of the demise of the parks goes all the way up the ladder to the bean counters.

I'm web-savvy and website design is a hobby of mine. I'd be happy to setup a Blogger/Blogspot site through my Google account and I'll even donate a real domain name (if there is a consensus on one). It can be a "team blog" with pre-approved contributors. I'll even skin it.

Perhaps, if we play our cards right, we can make some connections with people who wish to remain anonymous, while offering more legitimate insight. The information can be filtered and posted through the authorized bloggers, leaving the "sources" completely unharmed.

It would be best to avoid libel as well, and disclaim affiliation with TWDC.

In summary, I'm in.

EDIT: I live in central Indiana and get to WDW about once a year, so my level of contribution would be limited to technical back-end operations, and occasional writing with regards to construction and facility maintenance (my day job).


I'm good for some help. Depending on my schedule I go at least once a month at a minimum. So, I'm a local person to keep an eye out if need be.


Well-Known Member
I'm in. Without getting too far into it, I'm working on another site that should be more than suited to track this sort of thing provided there is a significant amount of users willing to provide these types of updates.

I've sent a preliminary concept to my web designer for a means of tracking the status of effects. I don't see us setting up a blog right away, if at all.


Beta Return
I'm in. Without getting too far into it, I'm working on another site that should be more than suited to track this sort of thing provided there is a significant amount of users willing to provide these types of updates.

I've sent a preliminary concept to my web designer for a means of tracking the status of effects. I don't see us setting up a blog right away, if at all.

I think the two would go hand-in-hand nicely. Keep the blog separate from your new site so that you're not directly drug into the mess that might possible ensue, but your "status tracker" would be a great asset, in general.


Well-Known Member
i would be more than welcome to help in a big way, i go may be once, twice a year, and remember the day when maintenance was not a big issue and quality and experiance was everything, theses are starting to lack, i understand things are tight and there is a lot of money going in elsewhere but maybe if we could point some things out to them ina freindly manner they would appreciate and listen, they do not have money and time to always monitor every aspect that we all value, maybe we should think of lobbying them, pettioning them etc :wave:



Count me in, if you don't mind?

I would like to help,but i really don't know what i could do. I go maybe once a year, and notice the changes that have happened over the past year. (light bulbs burned out, less clean that it should be) but other than that....


Well-Known Member
Anything I can do, I'm in.

Someone tried to start something like this over a year ago, I volunteered to help too, so did Kevin Yee, but it didn't even get out of the gate.


Well-Known Member
Count me in. I've always wanted a way for Disney to listen to us... Disneyland listened to its fan base.. so why not WDW?

Count me in 100x!

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