WDW Restaurant Fall Madness: Sweet 16 #2


Original Poster
We now enter the second half of our Sweet 16 match-ups with 14 competitors remaining in the tournament. We have two battles from the previous set deadlocked at nine apiece in both matches and they are continued here in this set. Since the Elite 8 will be played by means of only one thread, there will be no more continued matches after this set so lets get enough votes to fairly determine all of the winners in this set. If there are any ties at the end of this set, the tie breaker will be who has accumulated more votes over the course of the tournament. I think that is more fair then me voting for the matches because obviously there would be a bias there.

As usual, the first restaurant in each set to receive (12) votes wins the match and you are voting for the restaurant you like better in each match. Also, feel free to include any comments on why you voted that way or discuss your feelings on some of the restaurants in the current matches. If you did not vote in the last set of matches, please vote for the continued matches as well. The matches are:

Continued matches:

Rose and Crown Pub and Dining Room (Epcot) vs. Boma - Flavors of Africa (Animal Kingdom Lodge) (tied 9-9)
Tusker House Restaurant (Animal Kingdom) vs. Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue (Fort Wilderness)
(tied 9-9)

New matches:

Hollywood Studios Region:

California Grill (Contemporary) vs. Chef Mickey's (Contemporary)
(California Grill has defeated T-Rex 15-2 and Mama Melrose's 14-1. Chef Mickey's has defeated The Plaza Restaurant 17-6 and The Crystal Palace 10-8).

Teppan Edo (Epcot) vs. Yachtsman Steakhouse (Yacht Club)
(Teppan Edo has defeated Sci-Fi 12-9 and Citricos 9-6. Yachtsman Steakhouse has defeated Ragland Road 11-3 and Mickey's Backyard BBQ 12-2).

Animal Kingdom Region:

Fulton's Crab House (Downtown Disney) vs. 'Ohana (Polynesian)
(Fulton's Crab House has defeated Planet Hollywood 12-6 and House of Blues 12-3. 'Ohana has defeated Tony's Town Square 20-3 and Trail's End Restaurant 12-2).

Artist Point (Wilderness Lodge) vs. Les Chefs de France (Epcot)
(Artist Point has defeated 1900 Park Fare 10-6 and Yak and Yeti 10-5. Les Chefs has defeated Boatwright's Dining Hall 14-2 and The Garden Grill 9-6).

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Hollywood Studios Region:

California Grill (Contemporary)
Yachtsman Steakhouse (Yacht Club)

Animal Kingdom Region:

'Ohana (Polynesian)
Artist Point (Wilderness Lodge)


We need time for things to happen.
Rose and Crown Pub and Dining Room
Tusker House Restaurant
California Grill
Yachtsman Steakhouse Ohana
Les Chefs de France


Original Poster
Wow, the two continued matches are now 11-11:eek:

I do like to see that you are keeping track, but you have to be careful because some people voted twice.

So far,

Continued matches:

Rose/Crown and Boma are tied 10-10,

Tusker House leads Hoop Dee Doo 11-9.

New matches:

California Grill leads Chef Mickey's 9-7,

Yachtsman Steakhouse leads Teppan Edo 8-7,

'Ohana leads Fulton's Crab House 11-4 (major disappointment in my opinion),

Artist Point leads Les Chefs 10-5 (a bit of a surprise).

Please keep those votes coming!:sohappy:

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