Changes at DTD

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Don't forget the rumored lighthouse style restaurant/bar to be located where RRBC and Motion currently come together.

As for boat rentals, not only can you rent them all over WDW, but you can already rent them in Marketplace adjacent the ferry dock.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps by nautical theme the previous poster is hinting at a Paradise Pier type of addition? Just a terrible stab at this would certainly be a big kick in the pants for the DTD area....just not sure how that would work.


Well-Known Member
Just spill it or quit cryptically teasing. Nobody likes the "you wish you knew what I know" guy.

EDIT: On second read, that came across a little harsher than I meant it. But the point still stands.

Yes, it occurred to me. And after thinking about it, I came to the viewpoint I expressed. Namely ... if you can't speak about something, stop teasing. It's something you learn when you're 5 years old. If other people like being teased, that's fine. I don't (and I think most people don't). Further, very rarely (if ever) does Lee tease or post cryptic comments.

Well well well. Just put me on "ignor" than and you won't have to read any of my posts. People read these forums to gain news about things. Heaven forbid me giving the slightest bit of correct information. :rolleyes:

Well you can't accurately be pre-disappointed if you don't have all the information before construction starts, can you? ;)

Some people still can I guess.

Raven, I read you had mentioned an AC like experience before for the new area. I realize it won't be the same, but do you have any word on that and any further details on what that might entail?:wave:

I don't remember ever saying anything about AC. Actually I've never even been in there. I have no idea what will happen to it.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember ever saying anything about AC. Actually I've never even been in there. I have no idea what will happen to it.

No, it wasn't about the actual AC, as I remember it. It was about a similar-type experience proposed for the new PI area. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else...

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
Raven (and Lee too if you know anything), could the new concept that is coming in that will be similar (but not the same as), the AC be a concept from when PI was being built originally, but got cut due to budget constraints? The concept I am referring to is Madison's Dive.


This is from Jim Hill:

But at least the AC did actually get built. Thank goodness that this nightclub didn't suffer the same fate as "Madison's Dive." This boisterous seaside saloon was originally supposed to have been one of PI's signature restaurants with its sawdust-covered floor and its brown-paper covered tables. And as WDW guests dined on crab, Captain Spike was to have entertained the crowds by singing sea chanteys & telling tales of his lost love, Madison the mermaid from "Splash."

In an effort to contain costs on Pleasure Island, "Madison's Dive" wound up getting cut from the project's opening assortment of restaurants, shops and attractions. The Imagineers had always hoped that -- once PI proved to be a success -- that they'd then get the chance to revive their plans for this waterfront eatery. Though that was not to be.

That said, one illusion that WDI created for "Madison's Dive" still survives today. Have you ever seen the "Balderdash Cup" show in the Library at the Adventurers Club? Do you recall that moment when -- as Professor Otis Wren is spinning out his the-one-that-got-way fish tale -- where the ship-in-a-bottle that's behind the bar suddenly breaks apart & sinks out of sight? That particular effect was originally supposed to have occurred as Captain Spike was telling one of his tales from the sea.

So, could we possibly be onto something with this here or is this completely no where even close?

EDIT: I should say that Captain Michael deserves credit for digging this up.


Well-Known Member
Nah, not like that. But think more along the lines of "Nautical Theme".
*wonders if he's said too much*:lookaroun

Hmmm... Maybe something along the lines of the American Waterfront from DisneySea? A big ol' S.S. Columbia steamship right there in Village Lake. :)

Add in the adjacent "Bon Voyage" buffet restaurant, another upscale restaurant on the ship, some turn-of-the-century waterfront stores...

Maybe even the "Lounge" areas of the ship being taken over by Adventurers who are preparing to set sail on an ocean voyage to exotic new destinations? (Imagine the storylines and double-entendre jokes you can get on a steamship in the 1930's!)

Stop me, my imagination is getting too carried away! :p



The Epcot Manifesto

Seriously, ignore the few people on here that
a) typically know what they are talking about
b) tend to hint at things that we would otherwise never get any information on until the opening
c) tries to give as much info as they feel they can without causing issues.

Thank you to those on this forum that are hinting and giving as much info as they are. If not for you, we'd be hovering on the official Disney Blog waiting to hear a big announcement about a castle screensaver, and not discussing the multitude of other work going on at WDW.


Hey Lee, I tried my source again, they aren't spilling the beans on this.
Not surprising. The cone of silence is working pretty well around WDW at the moment.:lol:

Anyhow, I will go ahead and toss this one little tidbit out there...

I have not been able to confirm this with as many sources as I would like, but after pulling a few threads and chasing a rumor for a bit I can say that Schussler Creative will be a major player in the new PI.
I have confirmed the concept for a nautical themed restaurant to be placed along the waterfront. The tenative name/working title is "Mahogany Bay", but that may have already changed.
It is naturally a heavily themed restaurant, which will feature classic watercraft (think Breathless) and may feature the ability for guests to take boats out onto the lake.
Teaser from Schussler:
"Anchor yourself in a vintage watercraft on top of Florida tropical waters. Enjoy the open air and nautical environment."

This was valid as of a couple months ago, and as always subject to have been changed already.


Well-Known Member
Not surprising. The cone of silence is working pretty well around WDW at the moment.:lol:

Anyhow, I will go ahead and toss this one little tidbit out there...

I have not been able to confirm this with as many sources as I would like, but after pulling a few threads and chasing a rumor for a bit I can say that Schussler Creative will be a major player in the new PI.
I have confirmed the concept for a nautical themed restaurant to be placed along the waterfront. The tenative name/working title is "Mahogany Bay", but that may have already changed.
It is naturally a heavily themed restaurant, which will feature classic watercraft (think Breathless) and may feature the ability for guests to take boats out onto the lake.
Teaser from Schussler:
"Anchor yourself in a vintage watercraft on top of Florida tropical waters. Enjoy the open air and nautical environment."

This was valid as of a couple months ago, and as always subject to have been changed already.

That would be cool! :sohappy:

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