Epcot 25th Dessert Reception Interest Poll

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Is there a deadline to say yes? I should be there with my daughter (Popsicletrees), but don't want to be committed yet, since we have to wait until her college schedule is set for next year to make sure she can miss the days.

The cutoff will be either when we have 200 people (the max for the venue) or somewhere around August 24, since the money is due to Disney soon after that.


Active Member
The cutoff will be either when we have 200 people (the max for the venue) or somewhere around August 24, since the money is due to Disney soon after that.

It's probably right in front of my face, but how do you register for the event? Also, I have not gone through all 30 pages of posts, but I have two kids - 7 and 2 - that I am taking. What is the cost for them?



New Member

jedimaster1227 has a link to the registry for the meet (not the dessert party) in his signature. For the dessert party, just post in this thread that you would like to join and with how many (or PM jasondiff).



Well-Known Member
This may be a dumb question - Is there a set amount of food - once it's gone, it's gone? Or will they keep filling tables until we can't eat any more?

This would seriously make me consider eating dinner really early that night and then going crazy with food later.

I attended one of these receptions in 2004 for a WDWMagic meet. We chose Tier 1 and were assigned to the first spot to the left in the photo above. We had quite a few people (can't remember the exact number) and after we ate and ate and ate there was so much food left over that we got to take stuff home with us. :slurp:

The price is the same even if you bring kids ( we had a few at ours). You will get a wrist band that allows you into the site since it will be roped off and a CM will be at the entrance.

Rob if you remember, we had no alcohol and those who wanted drinks went over to the Rose & Crown for them. If you guys can afford the bar, go for it.


It looks like we have pretty close to 50 people who have expressed a definite interest in the IllumiNations Dessert Party, so I set up a simple web page to make it easy to send me the payment.

Please read the rest of this post before clicking on the link, just so things are clear:

Right now the pricing is $45.00 per person which is based on 50 people, and takes into account the food, venue fees, taxes, gratuity, and Paypal fees (and rounding the odd cents). If we hit 100 people, the real cost will be $39.00 per person, and at that point we can figure out how best to distribute/refund/donate the extra money. If we hit 200 people (the maximum for the venue), the real cost will be $35.50 per person and again if we get there we can figure out what to do with the extra money. The price is the same for children and adults.

At this point we haven't come to a consensus on the cash bar. So what I figured I would do is have an option for people to add an additional $2.00 per person to cover the bar fees. This way the people who think they would utilize it can add the $2.00 but the people who wouldn't use it don't have to pay extra for it. If we later decide to not have a cash bar, I'll refund the $2.00. Please note that the beverages that are included with the dessert package are only coffee, tea, and fruit punch. Soda, bottled water, and juice would only be available at the cash bar (as would beer, wine, and cocktails, of course). The reason I'm collecting $2.00 is just in case we don't hit the minimum to have the bartender fee waived.

I am using a Paypal shopping cart system to make collecting the payments and recordkeeping easier for me. You DO NOT need a Paypal account to use this, all you need is a credit card (or bank account).

It is VERY IMPORTANT that each registration have a person's FULL NAME which will be used for the access control list at the event. Without your full name, Disney will not admit you to the event. If you don't have a wdwmagic username leave it blank or put "notwdwmagic".

At this point in time, I will be treating all registrations as non-refundable, since I will be committing a large amount of money to Disney as a non-refundable deposit to hold the venue for us. However, I can change names on the list, so if you register and later find out you can't make it, you can always find someone to go in your place. The final name list will be due September 25. No name changes after that date.

As long as we have at least 50 people, I will have no problem making refunds later to people who have to change their plans.

If you have any questions or problems with the shopping cart, please PM me and I'll do the best I can to help you out. If you would rather send a check or money order to me, PM me and I'll send you my mailing address.

Now that you've read all that, here's the link.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I'd love to go. EPCOT was a huge part of my high school life in the 80's. I was talking to wife about this and am unsure if we'll be able to make it (we're not geogpraphically proximal, both work, and have other vacation plans). Is there a cutoff date for registration?

I see that I missed this the first time - "The final name list will be due September 25." Sorry.


Final payment to Disney is due August 31, so the cutoff for signups will be August 28 or whenever we hit 200 people, whichever comes first.

Name changes (if you signed up but someone else in going in your place) can happen up until September 25.

However the deposit to Disney is due this week, so I was hoping to have 40-50 confirmed (i.e. paid) people just to make sure everything will work out.

If we get lots of people, there won't be any problem with giving refunds to people who can't make it. But at this point we need 50 minimum to make the pricing work out to $45 per person.


Active Member
One minor error that I found in the paypal procedure Jason: It only works if you input a WDWMagic username, and many of the people joining us aren't members of WDWMagic. Is there a way we can work around this?

Register on WDWMAGIC. This sidebar will go away, and you'll see fewer ads.

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