Friday Sept. 11Arrival Day and First visit to the parks!
As per usual (unlike our last trip) this trip involved flying. To me, this is the only way to get to WHF, it is not. He likes driving.
So, we got up early and got to the airport to find really long lines. Well, this is unlike our airport! We always get in with no problems. Then I remembered it was a Friday...and it all made sense. The other thing that bothered me about today was that it was Sept. 11th. I was super nervous to be flying, but I knew that I wasn't about to put off my life living in fear of what date it was.
So, once the plane arrived, we took off right on time and then...luckily arrived in Orlando early...however, because we arrived so early, the gate wasn't ready for we had to stand by. The great thing though, was because it was Sept. 11th, the flight attendants played "God Bless America" over the microphone while we were waiting. It was so hard not to cry...such a touching moment.
And now...we are in Florida. My happy place. The place I want to live in so badly. It feels so homey.
We get down to ME and find out there's been a change to the process. This time, if you have all your documentation (the booklet that they send you in the mail) you don't have to wait in line to talk with someone at the counter. You get to go straight to the red carpet and get in line for whichever resort you're staying at. I don't know how new this is, but I know I hadn't experience it yet. And I LOVED it!!!! It made the process so much more streamlined. And we got from the plane to an ME bus in less than 15 minutes. It was great!!! (Oh and for those of you who may be curious...Southwest Airlines is still testing the Check-in process at Pop Century...I hadn't heard much about it prior to my trip, but it is, in fact, still being "tested.")
Once we arrive at Pop, we get in line for the Online check-in. This, to me, is something that REALLY needs work. First of all, it was VERY hard to find the online check-in area. The only thing designating it at the hotel is a sign of a box with a check mark in it. And it's not even hanging up. It's in a very difficult place to see. The second thing I didn't really care for was the Online Check in line actually moved SLOWER than the regular line. If I had been in the regular line, I would have had my room immediately. But because I'd gotten in the online check in line, I waited at least 10-15 minutes before they were able to help me, since there were only 2 people checking those of us who'd done Online check in in. So, to me, there are still some kinks that need to be worked out with this.
The great thing was our room, was in fact ready, when we got to the resort. The problem...the room was in East Boofu! We were all the way out on the last arm of the 80s section. It was certainly a hike to get to our room, especially if we went the way the CM told us to go. Once we figured our a short cut through the parking lot, we got to everything much quicker.
So, what's the first thing you do when you are in Disney? Go to the Magic Kingdom, of course!!! So, that's where we were headed.
Now...the one thing you all must know, especially to understand this trip, is that I have a Disney podcast. I don't flaunt it a lot, (don't want to make Steve or others mad) but the past few trips, I have been fortunate enough to meet some of our listeners. And once again, I was fortunate enough to meet some for this trip as well. And this was another reason I was headed to the MK. I had a listener, named Becca, from the UK, who was leaving in a few hours that I really wanted to meet up with who was already at the MK.
So, we headed over there and after some messaging, we decided to meet in Casey's. (Which was a first, as I'd never eaten at Casey's before). We met up with each other...and she and her fiance were SUPER sweet!!! Loved getting to chat with them.
Also, WHF and I were STARVING by this point, so food was a number 1 priority as well. WHF got a hot dog and I got the corn dog nuggets. Wow...their food is amazing!! Casey's is now on my radar as somewhere I will have to go to when hungry!!! Really, really great food!
After that, the 4 of us took off to the Haunted Mansion...since Becca is afraid of it. She was waiting for me to arrive down there before she actually rode. And of course, I'm so evil...I scared her when the lights went out in the stretching room by grabbing her. But her fiance did it I'm not the only evil one. :lol:
From there, we went and did Splash as their last ride...and we got SOAKED!!!! And not because of the water cannon, but because of the weight of the boat! We were packed like sardines...which causes more water to flood the boat. So, we all got drenched.
After that, they decided to get a funnel cake and a Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich from Sleepy Hollow. And WHF and I were more than happy to help them eat it. (Even though we were already full from our Casey's meal...and had dinner coming up soon...) And unfortunately, the 4 of us weren't man enough to eat all of it. There was definitely some that we threw away. But, both are excellent and something that should be devoured by all.
After that, we took the monorail, as we were originally headed to Epcot and they were headed home. So we said goodbye...but on the way to the TTC, WHF asks if there are hammocks at the Poly. I said, of course...and I knew what he was thinking. Nap.
So, we get to the Poly...and this is really the first trip I've ever spent quality time there. Let me tell you, I've found a new resort to LOVE!!! OMG!!! This is so on my must stay at list when I get very rich! I absolutely LOVED hanging out at the Poly this time. (It may, in fact, beat the Contemporary, on my list of favorite resorts, and that's saying a lot!)
We found the hammocks at the Poly...and OMG...we couldn't have had a better view. It was honestly the most relaxing place in the entire world and life couldn't get any sweeter at that moment. I was laying with the person I love the most, in one of the most beautiful places, looking at the most beautiful sight, Cinderella Castle!!! Perfection.
After lounging there for like an hour, we headed over to Epcot, since it was having Extra Magic Hours that night. But first, we decided we Not that we were hungry, but we had a date with one of the best restaurants on property in Beaches and Cream! This was something we had been looking forward to in all of our planning...and no amount of being full was going to keep us away!
So, off we headed tot he International Gateway to walk over to the Beach Club. (Another favorite resort...I am going to HAVE to win the lottery somehow!) We both got the most amazing burgers (since they are the best burgers on property there!) and I got the most delectable dessert ever in the form of a No Way Jose. Chocolate, Peanut can you go wrong? Although, by this point, I was stuffed to the gills...and it was only day 1! How was I gonna handle more of this?! Also, we had the best waiter in when you go to Beaches and Cream...see if you can have him wait on you. He was so great!
After gorging ourselves, we headed back to Epcot and walked around World Showcase. We explored some of the shops and WHF decided it would be a GREAT idea to buy a tile from Morrocco...why? I do not know...but this purchase was all him.
From there, we walked over to AA and caught the show. Which was especially hard to watch since it was Sept. 11th. Once again, I tried hard to fight back the tears.
We explored more shops and areas on our trek around the World (at least the ones that were open) and then took the fantastic voyages to Norway and Mexico.
After that, it was a race against the clock. It was 11:50 and we wanted to get to Test Track. So, we hurried over find out, we'd just missed it and the park was now closed.

So we left the park and headed back home.
Up next: a day at AK and going back the the MK!
PS...I'm having a bit of trouble with getting my pics I will have them...but alas, I don't have the time to figure it out right now. Pics from Day 1 will be posted soon and then hopefully the rest of the pics will be able to be posted with the report!

Sorry for the delay...I know the pics are the most fun!