Changes at DTD

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
So, I've been putting some thought into what Plan B should be, and here is what I've come up with. . . (Please excuse the crudity of this rendering, I didn't have time to draw it to scale)


What you got here, is your basic district of unique shops and restaurants by day, but by night, you have a veritable wonderland of grown-up entertainment i.e. Dance Palaces, Comedy Clubs, a unique interactive theater experience I like to call Club of Adventure (maybe I'll put more thought into that title), all culminating into a frenzied street party until midnight, when New Years eve will be celebrated each night. Oh and to avoid having those pesky familys wandering into the middle of the revelries, with those dang strollers that constantly hit you in the ankle, we'll put turnstlies at the bridges that lead to the Island so that only those who hold tickets can get in. What do you think, Bold and New enough for everyone?

P.S. Oh yea. Solved!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



New Member
Master Gracey that sounds like an incredible idea and, good job on the artwork Im very impressed. Lets hope they take a lot of your ideas for plan B to heart!


Well-Known Member
So, I've been putting some thought into what Plan B should be, and here is what I've come up with. . . (Please excuse the crudity of this rendering, I didn't have time to draw it to scale)


What you got here, is your basic district of unique shops and restaurants by day, but by night, you have a veritable wonderland of grown-up entertainment i.e. Dance Palaces, Comedy Clubs, a unique interactive theater experience I like to call Club of Adventure (maybe I'll put more thought into that title), all culminating into a frenzied street party until midnight, when New Years eve will be celebrated each night. Oh and to avoid having those pesky familys wandering into the middle of the revelries, with those dang strollers that constantly hit you in the ankle, we'll put turnstlies at the bridges that lead to the Island so that only those who hold tickets can get in. What do you think, Bold and New enough for everyone?

P.S. Oh yea. Solved!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!


You haven't addressed the concerns of community leaders or regular citizens or insurers or other Disney patrons who have to deal with the unintended consequences of such a venture. You see, real people have had to deal with real life consequences of such an idea. It was tried and failed. Families suffered. People died. I don't think they will be repeating those mistakes.


Active Member
You haven't addressed the concerns of community leaders or regular citizens or insurers or other Disney patrons who have to deal with the unintended consequences of such a venture. You see, real people have had to deal with real life consequences of such an idea. It was tried and failed. Families suffered. People died. I don't think they will be repeating those mistakes.

Wait really? Bad stuff happened?


Well-Known Member
Wait really? Bad stuff happened?

I don't think the mods would want those details discussed here. But yes, UNECESSARY bad stuff happened with tragic results. It's mostly kept quiet lest the "happiest place on earth" would have it's reputation tarnished. Enough said.:zipit:

The original PI concept won't be repeated at Disney anyway.


Active Member
I don't think the mods would want those details discussed here. But yes, UNECESSARY bad stuff happened with tragic results. It's mostly kept quiet lest the "happiest place on earth" would have it's reputation tarnished. Enough said.:zipit:

The original PI concept won't be repeated at Disney anyway.

Any chance you could subtly point me in the right direction without saying too much?


New Member
Time will tell won't it?

I had folks cop the same attitude with me concerning the AC reopening. They told me over and over I was wrong about it and it was going to reopen. And these were credible people with a lot more than a few dozen posts and zero track record. Enigma is that you? :lookaroun

What the heck is an "ultra" lounge anyway? :lol:

I think there would be a lot of people here that would be very happy if your post count was a bit lower. And yes an Ultra lounge is a new term for a informal bar, its a temporary version of the clubs that sit closed on PI. Seems to be that the clubs closure maybe only temporary as well. Plan B here we come.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Any chance you could subtly point me in the right direction without saying too much?

When it first opened they really pushed alcohol ("shooters") and encouraged drinking right up until midnight when they had a nightly "New Years Eve" celebration. Then all those people would head for their cars. I think you can figure out what the results were at times. I've searched for the news reports from back then but oddly they can't be found. But it was a controversy at the time.


Well-Known Member
I think there would be a lot of people here that would be very happy if your post count was a bit lower. And yes an Ultra lounge is a new term for a informal bar, its a temporary version of the clubs that sit closed on PI. Seems to be that the clubs closure maybe only temporary as well. Plan B here we come.:sohappy:


Not likely.

Welcome bak conundrum.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Here is more of what Disney does NOT want on property and why PI will never return in it's old form......

So 185,000 people go to an event and one underage idiot OD's on drugs and thus the entire event is tainted. And no one else should ever allow music to be played in club form again because this is what's going to happen? I bet 2 million people went to Dodger games this year. You think any of them were drunk? You think any of them were on drugs? You think there were some fights in the crowd? You think there was any pickpocketing? Baseball should be banned too because stadiums are full of crime.


Active Member
So 185,000 people go to an event and one underage idiot OD's on drugs and thus the entire event is tainted. And no one else should ever allow music to be played in club form again because this is what's going to happen? I bet 2 million people went to Dodger games this year. You think any of them were drunk? You think any of them were on drugs? You think there were some fights in the crowd? You think there was any pickpocketing? Baseball should be banned too because stadiums are full of crime.

Baseball isn't Disney.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Baseball isn't Disney.

Well Disney owns the Anaheim Angels, don't they?
But besides that, there has been just as much crime at DTD since the clubs closed as before the clubs closed. PI was not a problem before the gates were taken down. The stories of street gangs wandering around was absurd and just another excuse to close things.
And jt, PI was not a failure. You keep saying that but it was not. It was highly successful.


Active Member
Well Disney owns the Anaheim Angels, don't they?
But besides that, there has been just as much crime at DTD since the clubs closed as before the clubs closed. PI was not a problem before the gates were taken down. The stories of street gangs wandering around was absurd and just another excuse to close things.
And jt, PI was not a failure. You keep saying that but it was not. It was highly successful.

Your logic doesn't flow. First, "street gangs" are an excuse to close a failing enterprise. Then, the enterprise WASN'T a failure in the first place. Are you saying they just got lazy?

As I understand it, PI thrived on the weekends but struggled Sunday-Wednesday. WDW did some calculations, and the net present value of all future cash flows from PI was a negative value. Common business sense.


Well-Known Member
So 185,000 people go to an event and one underage idiot OD's on drugs and thus the entire event is tainted. And no one else should ever allow music to be played in club form again because this is what's going to happen? I bet 2 million people went to Dodger games this year. You think any of them were drunk? You think any of them were on drugs? You think there were some fights in the crowd? You think there was any pickpocketing? Baseball should be banned too because stadiums are full of crime.

When I think of raves I never think of Walt Disney. :shrug:

Yes, the entire event is tainted. They have canceled all future such events at that venue.

By the way, you sure are dismissive of a human life. That was someone's daughter. How many deaths would be of concern to you?

No rave or rave like parties are coming to PI anytime soon. :cool:


WDW did some calculations, and the net present value of all future cash flows from PI was a negative value. Common business sense.
Nope. Nothing that complex.
Someone did a presentation to "the suits" that showed how much money they could make if they were to close the under-performing clubs on PI and replace them with third-party restaurants/shops.
Certain suits saw an opportunity to impress their bosses by making a bold decision and rolling the dice by closing ALL the clubs in hopes of using the third-party operations to increase revenues.

Turns out, no third-parties were very eager to have a go at it.

So here we are. Two years later. The clubs still stand there empty.
Wonder how much revenue they left on the table by not keeping the profitable ones open all this time....

How many deaths would be of concern to you?
A lot more than 1 out of 185,000, that's for sure.

It was all about money. Period. They thought they saw some low-hanging fruit and they grabbed for it.

They missed.


Well-Known Member
The irony to JT's post being now there is now no bus transportation to the main WDW nightlife site (Boardwalk, such as it is) nor any of the off-site locations--by his logic resulting in more drunk drivers on the road.

Not that was every a major problem at PI--the heavy presence of security and O.C. deputies saw to that. In fact, PI used to offer free virgin drinks to designated drivers--back, you know, when they had entertainment and things like that.


Well-Known Member
You haven't addressed the concerns of community leaders or regular citizens or insurers or other Disney patrons who have to deal with the unintended consequences of such a venture. You see, real people have had to deal with real life consequences of such an idea. It was tried and failed. Families suffered. People died. I don't think they will be repeating those mistakes.

I don't think the mods would want those details discussed here. But yes, UNECESSARY bad stuff happened with tragic results. It's mostly kept quiet lest the "happiest place on earth" would have it's reputation tarnished. Enough said.:zipit:

The original PI concept won't be repeated at Disney anyway.

When it first opened they really pushed alcohol ("shooters") and encouraged drinking right up until midnight when they had a nightly "New Years Eve" celebration. Then all those people would head for their cars. I think you can figure out what the results were at times. I've searched for the news reports from back then but oddly they can't be found. But it was a controversy at the time.
If things were anything near to being like your hyperbole, then there should have been an investigation into Disney's liquor practices. We discussed the monorail accident in quite a bit of detail. If the moderators have a problem with you providing a shred of evidence then let them say so, but I suspect the lack of available stories coincides with the lack of a serious problem. At the very least the reporting of the closure would have included a mention of the years of controversy and concern surrounding Pleasure Island.


Active Member
I don't think the mods would want those details discussed here. But yes, UNECESSARY bad stuff happened with tragic results. It's mostly kept quiet lest the "happiest place on earth" would have it's reputation tarnished. Enough said.:zipit:

The original PI concept won't be repeated at Disney anyway.

I'm sorry, I usually enjoy JT's positive outlook on everything and his willingness to be optimistic. Right now however, you really are grasping at straws and it seems like you have an agenda. If there was something truly horrific at PI, there should be some shred of evidence out there. However, no articles or testimonies from other members remembering anything. Also, you say there is something then just come out and say it, I'm sure the mods wouldn't mind. Murder? Rape? These actions happen everywhere, and before you say how these areas promote higher opportunities of these things happening, let's remember. There are real and actual articles out there of kids being molested on property, both in the parks and the hotels, people being robbed, even by cast members with the credit card story, as well as other deplorable actions. The fact of the matter is, these heinous actions happen everywhere, you can only control it to a degree.

On the matter of PI, clubs can exist appropriately with the correct security measures. Rope off the area for people without a ticket so no unwanted persons can come in accidently. TDO will not admit there mistakes, because it will look very badly upon and they know it will cost jobs. Someone higher up needs to step in, and fire the people in charge of the closure because it was unfounded and reckless. Disney has cost themselves money, show, and even fans because of this irresponsible and short sighted decisions. Disney has really looked bad throughout this, heads SHOULD roll. Let's hope plan B really is now on, and that plan is to bring back AC. Let's be honest, no one is arguing so BET or Motion is back; fix AC and turn the other clubs in ultra lounges or what have you.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
When it first opened they really pushed alcohol ("shooters") and encouraged drinking right up until midnight when they had a nightly "New Years Eve" celebration. Then all those people would head for their cars. I think you can figure out what the results were at times. I've searched for the news reports from back then but oddly they can't be found. But it was a controversy at the time.

The reason these articles can't be found is that it never happened. There were concerns that these things may happen, but concerns about such things doesn't mean that they did occur.

Where is your proof JT? I don't think the mods would mind one bit if you can prove your assertions.

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