Well-Known Member
I don't know what you're referencing with the "business cards" bit, but on our recent trip we found some of the regulars to be really obnoxious. I won't even qualify this with a "no offense if anyone here is an obnoxious regular", because I actually intend offense (I don't intend offense to those regulars who regularly go to sit there and enjoy the show--there's no way of distinguishing you from an infrequent vacationer, anyway).
If you're one of the AC regulars who intentionally sticks out like a soar thumb, this is for you: I am not paying admission to hear some geek display his knowledge of how the show goes. Your knowledge of the show is thoroughly unimpressive. I am there to hear and see the actors, and there is a reason Disney is paying them, and not you.
I'm not talking about the typical audience interaction that's encouraged. I'm talking about unnecessary showboating, and an attempt to put the spotlight on them.
mkt, I would almost consider it a good thing that these folks don't like you.
Stuff like this is why I've never gone to the AC. I don't think I can handle the regulars and still enjoy myself. AC seems like something you need to "get" before you even visit it.