Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Have you ever seen me make a full thread with obvservations?

I usually lose interest.

Besides, I thought you had a lot to say on Wishes/FitS?

That's funny... I'm EXACTLY the same way!! :lol:

I've got plenty to say... Just not the energy for the effort needed to create a whole thread about it!
It is a task, but it usually churns up some good talk. :D

Like this one.


Well-Known Member
That's funny... I'm EXACTLY the same way!! :lol:

I've got plenty to say... Just not the energy for the effort needed to create a whole thread about it!
I need someone to walk behind me and take notes as I dictate. I usually forget what I had to say....especially after the long drive home.


Besides, I thought you had a lot to say on Wishes/FitS?

It is a task, but it usually churns up some good talk. :D

Like this one.
Yep, I wear that title proudly if it means not having to feel like I'm writing a dissertation.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, the only problem is New Year's eve, it's almost impossible to tour without a ridiculous wait. You could get there earlier in the day and grab a few fastpasses for later in the day. That being said, when I tour, I'm like you, 20-30 minutes is my limit.

That's largely why I don't do NYE at the parks anymore, although at this point rides/attractions are never musts at the domestic parks so it doesn't really matter much.

I did NYE back-to-back in 1999 and 2000 at EPCOT and DL in 2001 and 2003 ... and was planning on 2006 except it was pouring rain, so I hung out at a local watering hole.

But I do feel for anyone who uses NYE as a regular day on a ticket and expects to get value in terms of attractions.

That said, I do recall walking on to Test Track (with an open bottle of champagne as well as a Disney exec!) on 12/31/99 at about 11:20 p.m. because folks were camped out for pyro ... I had a perfectly fine location getting there 15 minutes before the show.

I guess my point is you have to be a bit savvy if you want to accomplish anything.

Getting into a standby line for Soarin (almost anytime) but on 12/31 is lunacy for instance.


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Original Poster
I think they should release all Disney animated features under the Pixar label. Been saying that since they bought 'em. Wouldn't be that hard now either, considering JL is EP on everything anyway.

And this echoes my original point, which was that having John involved does not automatically ensure box office success (notice I didn't say artistic or critical success). Having the Pixar name (at this point in time, based on their unblemished history) does, comparitively.

I can't agree with your first point because it would mean the Disney name is dirt and dead as far as animation. I just can't accept that, even Disney-Pixar.

But I do agree completely with the second point. When you can't make a bad movie (and I didn't even like UP all that much, but it still is quality through and through) ... when you constantly wow critics and Wall Street alike, you're doing something right.

It would take a good 5-10 years of making the mistakes Disney made in the late 1990s into the 00s for Pixar to lose its golden child status. And I don't see that happening ever.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Have you ever seen me make a full thread with obvservations?

I usually lose interest.

It can be tough ... but this is a thread that started with my observations and has covered a whole lot of ground ... so just add in some of yours.

That way there's no pressure to write every detail.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I can't agree with your first point because it would mean the Disney name is dirt and dead as far as animation. I just can't accept that, even Disney-Pixar.

But I do agree completely with the second point. When you can't make a bad movie (and I didn't even like UP all that much, but it still is quality through and through) ... when you constantly wow critics and Wall Street alike, you're doing something right.

It would take a good 5-10 years of making the mistakes Disney made in the late 1990s into the 00s for Pixar to lose its golden child status. And I don't see that happening ever.
It certainly happened for WDSA, didn't it? I think the reviews that state how PATF "is the best movie since Lion King" certsainly shed light on that. I would never wish something like that on Pixar, but would I trade it to have Disney Animation back in it's prime and pumping them out like in the 90's? Heck yes.

Add along some changes in WDW and all would be right in my little Disney World. :D :lol:


Well-Known Member
-Fantasy in the Sky blows Wishes out of the water.

The Fantasy in the Sky "Mirror show" that is given on the Fourth of July and NYE does completely blow away Wishes.


FitS, which ended in 2003, was nothing more than fireworks with music and does not compare to Wishes whatsoever.

Please be clear on to which you are referring to.


Well-Known Member
It can be tough ... but this is a thread that started with my observations and has covered a whole lot of ground ... so just add in some of yours.

That way there's no pressure to write every detail.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'll try cooking up something tonight.

The Fantasy in the Sky "Mirror show" that is given on the Fourth of July and NYE does completely blow away Wishes.


FitS, which ended in 2003, was nothing more than fireworks with music and does not compare to Wishes whatsoever.

Please be clear on to which you are referring to.
Yes, the 4th/NYE show.


Well-Known Member
People view Pixar as a quality product for ALL ages that doesn't talk down to children and doesn't shield them from more adult themes (you know like what Disney once did). While Disney is viewed largely as what you pick up for $9.99 at Walmart and pop in the DVD player when you're cooking dinner or driving to grammy's and you want the kids to be amused.

It's sad, but that's largely it.

I honestly think if PaTF had Pixar's name attached it would be doing much better than what it is.

I absolutely agree - Pixar is a film adults go and see, Disney is kids' films in the public perception. Very much like that here in Germany where the Disney brand is not as strong to begin with. Ever since Finding Nemo I have met plenty of adults who went to see the Pixar films, but who could never imagine to go and see a Disney film. People at work thought that I was a bit crazy when I told them that I went to see PatF. That's the reason why PaTF since its start here in Germany in late November still has less visitors than Ratatouille had on its first weekend.

Thanks! It's a very busy work period for me, so I have no idea how much I'll be able to pop in!

Looks like you were able to pop in much more than I...

And you're absolutely correct about Europeans and the Wild West and Hollywood ... those themes are very strong across the Pond and Disney isn't oblivious to that fact.

Frontierland is a thing of beauty at DLP ... but Hollywood at DSP (like the real one) could use a lot of work!

That's the sad thing: DLP started out with such a promise and then did not continue that way. Since the opening of Space Mountain in 1995 (my first trip and we got a special EMH where we able to just stay in our rocket to go around again and again!! One of my best Disney memories!) nothing really exciting was added until the Crush Coaster (which suffers from low capacity) and ToT. :shrug:

I think in a certain way, DLP was during those years similar to what you and others here on the board complain about with regard to WDW. With the exception that DLP was on the edge of bankruptcy which WDW isn't. DLP seemed to start investing for the 15th anniversary of the park and from what I have read that seems to have really paid off - people are just more likely to come if they get a high quality product. I wonder wether WDW won't find out that even if the economy picks up they will still have to discount their hotels because people won't be willing to pay full price for the product they are getting.

I like Studio 1 ... a lot. But it doesn't work as the Main Street of DSP because it is so small and dark. The front of it is blah to me, to be honest. I like the Mickey fountain and the few craftsman touches, but it really just looks cheap to me overall.

I thought Studio 1 was a joke the first time I saw it: a huge warehouse with some cheap paper cut outs... Once I learned the backstory of Dinoland in AK, I realized that Studio 1 is something similar and it made sense. But I don't think it makes sense to have a backstory that the casual visitor doesn't understand. So in the end, I absolutely agree: it is actually pretty good, but it doesn't work for the purpose it is supposed to fill.

That's what I've heard. She's either on the way back now or will be within the next few hours, so I'm looking forward to her stories.

I've traveled extensively in Europe, but never made it to Germany ... yet. It's on my 'must see' list!

I hope the stories she brought back with her were good ones. Germany is definitely worth a visit, but I think it isn't as spectacular as other places in Europe - perhaps with the exception of Neuschwanstein and possibly Berlin.

But still, there's a whole lot of homogenization of products and lines. You shouldn't be able to buy the same items everywhere. And I don't want Disney-branded items everywhere either.

When we were there in 2007 there was quite a bit of merchandise that was parked: "exclusive DLP merchandise" (or something similar). Of course I don't know if that stuff had been on the shelfs for three years already. :rolleyes: And I do miss the much more varied selection of non-Disney things in the early years.

That makes two of us. I have always visited DLP in spring or early fall and I have never seen pyro there, despite having an AP. I have heard they generally don't do great shows there because of local regulations, except on a few holidays.

I just checked out Martin's videos, even if the fireworks aren't as high, they look quite impressive. I think the castle actually goes very well with the fireworks because it has a much more interesting shape than WDW's!

DAK is great. And it shouldn't be hot weather when you're here. I'd take her to Sea World if she likes wild-life too. ... And yeah, if she's spent time at DLP, I can't see her being thrilled with MK.

One of the things that brings me back to WDW is that besides running through theme parks, it is a wonderful break from winter in Germany. So I do spend time at the pool or this time watching the animals at AKL where we are going to stay. So we decided not to add any other theme parks to the mix this time. But we were very tempted by Sea World. Thanks for the tip!

And if by 'ethnic food' you mean chicken nuggets, burgers and plain pizza, she should be in heaven! :ROFLOL:

Yep, burgers, corn dog nuggets (never had those, need to find out what they are!), caesar's salad, brownies, milk shakes and barbecue are all "ethnic" to us and on our list of things to get! :king:

True, don`t expect 9" shells or anything. Wishes compared to the original, well, didn`t. However, as a full multimedia show to end the day off it was great. Prior to that FitS was a great show (with Tink flying to the castle!) and Enchanted looks very good and similar too. The regular DLP shows in general suffer from a bulk launch system - although timed to music, the displays are very much 10 seconds of this effect, then 10 seconds of that one, then 5 seconds of that one. What is surprising is how close you are to the launchers and pyro - although launched off the Fandland rooftops like in Orlando you feel a lot closer to it. See my FitS 2002 video at martinsvids.net for example.

One thing I will say; the Millenium show at DLP knocked spots of anything in Orlando. Truely staggering.

I never realized you had DLP videos, too! :hammer: I watched your Epcot videos to find out about all those attraction everyone keeps talking about here! Now I have found many more videos I need to see... The fireworks videos were great. I actually liked Wishes a lot, those projections were really great and it helped to finally understand the story of Wishes much better. I never really new with all the characters who was talking...

But I can see your point about the bulk launch system, it is a bit annoying. Do you have any idea what the summer fireworks are like now?

How WAS that done, by the way? Saw it in your vids, and WOW!

I was wondering about that, too, and about the wandering pixie dust as well!

-International guests outnumber bumpkins and are in many cases, worse. I imagine that discounts and the weakness of the dollar are the culprit.

I wonder wether there really are so many discounts available for foreign tourists. For UK visitors, yes, but the rest of the Europeans would in most cases book through national package tour operators and they don't offer the same discounts as Disney offers directly. Of course I have no idea how it works for Latin American visitors.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the 4th/NYE show.

Hardly fair to compare the "Mirror" fireworks show (w/ perimeter!) that is only shown twice a year to the nightly show.

You're comparing apples and oranges here. Wishes is the "nightly" show whereas the NYE show is something you'll never forget, ever. The NYE show at MK blows away Epcot's show as well as DHS's.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Hardly fair to compare the "Mirror" fireworks show (w/ perimeter!) that is only shown twice a year to the nightly show.

You're comparing apples and oranges here. Wishes is the "nightly" show whereas the NYE show is something you'll never forget, ever. The NYE show at MK blows away Epcot's show as well as DHS's.

I think he's comparing just the MK side FITS WITHOUT the NYE Stuff.

It is nice, I saw another vid today.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I absolutely agree - Pixar is a film adults go and see, Disney is kids' films in the public perception. Very much like that here in Germany where the Disney brand is not as strong to begin with. Ever since Finding Nemo I have met plenty of adults who went to see the Pixar films, but who could never imagine to go and see a Disney film. People at work thought that I was a bit crazy when I told them that I went to see PatF. That's the reason why PaTF since its start here in Germany in late November still has less visitors than Ratatouille had on its first weekend.

It's sad, but true.

WDFA was built (as were the parks) to not talk down to the audience. To put out a family prouct, but by no means simply a children's one.

Bambi and Snow White and Pinnochio would never get made by today's Disney because they hit on real world themes that are scary (some might say to adults at the core as much as kids).

Up is anything but a children's film. In the first eight minutes, you deal with love, infertility, dreams that don't come true and death.

Now, I haven't seen fanboi fave Avatar yet, but UP may be the best film of 2009.

To get back to the point, though, many people have come to view Disney as just for kids now and The Mouse has no one to blame but the folks he employs because that's the direction it's taken.

Everything has to be acceptable for a senstive six-year-old. That's just not smart business and it certainly isn't creatively.

Looks like you were able to pop in much more than I...

That's what crazy work hours and frigid weather can do!

That's the sad thing: DLP started out with such a promise and then did not continue that way. Since the opening of Space Mountain in 1995 (my first trip and we got a special EMH where we able to just stay in our rocket to go around again and again!! One of my best Disney memories!) nothing really exciting was added until the Crush Coaster (which suffers from low capacity) and ToT. :shrug:

I had a similar experience on Big Thunder when I was at DLP this fall. Even though the park had closed when we went out on our first ride, as soon as we were back the CMs asked if we wanted to go again and sent us back out. That's DISNEY MAGIC!

There's no doubt that post-Space Mountain new attractions were scarce in Paris before Studios, but they did have new entertainment, which counts for something too!

I think in a certain way, DLP was during those years similar to what you and others here on the board complain about with regard to WDW. With the exception that DLP was on the edge of bankruptcy which WDW isn't. DLP seemed to start investing for the 15th anniversary of the park and from what I have read that seems to have really paid off - people are just more likely to come if they get a high quality product. I wonder wether WDW won't find out that even if the economy picks up they will still have to discount their hotels because people won't be willing to pay full price for the product they are getting.

I dunno. I am biased, no doubt, I may be an APer at three Disney resorts (well, my DL AP expired but will be renewed very shortly) but I spend less time at DLP because ... well ... it's across the pond! But the foundation of DLP was so amazing that I can kind of give it a bit of a pass (especially with the financial realities) for not adding for a while.

Look at it this way: the MK hasn't gotten an addition since DLP opened. That puts it all in perspective.

As to discounting, WDW has gotten into a vicious cycle of it whereby people now expect free nights, free dining, free gift cards, free ... anything ... and Bob Iger can talk all he wants about ending it, but TDO's actions say the direct opposite.

And even with the discounts, a huge Disney fanboi like me still went all year without spending one night on property (first time in at least 20 years), I have cut my WDW dining down by about 70% and the only shopping I did (other than with my free B-Day gift card) has come at Property Control (looking at my own Lights of Winter in my breakfast nook as I type this ... thanks WDW!):xmas:

I thought Studio 1 was a joke the first time I saw it: a huge warehouse with some cheap paper cut outs... Once I learned the backstory of Dinoland in AK, I realized that Studio 1 is something similar and it made sense. But I don't think it makes sense to have a backstory that the casual visitor doesn't understand. So in the end, I absolutely agree: it is actually pretty good, but it doesn't work for the purpose it is supposed to fill.

Studio 1 to me comes off as something of a concept for a Regional Entertainment Center (Disney was working on these at one time for Japan, Korea and Singapore). It's nice, but dark. And it's small-scale. It's fine for a regional venture, but as the 'Main Street' for a major theme park?

No way. Not even close.

I hope the stories she brought back with her were good ones. Germany is definitely worth a visit, but I think it isn't as spectacular as other places in Europe - perhaps with the exception of Neuschwanstein and possibly Berlin.

She got back late Monday. Talked tonight. Had a great time. She was even in Nuremburg for New Year's Eve (said there were lots of fireworks). Had a great time, especially in your town and in Berlin despite the cold weather.

When we were there in 2007 there was quite a bit of merchandise that was parked: "exclusive DLP merchandise" (or something similar). Of course I don't know if that stuff had been on the shelfs for three years already. :rolleyes: And I do miss the much more varied selection of non-Disney things in the early years.

Yeah. They still have DLP-exclusive items. But nothing that exciting. I want to buy stuff (I'm an American capitalist pig, after all!:ROFLOL::eek::drevil: ... I love to buy stuff to show how successful I am!). But there is only so much of the same I can take. In 2007, I did buy more stuff because it was DLP's 15th and I was over there a few times that year.

I just checked out Martin's videos, even if the fireworks aren't as high, they look quite impressive. I think the castle actually goes very well with the fireworks because it has a much more interesting shape than WDW's!

I haven't. I need to. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever see pyro in Marne la Vallee, although I'm hoping to be over there this summer.

One of the things that brings me back to WDW is that besides running through theme parks, it is a wonderful break from winter in Germany. So I do spend time at the pool or this time watching the animals at AKL where we are going to stay. So we decided not to add any other theme parks to the mix this time. But we were very tempted by Sea World. Thanks for the tip!

I do love AKL (I call it DAK Lodge myself!). It is a destination in itself, no doubt. Hopefully, you'll have better weather when you are here. It can't really get colder than it is now.

Yep, burgers, corn dog nuggets (never had those, need to find out what they are!), caesar's salad, brownies, milk shakes and barbecue are all "ethnic" to us and on our list of things to get! :king:

I don't know whether you'll have a car or not, but if you do and are looking for really great burgers I'd highly advise a visit to Fuddrucker's in Lake Buena Vista (in the Crossroads across from the Hotel Plaza Blvd/DD entrance to WDW). And if you're looking for real BBQ, try Sonny's (a chain, like Fuddrucker's, but very good, cheap and with a terrific salad bar). I think the closest Sonny's to WDW is on US highway 192 in Kissimmee, but you may want to check.

If you are stuck/trapped on property, or if you just want to try a lot of 'American' food, the best burger on WDW property is served at Fulton's at DD (but it's only on the lunch menu). It's also a great place to relax and enjoy a meal on the water. For BBQ, the ONLY place at WDW to have anything worth chowing down on is Flame Tree BBQ at DAK.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
:lol: Well said.

I'm happy they chopped those trees, BTW....How anti Tree Hugger of me! Odd. :lol:

You should be force to spend the night sleeping outside ... under a tree!!!

And I do worry about you when you say you like Wishes. Pyro aside the show is so sickeningly sweet I worry about my teeth after viewing.

It's not a bad show. but those moppets singning ... like nails on a chalkboard.

Dreams, wishes and magic ... enough already, we get it.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You should be force to spend the night sleeping outside ... under a tree!!!

And I do worry about you when you say you like Wishes. Pyro aside the show is so sickeningly sweet I worry about my teeth after viewing.

It's not a bad show. but those moppets singning ... like nails on a chalkboard.

Dreams, wishes and magic ... enough already, we get it.
Don't worry, I worry about you, too. :D

As much as you'll hate me for saying this, there has to be at least one huge moment like that at Disney. :shrug: It's in their nature, seeing that they are a company that is emotional, nostalgic, sentimental and the like. IN this instance it just packs a powerful punch in the Firework show.

I,for one, enjoy it. :lol:

Fantasmic, on the other hand, is what I find to be TOO generic in that sense. Characters, Mickey, Villains, Imagination, pyro. Kinda cut and dry. However, I still enjoy that, too....You just have to work around it.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
IM sorry but things that make big bangs and explode can never be dull, just shut out the cheesy mince.

Fantasmic may have its faults but after a bit of a slow start is now a show I love. Illumintaions however has gone the otherway, for Petes sake give us something new.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
IM sorry but things that make big bangs and explode can never be dull, just shut out the cheesy mince.

Fantasmic may have its faults but after a bit of a slow start is now a show I love. Illumintaions however has gone the otherway, for Petes sake give us something new.

True. :lol: There's no way any of these shows can suck flat out. The pyro will always look the same.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Don't worry, I worry about you, too. :D

As much as you'll hate me for saying this, there has to be at least one huge moment like that at Disney. :shrug: It's in their nature, seeing that they are a company that is emotional, nostalgic, sentimental and the like. IN this instance it just packs a powerful punch in the Firework show.

I,for one, enjoy it. :lol:

You can pack a punch as you put it in many ways. RoE certainly does. Almost every night show I can think of has done so.

Wishes just does it in that most basic DISNEY MAGIC way ... I almost enjoy it more when I am somewhere I can see the pyro, but not hear the sappy soundtrack.

Fantasmic, on the other hand, is what I find to be TOO generic in that sense. Characters, Mickey, Villains, Imagination, pyro. Kinda cut and dry. However, I still enjoy that, too....You just have to work around it.

The problem with Fantasmic (well, other than it's tired and needs updating) is the basic storyline has been 'borrowed' and has been used in countless Disney productions since. Even Wishes borrows from it.

You start with some magic, the Disney baddies come out and threaten to put an end to happily ever after, and -- in the end -- Mickey and power of dreams, wishes and magic saves the day.

There are other options for plots.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You can pack a punch as you put it in many ways. RoE certainly does. Almost every night show I can think of has done so.

Wishes just does it in that most basic DISNEY MAGIC way ... I almost enjoy it more when I am somewhere I can see the pyro, but not hear the sappy soundtrack.

The problem with Fantasmic (well, other than it's tired and needs updating) is the basic storyline has been 'borrowed' and has been used in countless Disney productions since. Even Wishes borrows from it.

You start with some magic, the Disney baddies come out and threaten to put an end to happily ever after, and -- in the end -- Mickey and power of dreams, wishes and magic saves the day.

There are other options for plots.
I just think that everyone hates the style of the music. :lol: Maybe if they re recorded it?

As for Fantasmic having it's storyline ripped for Wishes, though I see the obvious parallels, Fantasmic HAS a linear, easy to follow, but convoluted and heavily populated storyline. Wishes? Not really... It's more of a vignette or painting. It's a brief look into the "emotion" or thoughts behind a Wish, something very Disney. As for the baddies...I don't think that it's a conflict..It's Jimminy showing you about the "other side" of Wishes. Wishes is like one long dream, it's just sensation and imagery. Like I said, a vignette.

It might not be the most original thing in the world, but for Firework shows at the MK, you usually get ones cut and dry. Beleive, Wishes, FitS, RDCT, all the same in the sense. (And for the record, Believe's score has ME rolling my eyes. THAT'S sappy.)
Leave EPCOT for all the mumbo jumbo symbolism that no one gets. :rolleyes: :D

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