Actual quote from Guest...

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
In case MontyMon is still checking out this thread...

We were both astounded by the number of people who thought they weren't allowed to ride EE! I was listening to one family that the mother said "Oh, we're not allowed on, it's only open for special guests" :eek: I went over and told her that it was open to anyone and explained that DS and I had ridden several times already that day... She looked at me like I had two heads and hurried away :shrug:. Another family was standing right in front of the ride, looking at the CMs waving people into line and the father said something to the effect of "they're just testing it, we'll be able to ride next trip...", if he had walked ten feet to the CM and asked, he would have found out they could ride! :rolleyes:

After a while, I just took the approach that it meant that many more rides for us! :D

Hate to break it to ya, Monty, but what that mom was probably trying TO AVOID saying is either "That ride will scare the hell out of you, so I'll say anything to avoid getting on it with you," or, "That ride scares the hell out of ME, so I'll say anything to avoid getting on it, period!" You blew her cover, dude.

The diehard fans, including myself, have to understand, some people will say wrong things to their children or other members of their party just to be silly or goofy, keep themselves amused. I make up lies every time my wife and I go, to see what she'll believe. Granted, I'll tell her immediately (well, ALMOST immediately) when I'm just telling tales, and sometimes she arches an eyebrow and get suspicious when I tell her the God's honest truth, but it always brings a smile to both of our lips.

In my cynical sarcastic heart, there's little difference between trying to convince a child that guy in the mall with the white beard and red coat is THE REAL SANTA, and that there's a secret room in Cinderella's castle where Walt's body is frozen. So sue me. :D

And I can be amused-but-forgiving to people who mess up names of attractions or parks, because it's often because some things are so iconic. You see a commercial for Disney World, it alsmost always ends with the castle when "Walt Disney World" comes up on screen. So for many people the castle IS Disney World, much like SSE IS Epcot. And if a parent or grandparent, who's dealing with heat they normally never have to deal with before, kids running every which way, thinking "How the hell am I going to PAY for all this when I get home?" mistakenly calls Test Track Fast Track, or confuses HM with ToT, or even attractions at Universal with attractions at the Disney Studios, well jeez, it can be overwhelming if you don't plan ahead and if you didn't know you SHOULD plan ahead.

Someone I work with on occassion was coincidentally planning a trip to WDW where he'd arrive about 2 days after I'd leave in August. He'd be there for the Labor Day weekend. Knowing how busy even 3 day weekends can be (and with the start of the Free Dining Promotion, no less), I gave him some warnings he never thought of before. Because of my suggestions, he was able to still get some nice meal reservations (and not be disappointed by the ones he wouldn't be able to get into if he tried to do a walk-up the day he was there) and he got tickets for the Pirates & Princesses parade, which allowed some primo quality time with his wife and son out of the late summer Florida sun. He's not a dumb guy, but he just didn't know what he was in for. And lots of people don't get that luxury.

But so I don't come across as a total load, I think there's a special place in, at least, Purgatory, for the doo schnozzles who insist they're right when being told by Cast Members - you know, the people who work there, so they might know how things work - that, nope, sorry, you're mistaken. If I heard the guy complaining that he wanted to be there when they rolled SSE out to some giant hangar somewhere to get washed overnight, I'd point and laugh. A heart mocking laugh for the old man who insists the ferry between Epcot & MGM also sails down to DTD and won't believe the boat operator who tells him otherwise who finally gives up and says "Well, it's not MY route." And my sympathy for the people who insist Jaws MUST be around here someplace is strictly on the surface. THAT'S a conversation I had on a long line for RnRC last year. Lucky for me my phone, while not a super-nifty iPhone, DOES have internet access. After assuring someone that they're not going to find Jaws in Disney, and he getting really angry with me for contradicting him, I whipped my phone out, went to universal's website, and showed him the Jaws info. He still said "well, Disney must've lost the rights to the ride or something." That's when I just laughed and went "Dude, Jaws is a Universal movie, it's always been a Universal thing, you'll be FAR better off just admitting you were wrong, it's OK, I was wrong once, I got over it." That made him laugh, and the tension was diffused.

but yeah, when you're proven mistaken, especially by nice people trying to help, and the CMs who gain absolutely nothing by lieing to you, just suck it up that you're wrong and move on.

Here's the one that actually got my blood boiling. Wife and I, before we were married, took the bus from AKL where we were staying (not married yet, so thank God for those two queen beds, knowhutimsayin?) to the MK. As we get off the bus and start heading towards the main gate, the family in front of us veers to the right and starts heading towards the Contemporary. That's no big deal, could've wanted to check out the resort, or had breakfast ADRs at Chef Mickey's, maybe mistakenly thought there was a rear entrance into the park. Whatever. No skin offa my sack. BUT they had a little daughter, maybe 4 or 5, and when the family veered off to the right, SHE kept walking towards the Magic Kingdom. Come on, IT'S THE MAGIC KINGDOM! She's a kid! There's an electromagnetic force field in Cinderella's castle tuned into kid's brain waves, they see the Magic Kingdom, they're going to walk towards it like it's their own Mecca. We try to tell the little girl her family's going that way, THAT way, but it's like when Tony and Maria saw each other for the first time in West Side Story, everything else turned gray. So I approach the family, kinda joking, that their little one is making a break for it, while my then-GF, a teacher, gently holds the girl back and guides her towards the family. The father, not particularly grateful for this sorta reunion, tells the little girl "Mickey Mouse doesn't like little girls who don't follow their parents."

Now I know the guy's embarrassed and maybe a little angry at himself, but that was just mean IMHO. The girl's clearly upset for upsetting her parents, and potentially angering MM. So just loud enough for him to hear it, I say, "Yeah, but he f***ing HATES fathers who lose thier kids." His only comment "wait till you have kids." I wanted to say more, but I didn't, because...well, hell I'm in Disney. I save my nasty wiseassery for the real world.

Side note, the reason I can write a novel tonight is because my wife is sleeping next to me, just a few days past the first trimester. So I guess, soon enough, I won't have to wait till I have kids...

And if the kid turns out to be a load, I can always ditch 'em on the way to the Contemporary.

And on one more side note, the only reason THIS Jersey kid is praying for a Patriots win is because I commute to NYC for work, and if you think people who don't know the names of Disney attractions are annoying, try a commuter train STOCKED TO THE RAFTERS with drunken revelers who've been partying all night to go to a dopey ticker tape parade, to salute a bunch of complete strangers (who wouldn't give a crap about any of them in return, mind you) who happened to win a ball game, showing allegiance because this team HAPPENS to be stationed within a hundred-and-fifty mile radius of their home. Whoop de f'n do. I'm trying to get work done on the train, dill holes are spilling their beer on my lap top, trying to start Giant (or Yankees when they win the WS) chants, shouting at people who are close enough to touch, getting angry at me because *I* don't know how to party. Yeah, the Giants will be tremendously bummed if I don't drink myself into a state of retardation because I'm just so happy they get rich playing a game for a living. When one of the Giants comes to my job and whoops it up because I made a deadline & earned my pay, maybe I'll respond in kind.

Space Mountain

Well-Known Member
I have two pretty good ones...

If I have posted these before I apologize just scan past and keep reading...

While working in Entertainment at the Studios a British guest came up to me (nothing against British, but the proper accent and all made it even funnier) looks straight at me and asks:

"Excuse me, Goofy...uhmmm Goofy....Why does your collar say Pluto?"

I just looked back at him, and thank goodness he couldn't see my face.

The next working as a coordinator with the Green Army Men for a rope drop ceremony on Super Soap Weekend ( and boy you learn to get out of the way FAST on those morning cause there's a lot of ambitious soap fans and housewives who will just mow you down to get to their stars)

A couple approaches me with a map (they had done some pre-planning, but I could see the trouble coming)

Woman: gestures to map "Where is this Earthquake thing?"

Me: "That's at Universal Studios, this is the Disney-MGM Studios."

Woman: gestures to map again "Okay, then where is this King Kong thing?"

Me: the model of good patience "That is also at Universal Studios, not here, this is the Disney-MGM Studios"

Woman: one more try "All right, well how do we get to those things?"

Me: "Well, you need to go back to your car and head east on I-4 about 5-10 miles and you will see signs for it."

Woman:exasperated now "You mean none of this stuff is here?"

Me: trying not to laugh "No ma'am, that is a map of Universal Studios, they are a competitor, this is the Disney-MGM Studios, part of the Walt Disney World Complex. They are two different things. I have a map of this park right here if you would like it."

Woman: turns to husband, folds map and starts smacking him with it "I tole ya we bought the wrong [darn] tickets"

Me: turns away unable to keep from smiling at this pleasant exchange

Anyway, there are a lot of others that I have heard as a CM, but those are two of my favorites.:D

You've been coordinator and you revealed being a character? Wow......:mad:


Overheard a good one last week in Epcot. We were walking from World Showcase to The Land, still on the little bridge where you can see the Imagination pavillion and the waterfall off to the left and a kid asks his father, "Daddy what's that?", while pointing to Imagination...and the father says "I think it's one of the hotels"

It was as this point that my g/f and I asked if we could be of assistance. We recommended a few rides to him for his daughter and also set him straight about that funny hotel with the glass pyramid over there.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
why shouldn't i read it? so now I'll be going to bahama's instead people aren't as rude there. thanks Bahamanians aren't gonna laugh at the stupid things that people do and say....riiiiight

Keep on living that dream.
why shouldn't i read it? so now I'll be going to bahama's instead people aren't as rude there. thanks

Uhmm..who's being rude? :veryconfu

We were just saying that if you don't like the thread, then you shouldn't read it. It's only commen sence, really..

And I find it hard to believe that you're going to change your trip just because of some people on the internet. We're just sharing silly moments we've heard or encountered, and I have no idea what's rude in being humorous.

So, if you really are going to the Bahamas instead of The Happiest Place on Earth, then it's your loss (or gain, however you look at it).

Have a magical day and I hope you have a nice trip either way! :wave:


Well-Known Member
but none of you all ever made a lame comment or mistake "EVER" in your life right?

Yeah I do - all the time. I also call myself on it, and laugh about it too. If you think folks that work tourist areas in places like the Bahamas don't say the same things about tourists that say silly things, you're sadly mistaken. :)


Well-Known Member
Is it me or the majority of stupid people that say this crap are from the south (or deep south)?

I am very offended by your assumption. People in the South (notice it is capitalized because it refers to a specific geographic region in the United States and is not just a generalized direction) are not all ignorant hill-jacks. We have schools (and even colleges) just like the rest of the country. Some people in the South choose not to make a productive use of these facilities and therefore may not sound intelligent in all circumstances. However, choosing not to make use of a free public education is not a problem isolated to the South.
I suggest that you consider the ramifications of your statements more carefully. Your comment may have been meant as a joke (a very poor joke), but laughs that result in the harming of someone's personal pride/dignity are not laughs worth having. Of course, a concern and regard for the feelings of others may just be a result of my Southern manners.
I hope your quick judgements of people and unfair assessments do not prevent you from getting to know people different from you. If you base your opinion of people strictly on outward appearances and impressions such as accents, I pity you because you will spend the rest of your life preaching against ignorance when you yourself are a subscriber to that theory.


Account Suspended
You are complaining about this thread...

Like people can't share inside jokes and statements?

honestly...WDW cast memebers are some of the best and nicest people around. People who truly love what they do. If you choose to not share the memories of wdw then that is your decision and your loss. :wave:

Have a magical day!
you are a cast memember calling guests stupid. that is not rude? I dont care if its here or at the park that is rude. and if you really need a reminder I believe it's on page 9 or near it your comment. And that is in no way "some of the best and nicest" ways to act. espeically where there are "guests" reading. You make a living wearing a stuffed costume and you are calling people that make a mistake Stupid. LOL
My family and I were waiting in line for Gran Fiesta Tour (outer part of queue overlooking San Angel Inn).....a lady with said to someone else in her party, "Oh no! You don't want to eat'll find roaches in your food!" It's not Taco Bell, lady! :hammer:



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
you are a cast memember calling guests stupid. that is not rude? I dont care if its here or at the park that is rude. and if you really need a reminder I believe it's on page 9 or near it your comment. And that is in no way "some of the best and nicest" ways to act. espeically where there are "guests" reading. You make a living wearing a stuffed costume and you are calling people that make a mistake Stupid. LOL

*Reminds self not to tell ele about .* :lookaroun

I am very offended by your assumption. People in the South (notice it is capitalized because it refers to a specific geographic region in the United States and is not just a generalized direction) are not all ignorant hill-jacks. We have schools (and even colleges) just like the rest of the country. Some people in the South choose not to make a productive use of these facilities and therefore may not sound intelligent in all circumstances. However, choosing not to make use of a free public education is not a problem isolated to the South.
I suggest that you consider the ramifications of your statements more carefully. Your comment may have been meant as a joke (a very poor joke), but laughs that result in the harming of someone's personal pride/dignity are not laughs worth having. Of course, a concern and regard for the feelings of others may just be a result of my Southern manners.
I hope your quick judgements of people and unfair assessments do not prevent you from getting to know people different from you. If you base your opinion of people strictly on outward appearances and impressions such as accents, I pity you because you will spend the rest of your life preaching against ignorance when you yourself are a subscriber to that theory.



that happened to me a couple of times....i've kicked some people off the tram because...well these people were walking in the tram lane and the driver was honking at them, i was telling them they needed to move completely outside of the lane so that they wouldnt get hit but they didnt, and we had to stop because there was a tram still at the load zone and when we were clear to start moving again they tryed to get on but i told them they couldnt because they wouldnt move out of the lane, of course when we drove past they satrting cussing and saying this wouldnt happen at universal :lol:

no of course it wouldnt happen at universal, cause they make you walk 5 miles (through the port of entry, hoping you'll buy something) just to get to the parks
you are a cast memember calling guests stupid. that is not rude? I dont care if its here or at the park that is rude. and if you really need a reminder I believe it's on page 9 or near it your comment. And that is in no way "some of the best and nicest" ways to act. espeically where there are "guests" reading. You make a living wearing a stuffed costume and you are calling people that make a mistake Stupid. LOL

I would like to ask you, who is the real rude person in this convorsation?

Do you really think that we would actually walk infront of a guest and shout, "LOL UR SO STUPID" in their faces, out in broad daylight, inside one of the Disney theme parks? No, we would not. This is the internet.

I'm a guest and admit to doing a few of these silly things in this thread, but you know what? I just laugh at it. Why? Because I don't care. I laugh at my mistakes, as do most people.

You obviously have very little knowledge about Disney's CMs, that or you are too ignorant to notice how kind and helpful they really are. CMs go through hundreds of rude guests every day, and always just put a smile on their face. And to the thousands of other guests that treat the CMs kindly, they try to make their trip the most memorable trip they have ever had.

Might I add you just called someone who works as a costume character stupid. Hundreds of costumed characters interact with guests every day and make their days memorable, putting the cherry on top of their sundae, if you will. On hot summers they sweat their butts off, and on cold winters they freeze to death just to please the guests.

I do not call such a person stupid, and have incredible respect for them, if they are willing to do that much for an individual.


Well-Known Member

Thank you. I'm always happy to come to the defense of the South. I love your qoute. I had a student that I called McGyver because he was always trying to make something out of paperclips, paper, and rubber bands. Of course, the humor was lost on him because he didn't know who MacGyver was. Long live the 80s!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
When DW and I (along with some friends) were in the World for Christmas 2006 and New Year 2007, we were riding our bus back to our resort (POFQ).

Well, this guy came onto the bus, and he was talking with his group (that included some kids). You could see he was a know-it-all, and trying to be cool around the kids. Well it didn't happen.

He's one of these jokers who thinks its a great idea to start having a trivia contest with the people that are in his group, but forgets that the idea of trivia is to share knowledge, not make people even more ignorant than they already are. So he asks, does anyone know what EPCOT stands for?

We knew it was going to be wrong, so DW and I just look at each other waiting for this guy to screw it up. Well, no one in his group knows, so he says Experimental Prototype County of Tomorrow.

Well, all the people in his group were like, "Ohhhhh." DW had hold of my arm VERY tightly to make me not say anything. We still laugh about that.

Its like, people: the trivia books are cheap enough, use them, or don't spout off trivia if you do not know the answer.

I had the kids convinced once that it meant 'Every Person Comes Out Tired'. :lol: Love those tram drivers with a sense of humor.... :D


New Member
I had the kids convinced once that it meant 'Every Person Comes Out Tired'. :lol: Love those tram drivers with a sense of humor.... :D

HA...when I worked there, I used to always grin on payday, because I worked at Epcot, and Every Paycheck Comes on Thursday :)

:misses having Vista Federal as her bank:

This isn't really a "silly guest" quote, it was just something fun I would do when I worked at the Outdoor foods cart directly in front of the AmGard Theatre....

After RoE, I often had guests come up and ask me "what is the quickest way to the front of the park/monorail station/bus stop"

Me: "That way" :two finger point to the left heading toward Italy:

Two seconds later, same question

Me: "That way" :two finger point to the right, heading towards Japan:

I did this once, in fairly quick succession, and had a savvy family (who was remaining in the park to enjoy the after fireworks ambiance) laughing because they knew :ROFLOL:

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