Weatherific! Scripit: Prototype 1


Original Poster
Well here it is as promised and a bit sooner too, I had some unplanned free-time whoo hoo, anyways this is just a starting point, please feel free to add more detials and change what ever you like these are just my intial suggestions.

1 Intro
Guests enter what looks like a auditorium
They are seated in what seems to be movable set of seating that is on a hanging track
Ray is already in the scene but he is in the background tinkering with something and there are small sparks flying every now and then, once the guests are seated, a CM looking like a lab assistant gives a general spiel, then leaves. Dr. Sirrus comes out and introduces himself and welcomes the guests to the institute, he explains that they are about ready to witness the first test run of the weather machine they have created. It however is very large so it has been placed at the center of the new wing of the institute, and several rooms have been built around the out-puts of it, therby the guests are sitting in a touring vehicle to view the whole facility. Him and Ray have a humorous interchange and then he hits a button to send the guests on to the first room.
2 Precipitation, Evaporation, Temperature changes
There is a small pipe angled upward toward the stage ceiling sticking out of the machine at the back of the stage. Dr. Sirrus and Ray enter the room shortly after the guests arrive, Doc is walks to behind a podium while Ray is at the controls of the machine. Sirrus briefly talks about the different types of precipitation, how evaporation and temperature change play a role with the guide of whimsical visuals on a screen behind him. Ray has meanwhile turned on his headphones ignoring the doc’s lecture, Doc tells him to turn the machine on the machine makes a puff of smoke and forms a “cloud” (filling fog into a clear plastic form) next it begins to rain from the cloud. Doc yells to Ray to turn it off but Ray can not here him clearly and as he bends over he hits a lever that causes the cloud to bounce around over the audience spritsing the audience with water. The cloud returns onto the stage and then doc tells ray to decrease the temperature the room cools down considerable and it begins to snow from the cloud. Again Ray hits a button accidentally with his elbow causing the cloud to grow in size and cover the whole audience, snowing on them. After a bit Ray gets the machine off and doc send the guests to the next room.
3 Wind currents, Meaning and types of Cloud Formations
In the next room there is a large glass bulb in the middle and a large pipe facing the audience from a machine at the back of the stage. Doc gives a brief explanation of the different types of clouds as he mentions each one, an example is formed in the glass bulb in the middle of the stage, then it lowers and he explains briefly wind currents, then he tells ray to turn the wind feature on a light breeze which ray does, then Ray again accidentally brakes off the lever and the wind uncontrollably increases sending the chairs rocking in random directions and spinning, finally ray get it’s turned off and the guests are sent to the next room.
4 Storm In a bottle (Thunderstorm)
Doc gives a brief overview of thunderstorms then he hits a button and the machine does a lot of buzzing and blinking, then a bottle rolls down a ramp into a bin Ray, now enter the room and walks over to the bin and picks up the bottle, this would take some advanced robotics but it could be done. He doesn’t believe doc that there is really a thunder storm in the bottle, so he opens it even against dos warning, there is a burst of light and smoke pours out of the bottle forming a large dark cloud over the audience.. Then a storm is simulated, but nothing too scary, until Doc hits the reverse switch which sucks the storm back into the machine. The guests are moved to the final room.
5 Interactive (Explained below)
Doc would direct the guests to a 'selection panel' on one of the seats, where guest will push buttons to choose 3 weather conditions to experience(Dangerous, safe, mix). Doc explains that this part of the machine has the capability of creating several different weather experience at multiple places all at the same time. This is going to be the first test of the feature, so of course the dangerous one is a bit more thrilling, than perhaps planed, the mix is a bit zanneier, and the safe is a bit more kookier. Once this is done there is a lot of smoke in the room as if the machine has malfunctioned, the seats move to the final scene
6 Unload

Here is what appears to be the same auditorium that the guests entered into but it appears that the last test of the machine caused quite a few problems and caused some slight structural damage to the building, Doc and ray bid you goodbye and guests exit.


New Member
Very good. I wrote the first scene in my notebook. Give me abit to type up my version, which, no offense, but I like better and with a few kinks we could possibly combine my first scene with yours. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
As always FD, Gotta commend your hard work! That sounds like a great outline! WeirdOne, get yer Script on up, and we'll do some pooling...
But so far, so good!


New Member
WeatherIfic! Version #1.

Scene #1.

As guest finally sit down a voice is heard backstage.

P.S. - Dog gone stupid contraption!

Smoke begins appearing from side wings of stage.

R - Calm down professor. The guests will be here any moment.

The curtain rises revealing a big colorful lab with odd mishapen gadgets along the walls, multicolor piping all along the roof, and a bizaar machine in the center of the stage. Then smoke appears next to two sides of the machine and two beings rise.

P.S. - Hello There. I'm Proffessor Sirrus and this is my assistant Ray. Welcome to Weather Works Labs!

R - Yes, welcome. *hehe*

P.S. is a well educated prodfessor and inventor. Ray is a cooky intern who just finished his college classes.

WeatherIfic! Version #2.

Scene #1.

As guests sit down in their seats, a BOOM is heard and smoke starts to come out from the side wings.

P.S. - I think I'm going to give up on this god forsaken hunk of junk!

R - Prof. Sirrus, you alwyas say that, and besides, the "guests" are here to help us test the machine.

The curtain opens and guests see a machine, next to it is Prof. Sirrus and Ray. The lab is coloful, etc, etc.

P.S. - Hello there. My name is Prof. Sirrus and this is my quite clumsy assistant Ray. Welcome to Weather Wroks LAbs: Weather Machine Testing Center.

R - I heard that! *falls*

P.S. - Today we are testing our New weather machine. We will show you all of the cool features.

The machine spins as if on a turntable in a car show room floor.

P.S. - It makes any kind of weather.

R - Like what kinds Prof?

P.S. - Sometimes it's sunny! *Heat lamps warm theater* Sometimes it's cold! *Cool lamps cool theater* Sometimes it rains! *small shower of dropplets*

This is really bad, but it's all I ever wrote in terms of a script. I just lost my touch and couldn't finish it. Tell me what you guys think. - The WeirdOne :D


Original Poster
Ummmm, well I guess this is a start but it seems alittle underdeveloped to me, I thought you were going to go back and make revisions to it, by your last statement and that is why I had not commented on it...


Original Poster
Well I guess one problem would be it is not very organic, the interchange is not what I would expect comming from a professer and his intern, I don't think that the Prof would say "We will show you all of the cool features" rather something like " momentarily I will demonstrate the unquie and innovative functions of this device" then Ray might chime in, "Ya, prof let's show them the cool stuff it can do" Different charachters should have vocabularies to fit them and they should be based off of realisitc enough expectations that the guests can relate to them. Remeber Walt would calim that Mickey was popular becasue he had so many human charactersitics that the audeince could relate easily to them. Basicly it is important to be able to make realisitc fantasy that is fictional charachters that can be easily related to.


Original Poster
Well there are comments, WierdOne, any reaction or changes?

Or just something to let me know you have read the commnets and know what I am talking about.


New Member
Yes, I have read them and will try to see what I can do ASAP, but I am just so busy with school that it is hard for me to even read boards anymore. Terribly sorry if you were offended. - The WeirdOne :D


Original Poster
No no not at all, I was just curious to see if you got them, and more importatnly if you knew what I was talking about, I sometimes forget that not every has only has one desk forcing them to do homework right next to their computer, but oh well, that's my college.

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