I am here and posting
Ok im sorry that you all feel that way BUT here are mine and Disneyson's explainations and ELIMINATIONS... King Mickey and Wannabe Walt have not submitted comments so when they do they can just post here... However KM has submitted who he thinks is "best"...
I just have to say that Disneyson and I seem to agree for the MOST part on everything with this project....
Here are Disneyson's comments:
Pocahontas River Adventure (Best)
This is a GREAT idea. I really feel like I could actually ride this, it’s a classic “old Disney” ride. The idea of the need for a water ride in DAK is a good one, and this certainly satisfies the need. The tepee is a great idea, and the shadows sound wonderful. The animal tracks are nice too. The idea with the “actual temperature” is a good one, but it might ruin the feeling you want for the ride. I mean, how would you feel going through one of the more “happy” scenes in a rainstorm? But then again, that increases re-rideability. I’d like to know who had that idea, it’s very intriguing. The ride’s storyline is set up quite perfectly. It cuts out most of the “fat” while retaining the feel of the movie. The only questionable placement is “Just Around The Riverbend”, which COMPLETELY did not fit into the story of the ride. You built it up, and you put a non-emotional scene before the drop. “Colors of the Wind” was good, though. I’d like to know who came up with the ride order. A little short, but good.
Ned’s Nocturnal Adventure
Alright, I liked the Concept Art and the general idea. The rest was… not there. I mean, there was HARDLY any story to it. You have Shrunken Ned popping in there for randomness’s sake, and some indoor animals. You didn’t have a climax, there was no ANYTHING, just a list of animals. We’ve been trying to drill one idea into you since the beginning: EVERYTHING HAS A STORY. Alright, Ned takes us on an “expedition”, but… that’s not a story, just a scenario. I see you were trying to take a page from Kilimanjaro Safaris, but THAT has a story: The company invites you on a 3 day safari where they warn of poachers and advertise Big Red & Little Red, climax is Big Red is shot, you rescue Little Red, happy ending. Here, NOTHING. You didn’t even put it in a LAND. You put it in the GENERIC PLAY AREA. How much more generic could you be? And why was Shrunken Ned in the ride again? The only person that positively contributed was the Concept Artist. THAT person had the vision and I have a horrible feeling that the rest of the team blindly followed.
Yes, I understand that a night-time animals exhibit is needed, but it must have a theme. I understand where you’re coming from and it was a good idea… but this is a competition. An Imagineering competition. Otherwise it’s no better than a local zoo’s nocturnal animal exhibit.
The Great Pyramid
Your E - Ticket was the best of them all, plain and simple. The adventure, the unique ride type, and the complete story adventure of the train to the unload. The story-writer should be very proud. Just a little note, be sure that when creating a ride for the ANIMAL KINGDOM... include animals. I read your thread and I have to say that it was the most compelling of them all. You had some of the best ideas and quickly turned away from mummies when you thought it wasn't animal-y enough. You said there were going to be snakes and cats, where where they? I'm a little disappointed in the lack of team communication, from the animals to losing the documents. Still, it was clearly the best
Here are mine:
Pocahontas (Best)
I have re-read it and have to say im sorry, it is an "E-Ticket" but not a total one... I see some parts but not all the way there. I feel that for an "E ticket" i was kinda hoping you would make up your own story. Following a movie is OK, but not GREAT. Look most E Tickets, Matterhorn, Everest, Pirates, Mansion, all have ORIGINAL STORIES and not from movies. But i feel that Pocahontas was a good choice for such underused franchise it was ok. But i do feel as though the "climax" is a bit underwhelming. THe placement though was good becasue CMM DOES NEED SOMETHING...
Shrunken Ned
Personally, i really dont know WHERE to start. :shrug: The placement, story, Shrunken Ned are RANDOM. I get you wanted to tie in animals, sort of like teh Jungle Cruise/ KS, but it fell short.. Sorry. It lacked story and was just random to me. I definatley dont see how a Snow Lepord (that lives in the mountains of Himalayas and rarely seen) ties into a Kola bear from Austrailia. The place mentwas well just RANDOM as well. It was just dropped in really no land. I see how you wanted to be sort of like Jungle Cruise, but JC has a story and this doesnt. IT just seems forced like this is here, than oh look over there and oh look Shrunken Ned appears some points... OVerall it lacked story, like Disneyson said, EVERYTHING NEEDS A STORY... THat is the whole point. But here are my few good points, the drawing was amazing... and your teamwork was great, but that also could have been your downfall.
The Great Pyramid
Like DS once again, this was my favorite and really did embody an DAK E-Ticket, with original story and such. Like many others i was following your thread and i was originally like Egypt in Africa, really?? Then i thought about it and was like oh yeah Egypt is in Aftica and is a great addition. But this attraction was lacking ANIMALS, this is Disney's ANIMAL kingdom, even though it is NATAZU, it still needs animals. I liked the "god" angle and such. ANd again like DS stated above, teamwork seemed to be lacking near the end of the project. You changed your ideas numerous times (so it seemed) but ended with this attraction that was by far the best, IMO, but still someone has to go because it was not turned in on time... Sorry
OVerall, from me and Disneyson, (Pocahontas and Ned) were both lacking GREAT detail and such. I know Scar you said you didnt want to have that much, but with an E Ticket YOU NEED details and STORY and great explaining skills. If i was to explain Exp. Everst to you it would be longer than that...
King Mickey and Wannabe Walt if you have comments to add pls feel free to post here
I will post in a couple of minutes with the ELIMINEES