Park Pet Peeves


Active Member
-Children that are allowed to climb all over queue props and misbehave whilst their parents just stand there.
-People that sing a ride's song whilst still on it: IASW is the worst offender. I want to hear the attraction's ambiance, not some moron behind me.
-People that don't move all the way to the end of a row. Can't you follow rules?
-Elitists that look down on smokers with a 'holier than thou' attitude. Contrary to some people's opinions, most smokers are responsible, obey the rules and smoke where they're allowed. Despite the fact I don't smoke, I just feel that smokers seem to be the new 'hate' group, now that it's considered un-PC to insult other religions, races, creeds or colours.
-Cheerleaders. I admire their energy, but some of them cannot shut up. Ever.

Ooh, it's so nice to let all this negativity out! :D


New Member
I hate it when people ruin the experience for other people. The last time I was at WDW, one of the rides we went on was ruined by a woman directly behind us not only talking but screaming into her cell phone.

"Yeah! We just checked in! Yeah we're at EPCOT! What??? EPCOT!!! Yeah, EPCOT! What are you deaf?"

This is not a necessary conversation and is also not a necessary conversation to have on an attraction.

I get cell phones to keep in touch with family, but I think they should be blocked on all attractions. I don't think there should be any reception in those buildings. If you are so concerned, check your bleeping voicemail *after*:fork: the 5 minutes you spend in the attraction.


Active Member
Getting run over by ECV and strollers.

I've seen people on the ECVs blare their horns trying to get through crowds and running them over.

Also parents pushing their strollers really fast while their kid is in it. I feel bad for the kid because what if something happened to them? For example (true story) I was exiting the park as a parent was pushing and running the stroller into a fireworks viewing area. The stroller ran into me and I ended up falling on top of the kid. Who got blamed for making the kid cry?

I did. :shrug: :mad:

Someone should make a list of What NOT to do while a WDW and post it as a stickie :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh please...there's always a pay phone. What do think people did 10 years ago?!

I have a sick family member who is in and out of the hospital monthly. How would my family be able to reach me when I'm at the parks for 13 hours today and Dad gets taken to the hospital again? Should I:
a) call family every 30 minutes from a pay phone to make sure he's still alive/well
b) hope that if he is hospitalized again, when I check my messages at 10:30 tonight there's still enough time for me to get to the hospital before anything transpires
c) say 'Eff him and my family, I'm enjoying a day at Disney and I don't care if he dies while I'm here!
d) take a call from family members on my cell phone.

Wow. Let's see... why do I pay for cell phone service? CONVENIENCE.

Oh, and I have gotten a call about my father's hospitalization while at Disney before, just a few weeks ago. So I can rush back to my house, call the doctor at the hospital, and find out if this time warrants my immediate arrival (like it did in September).

I don't use my cell phone on rides. If I get a call while on a ride, I check it when I'm off the ride. I don't walk blindly around the park wandering into people while chatting, I find a spot to park my butt and have my conversation (usually in a smoke spot so I can kill two birds with one stone).

Anyway, my pet peeves at the parks are people taking a picture with a flash on any dark ride (POTC, SSE especially) or using a flash to take pictures of 'light': the Earth projection on SSE, fireworks. That's not going to help, people. Also, I hate rogue smokers: people walking through the park smoking in non-designated areas, mostly because it makes me (a responsible person who smokes only in designated areas) look bad and it's dangerous. Finally, I can't stand people who scream on rides for no reason. Like on HM - yeah, it's a 'scary' ride. Don't scream your head off - it scares little kids when you do. Same for TOT, when groups of kids scream the whole (*#&%#@ way through and we can't hear the audio.


Well-Known Member
*People who cut in front of strollers. I think some people have a mentality of I-have-to-get-in-front-of-the-stroller (or wheelchair or ECV), thus totally cutting off the stroller. There's nothing like pushing a sleeping child only to have a bunch of people suddenly cut in front of you, then you have to stop suddenly and hard to not clip ankles and be accused of bad things.

Must be the same people who insist on being faster than a minivan on the highway :ROFLOL: :lookaroun I swear I'll pass people who were quite happy going 60 until they see a minivan pass them, then they're all oh hell no! :eek: And have to get back around me.

:shrug: :lol:

And the cell phones thing... No in the attractions, but if you are in a place you'd normally converse with another person anyway, what's the difference? :shrug: And why does "ten years ago" always get brought up in this whole debate? :hammer: :lol: It doesn't matter what we did ten years ago, because ten years ago is GONE! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
-Getting my heels hit over and over again by those strollers. Oh and I can't stand those 2-seater strollers...that was my biggest peeve during my last trip.

-When people or groups of people are walking, then they just STOP out of nowhere, not even thinking about anyone else behind them. That is soooo annoying!!!!


New Member
--Double wide strollers
--Single wide strollers
--ECV's, scooters, etc.
--People who talk or yell over the attraction's dialogue
--Smokers. Anywhere.
--People who wear clothes clearly intended for someone of a smaller stature.
--People who wear t-shirts with rude or inappropriate sayings.
--Adults who wear Flip-flops. They're uncomfortable anyway and unless you're in a waterpark, they are not appropriate footwear.
--White trash. Or in fact, ANY trash.
--Double wide strollers
--Single wide strollers
--ECV's, scooters, etc.
--people who think they own the parks.

(the good news is that I'm thinking about my last trip and running out of negatives...)


Active Member
Must be the same people who insist on being faster than a minivan on the highway :ROFLOL: :lookaroun I swear I'll pass people who were quite happy going 60 until they see a minivan pass them, then they're all oh hell no! :eek: And have to get back around me.

:shrug: :lol:

YES!! I've had a minivan since July. And this is soooooo true! I agree. Must be the same people.


Well-Known Member
SMOKERS. Plain and simple. For the most part they are rude and do not care which way their smoke goes. A FEW are responsible...VERY few.
That is my biggest pet peeve.

Very true. I am always very careful and respectful of others while in wdw. We stayed at POR in november, on the first day we went to the closest designated area which was right by one of the pools near our building, but I noticed a lot of people walking by and it was really close to the pool itself, and I felt so bad. So during the rest of the trip, when needed to smoke while at the hotel we always went to the parking lot where no one ever was, just so we didn't bother anyone with it. And while in the parks, I make sure to go to a designated area. Some people feel that they don't need to follow the rules because they don't care at all about others.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Tour groups of people on ECVs who are pushing double wide strollers, talking on cell phones, cutting in line, don't wear deoderant all while smoking in a non-designated area.

Man those people tick me off.


Ditto to all above :lol:

Especially stinky people, phones, smokers (smoke give me headaches - headaches cause me to throw up [it has happened during Fantasmic! before :hurl:]), rude people (dont get me started), old people on their ECV's, rednecks, tour groups, and every action that a good CM wouldn't make :lookaroun



Well-Known Member I the only one that doesn't really let other people bother me when I am on vacation? :shrug::brick:

I am there, of course, for me and my family...not to find irratating things in other people!!

chris chris

Active Member
Mine is people who do not go to the end of the seat. why why why do they do this and i am trying not to be a raciest as i am from England But they always talk in Spanish and you now they Speak English but you walk into the theater and they plonk themselves right in the middle of the row and let everyone trip over them so they can sit in the middle. The last time this happened last month my partner stamped her foot hard on the people as she walked by and we almost got into a big fight on the subject with them.
Also why is it you go to pay for something and there is again a south american person in front of you trying to not pay the full amount and 20 other people from there family adding extra items into the sale that takes 20 min to complete. This so winds me up and always makes my day sad in Florida when this happens. I love the american service and smile and chatty ness of life over in your country but this always comes across as the worst in your TOURISTS that ruin it for the rest of us holiday makers.


New Member
There is very little that can bother me at WDW, but the things that do are: -people who talk loudly on rides
-obnoxious tour groups
-people who complain about lines while waiting in line.
Here are my Pet Peeves
1) Rude People with strollers

2) People who think that it is ok to stand in front of some in a wheelchair or ECV. My mom is in a wheelchair when we go to Disney and it es me off when people think that it is ok to stand right in front of her just so their kid can sit in the front.

3) People who bring kids under 2 years old. Sorry but the kid isnt going to remember it and can't do anything anyway. Wait till the child is going to remember meeting mickey mouse.

4) Line Holders, if you want to ride a ride, you have to wait in line like everyone else. I don't care if you really had to ______. You should have gone before getting in line.

5) People who think im weird for wanting to get my picture with Mickey Mouse, Yes i know im 20 but i still want my picture with him! I have just as much of a right to see the big cheese as your kid.

6) Parents who let their child do what ever they want and then say "Isn't that so cute!" No, sorry, you child is being rude and disturbing my vacation. Its things like this that make me think that the Child Leash is the best invention EVER

7) Parents who waste everyones time by taking the kid on a ride they know they are too short for and then arguing with the CM hoping that will change things. Its for the child's safty dummy. I dont care how badly you want to ride everest, you child will die. Do you want them to end up like that kid on M:S. So now not only are you wasting your time and the CM's time but you have also wasted my time and everyone else's time in line.

8) Rude Language around kids.

9) CM's that seem bored with their job. If you are that bored, QUIT! There are so many others that would kill for your job (A.K.A. ME!!!!)

10) People who dont take the time to walk to one of the 40 thousand trash cans to throw away their trash. Oh and if you litterally throw your trash to the can and miss, WALK OVER AND PICK IT UP!!!

I probably have more then this but this is all i can think of at the moment.

Also, I don't hate kids, I work with kids. Its rude parents that i can't stand. The child usually doesnt know any better and the parents humoring them doesnt help. Teach your child manors early so they dont become rude parents like you.

Also I work in small amusment park in NH so some of this may apply more to that then Disney but i think it is pretty much universal for all theme and amusement parks

If i ticked anyone off, that was not my inention!


Well-Known Member
3) People who bring kids under 2 years old. Sorry but the kid isnt going to remember it and can't do anything anyway. Wait till the child is going to remember meeting mickey mouse.

One of my pet peeves is people spouting off about things that really are harmless and none of their business :lookaroun :shrug:

Let people spend THEIR money and THEIR vacation as they wish. I really don't understand why others get sooooo worked up about this one.
Wow, next time im pushing my 2 youngest, one under 2 of course, in the double stroller, while i'm on my cell phone smoking and swearing in the middle of the road in Fantasy Land yelling and swearing at my husband who is in line holding us a spot in line for Dumbo, while he is stinky, wearing a small tshirt, and compalining about the line....I wont feel the Love !! Oh, Ill have my friends from Brazill too with me with thier flags and matching backpacks.
I never realized so many people just let so mush stuff bother them on vacation...Hakunna Mattata


Well-Known Member
It bothers me when people don't shut off their light up flashy thingys (like tinkerbell wings or wands or something of the sort) on the dark rides. I was on PotC and the lady in front of me had Tink wings on...they lit up the whole ride! It happened to me on HM too, sure does ruin the ballroom scene when you can now see people's reflection in the glass because of those blinking sunglasses!!!

and people in motor scooters that think they automatically have the right of way! Some lady actually cut me off in line when getting drinks at the Canada Popcorn stand on Saturday because her scooter moves faster than I regularly walk....then she tried backing over me when she was done...:fork:


Well-Known Member
One of my pet peeves is people spouting off about things that really are harmless and none of their business :lookaroun :shrug:

Let people spend THEIR money and THEIR vacation as they wish. I really don't understand why others get sooooo worked up about this one.

Exactly! One family's heavenly vacation is another's hellish one, so let's live and let live! :ROFLOL:
OH! I just remembered another huge pet peeve... people who know what heffalumps are but not what woozles are!!!! Just cause Pooh's heffalump movie!!! WOOZLES EXHIST TOO!!!!!

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