By the way, did the family have on any specific disney based thing, like a shirt, hat, plush, pal mickey, or were they just random looking guest. I know I would probably be a littel upset to see someone else recieve this instead of me, esp. if they got it when I was right there next to them.
But see, that's the point. It's nothing like that; the CM's have ABSOLUTELY no control over any of this.
A computer spits out times and/or locations. It tells them to go to the third customer in line at Casey's at 3:47PM, or to the family getting off the seventh car on Snow White. It's completely random, and from a computer controlled by an outside company.
So getting upset is silly, even if someone gets it when you are "right there next to them". It's chance.
It's a shame, but I really fear this is going to be one big nightmare all because Disney is giving away free stuff. First, the bloggers cried out because there weren't enough prizes, the prizes weren't good enough, the dates weren't fair, and every other attack they could think of. Now it's the very first day and already we have reports of unhappy employees and irate "guests" (I shudder to call them that with the behavior that has been reported at this fourm as well as others in the last day), and all because not everyone wins some lousy fastpasses.
Man, they better give the families that win the big prizes riot shields and stun battons so they can defend themselves, if the behavior gets worse. It's sad they are already talking about having to issue some prizes "discretely" because they are so (rightly, it seems) afraid of jealousy. I'd be SO psyched if I saw someone win a prize. It's just a game, it doesn't mean the world to me for it to matter if I'm the winner. Would I think "Aw, shucks? If only I had waited a few more seconds I might have been in that random spot..." Probably, for a second, but I'd still be smiling because I got to see magic happen in the park.
I'm really not trying to paint myself as altruistic; I love free crap, especially when it's cool stuff like they are giving away. But I don't begrudge others either. It makes me wonder what some people who seem to feel "owed" (not specificly the poster I've replied to here, but other more extreme people who actually threw fits in the parks today) do in their daily life. All I could think of reading some of the posts were, "Do these people meltdown every time they open a cereal box and find out they aren't one of the 'few who win' instead of the 'many will enter' ''?