Well-Known Member
I think all he was asking for was some data on the "large segement of people" that were angered by the price of food at Disney. If we had that data and data compared to several years ago, we could see if it is a significant issue or not. Blindly claiming "alot of people are mad" is not an argument. I'm not taking a side (I could care less), I'm just hopefully clarifying the direction of the discussion. Apologies in advance to mcjaco if I spoke out of turn.
it sounds like you're taking a side ... I think asking me for data to back up an assertion based upon anecdotal observations and speaking to people is kinda ... well, impossible.
Disney doesn't have the data itself. Other than any registered complaint ... and most people don't complain (at WDW or anywhere) they just don't return.
I'm not making an argument. I'm stating a fact. Many people are mad about the costs of food at WDW. Do you want to start dissecting the word 'many' now?
You are side stepping his valid point. You are judging the parks and labeling them based on no first hand experience. I don't think (even though I can see how) he was saying that they are at the same level of Disney. He was just commenting on your premptive judgement of something you haven't experienced.
To say you are not interested in something is fine. To label it negatively without experiencing it is somewhat arogant.
Again mcjaco, apologies if this is not what you meant.
Well, I guess I am a somewhat arrogant spirit. I'll live with that.
I understand and agree with his/your point ... but only to a point. Sure it's better to experience things. But a rational, intelligent being with information and knowledge etc ... can make a choice about whether they think they'd like something. Sometimes you're wrong. But even if I went to Magic Mountain tomorrow and had a great time, my opinion of the chain and where it stands in the ratings would put it at the WalMart end of the spectrum ... but plenty of folks love WalMart too ... so maybe I'm just a Nordstrom snob?
I'll stick with BEC, Disney and UNI until SF gives me a compelling reason to visit. New mega coasters don't do it for me.
~Moi? Arrogant?!?!~