Highschool Musical news


Well-Known Member
There is a sequal coming soon and maybe another one after that. It's even being adapted into a broadway musical I think, I know that they have adapted the script so it can be done in any High School. The soundtrack was #1 on iTunes for a couple of weeks, and I'm sure that the DVDs were up there too. Disney is milking this for all it's worth. Maybe even more. If this comes to Tomorrowland along with the rumor of an Incredibles ride at the Tomorrowland Skyway station, the theme is done.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the longevity of this show at any stage in WDW -- it seems ironic that they would create a show from material that is marketed toward tweeners who are exactly the folks who are running from ride to ride while their parents (me) are the ones going to the shows to kill the day...OF course, I am all for musical theatre, but this whole thing sounds misbegotten...


Well-Known Member
metscool said:
It basically shows that high school is a hard place for kids and there are things that kids don't want to tell their friends to make them hate them. In high school there are groups of kids that don't talk to each other.

lol, I get the story of the movie...I just don't get why peeps are all crazy about it.

Like I LOVE Rent, so I can understand people being crazy about Rent...and other musicals.
RonAnnArbor said:
I don't know about the longevity of this show at any stage in WDW -- it seems ironic that they would create a show from material that is marketed toward tweeners who are exactly the folks who are running from ride to ride while their parents (me) are the ones going to the shows to kill the day...OF course, I am all for musical theatre, but this whole thing sounds misbegotten...

Well, then isn't this show for YOU? The kids will WANT to go see it, and you will have a chance to "kill the day" without complaint for the kiddies (btw- do people really need to "kill the day" at WDW... I always feel like I got slipped a "mickey" and the day disappeared :( )


Well-Known Member
Austin1 said:
Remind me again how that has anything to do with Tomorrowland?:veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu
Ya and what does Splash Mountian (song of the SOUTH) have to do with the Western Froniter?

What does a modern-day car testing facility have to do with Future World?

Don't get me started. :lol: Besides, it's been pretty heavily discussed that Monsters Inc doesn't fit either.


New Member
Ha, what?

That's weird.

haveyoumetmark said:
There is a sequal coming soon and maybe another one after that. It's even being adapted into a broadway musical I think



A broadway version oh HSM. That'll be the day.

For clarification: They're making a stage version of HSM to perform in high schools. So it's a high school musical about kids wanting to perform in a high school musical.



Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Ha, what?

That's weird.



A broadway version oh HSM. That'll be the day.

For clarification: They're making a stage version of HSM to perform in high schools. So it's a high school musical about kids wanting to perform in a high school musical.


Ummm Luke...

Did you find that funny?:lol:


I was wondering when Disney would decide to put High School Musical in the parks. Tomorrowland definitely doesn't seem like the right place. I know the theme is already stretched, but putting cranky high schoolers there would pretty much ruin it. Tomorrowland is becoming EverythingWeDidn'tHaveAPlaceForLand. :brick:

I saw the movie and thought it was...okay. Quite a few of my friends are crazy about it. The one thing I don't understand is how real high schoolers who have their own teenage angst will watch movies and tv shows with fake high schooler angst. I get enough of it at school, I don't need to go home and watch it on TV. :lookaroun

Information on the high school adaptation of HSM: http://www.mticlub.com/flash_HSM.asp


Active Member
SkipKid said:
If this is true...

Why must they continue to kill tomorrowland's theming.
I mean seriously.

Well, how does Mickey's Christmas Carol have anything to do with the theme? That's where it's held every year.


New Member
High School Musical is NOT, and I mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT being made into a Broadway Musical.

You know how I know? Because they have officially confirmed that the NEXT Disney Musical is called "The Man in The Ceiling" so look for THAT, and NOT High School Musical.

However, it IS true that High School Musical's script and music is available for High Schools to perform. (Unfortunetely, my friend's High School is going to be doing the show -_-' You probably know where this post is going) Sooo, basically, you're watching a High School put on a show about a High School trying to put on a High School show. The thing that annoys me about High School Musical is this:

It's modernized Grease

Guy meets girl over break, during New Years. He doesn't know she's going to be going to his school, he comes back, tells his friends about her, she tells her friends about him, they meet, he's too different than her, and she's too different than him. He's sporty and cool, and the hero of the school. She's new, smart, and preppy, and their friends don't like each other very much.

It just so HAPPENS that this whole Musical thing brings them together because they can both sing very well.

The whole thing is COMPLETELY over sung, over listened to, and completely over rated, and so when I saw it, I didn't think it was as amazing as everyone else thought. While everyone else was buying the special edition of the soundtrack and watching the special on TV about how to learn the dances, I was one of the few who really felt indifferent about the whole thing. Now, I think it's just completely blown over. To tell you the truth, I don't think that Ashley Tisdale or Zac Efron actually completely sound like that.

It's unfortunate, but ever since RENT came out in theatres, teenagers were so crazed over that. And now, the people who never heard of RENT before the movie, are singing La Vie Boheme, acting like they know the entire story behind the musical, when all they know is "Angel, Collins, Mimi, and Roger all have AIDS, and Angel's SO sweet, and Mimi's a skank" and it's like "Uhhhh... do you have any idea what ELSE is behind the story?" And really, they don't.

Then, all of a sudden, High School Musical comes around. The script isn't good, not ALL of the music is memorable, and the actors aren't all they're cut out to be. Really, if Disney wants to really bring back the fad of original musicals, maybe they should try getting Stephen Schwartz to write a musical for them, since he was completely RIPPED of Wicked's glory because of another FAD musical that appealed to teens and young adults. One of the reasons Wicked is SO popular is literally because of "Popular", "Defying Gravity" and "The Wizard and I", which is even MORE unfortunate because these teens ignore the musical's good songs like Dear Old Shiz, I'm Not That Girl, and One Short Day.

So let's go back to this High School Musical shall we? A musical that has maybe 1 or 2 memorable songs that are over sang, over played, and over rated by these wannabe singer TEENAGERS who use these songs, and the popular songs from RENT and WICKED for Auditions, when they have no idea how SICK and TIRED Casting Directors are of hearing "Defying Gravity, Popular, The Wizard and I, Without You, One Song Glory, Out Tonight, and Seasons of Love" They don't want to hear these anymore, and NEITHER DO I!

As a performer, I know better than to sit there and make someone listen to a song that they've probably heard over and over and over again all day long, and they want to hear something different, so I choose something by Jason Robert Brown, or something from Ragtime, or something from Jeckyl and Hyde, or a musical where no one actually NOTICES how great these songs are, and how they show off a voice better than some of these other songs.

So what do I feel about High School Musical? It was a fad, and it's going to be pushed away and ignored as soon as the next teenage musical hits the stage. Lord knows it's going to be A Chorus Line, which is being revived this Fall. It's a show with a lot of solos and it appeals to those wannabe dancers/singers/actors who want to make it big on Broadway. It has a whole bunch of nobodies who are AMAZINGLY talented, which is going to make even MORE people believe they can make it big on broadway if they try and try and try again.

But hunny, sitting there listening to the same musicals that are popular nowadays over and over again until you've memorized that one special song you can't wait to show at your audition, and having 13 years of some two-bit dancing class, and 2 years of an acting class you've taken in HIGH SCHOOL is not going to get you to Broadway, and it's NOT going to last.

High School Musical, in my opinion, is NOT WELCOME anywhere on Disney Property, be it the Tomorrowland Theatre or the ABC Theatre in MGM Studios

What they NEED to bring to Broadway, or even spice up and return to Disney World is The Hunchback of Notre Dame, because it was in Berlin and didn't last as long as it SHOULD have because critics nowadays don't know art when it SMACKS them in the face. THAT is the reason why Jason Robert Brown's Parade, Urban Cowboy, The Last Five Years, and Songs For A New World didn't last on Broadway.

((By the way, I LOVE Wicked, A Chorus Line, and RENT as much as the next person, and I believe it should have won more than the two awards that it did, because they're amazingly written and they show more heart and spirit than most shows on broadway, but you can admit that it's true you've heard WAY too many "For Good"'s at your last Graduation))


Well-Known Member
IcicleM said:
High School Musical is NOT, and I mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT being made into a Broadway Musical.

You know how I know? Because they have officially confirmed that the NEXT Disney Musical is called "The Man in The Ceiling" so look for THAT, and NOT High School Musical.

However, it IS true that High School Musical's script and music is available for High Schools to perform. (Unfortunetely, my friend's High School is going to be doing the show -_-' You probably know where this post is going) Sooo, basically, you're watching a High School put on a show about a High School trying to put on a High School show. The thing that annoys me about High School Musical is this:

It's modernized Grease

Guy meets girl over break, during New Years. He doesn't know she's going to be going to his school, he comes back, tells his friends about her, she tells her friends about him, they meet, he's too different than her, and she's too different than him. He's sporty and cool, and the hero of the school. She's new, smart, and preppy, and their friends don't like each other very much.

It just so HAPPENS that this whole Musical thing brings them together because they can both sing very well.

The whole thing is COMPLETELY over sung, over listened to, and completely over rated, and so when I saw it, I didn't think it was as amazing as everyone else thought. While everyone else was buying the special edition of the soundtrack and watching the special on TV about how to learn the dances, I was one of the few who really felt indifferent about the whole thing. Now, I think it's just completely blown over. To tell you the truth, I don't think that Ashley Tisdale or Zac Efron actually completely sound like that.

It's unfortunate, but ever since RENT came out in theatres, teenagers were so crazed over that. And now, the people who never heard of RENT before the movie, are singing La Vie Boheme, acting like they know the entire story behind the musical, when all they know is "Angel, Collins, Mimi, and Roger all have AIDS, and Angel's SO sweet, and Mimi's a skank" and it's like "Uhhhh... do you have any idea what ELSE is behind the story?" And really, they don't.

Then, all of a sudden, High School Musical comes around. The script isn't good, not ALL of the music is memorable, and the actors aren't all they're cut out to be. Really, if Disney wants to really bring back the fad of original musicals, maybe they should try getting Stephen Schwartz to write a musical for them, since he was completely RIPPED of Wicked's glory because of another FAD musical that appealed to teens and young adults. One of the reasons Wicked is SO popular is literally because of "Popular", "Defying Gravity" and "The Wizard and I", which is even MORE unfortunate because these teens ignore the musical's good songs like Dear Old Shiz, I'm Not That Girl, and One Short Day.

So let's go back to this High School Musical shall we? A musical that has maybe 1 or 2 memorable songs that are over sang, over played, and over rated by these wannabe singer TEENAGERS who use these songs, and the popular songs from RENT and WICKED for Auditions, when they have no idea how SICK and TIRED Casting Directors are of hearing "Defying Gravity, Popular, The Wizard and I, Without You, One Song Glory, Out Tonight, and Seasons of Love" They don't want to hear these anymore, and NEITHER DO I!

As a performer, I know better than to sit there and make someone listen to a song that they've probably heard over and over and over again all day long, and they want to hear something different, so I choose something by Jason Robert Brown, or something from Ragtime, or something from Jeckyl and Hyde, or a musical where no one actually NOTICES how great these songs are, and how they show off a voice better than some of these other songs.

So what do I feel about High School Musical? It was a fad, and it's going to be pushed away and ignored as soon as the next teenage musical hits the stage. Lord knows it's going to be A Chorus Line, which is being revived this Fall. It's a show with a lot of solos and it appeals to those wannabe dancers/singers/actors who want to make it big on Broadway. It has a whole bunch of nobodies who are AMAZINGLY talented, which is going to make even MORE people believe they can make it big on broadway if they try and try and try again.

But hunny, sitting there listening to the same musicals that are popular nowadays over and over again until you've memorized that one special song you can't wait to show at your audition, and having 13 years of some two-bit dancing class, and 2 years of an acting class you've taken in HIGH SCHOOL is not going to get you to Broadway, and it's NOT going to last.

High School Musical, in my opinion, is NOT WELCOME anywhere on Disney Property, be it the Tomorrowland Theatre or the ABC Theatre in MGM Studios

What they NEED to bring to Broadway, or even spice up and return to Disney World is The Hunchback of Notre Dame, because it was in Berlin and didn't last as long as it SHOULD have because critics nowadays don't know art when it SMACKS them in the face. THAT is the reason why Jason Robert Brown's Parade, Urban Cowboy, The Last Five Years, and Songs For A New World didn't last on Broadway.

((By the way, I LOVE Wicked, A Chorus Line, and RENT as much as the next person, and I believe it should have won more than the two awards that it did, because they're amazingly written and they show more heart and spirit than most shows on broadway, but you can admit that it's true you've heard WAY too many "For Good"'s at your last Graduation))

ummmm.... bitter, party of 1. bitter, party of 1. (kidding).

It's a harmless show. But, it has done well, and it's a much better thing to market to kids than much of the other things on television. It was not written to be a smash success. Let's see it for what it is - a made for TV film for Disney Channel. That a Ragtime-like production does not make. However, it really has garnered a following. Therefore, use it. The more I think about it, the more I can see a small, fairly temporary stage show is the best way to use it. Let it ride out the fad-ness of it. Don't spend a ton of time and effort. Utilize the popularity. MANY of the Broadway and stage hits were not well written - both script and music. However, people relate to things. It's art. It is fully in the eye of the beholder, and, for whatever reason, many eyes find this quite cool. I haven't seen it, and I will almost guarantee you I would not like it. But, that is my taste. If they can make a fun, light-hearted, temporary show out of it, go for it (albeit in MGM b/c it really doesn't belong in MK).

Scar Junior

Active Member
Ick, I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. I gotta go brush my teeth and take some stomach medicine; this is making me nauseous...


New Member
Hi!!! This is my first post!!!! If you don't like HSM then don't watch.....My 7-year old niece loves it....Personally I think it is much better than SpongeBoB or whatever kids are watching these days.....As for the "dancing special" at least kids are up moving instead of sitting on the couch!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Austin1 said:
Remind me again how that has anything to do with Tomorrowland?:veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu

My thoughts exactly. Plus it is being released as a stage show from Music Theatre International (MTI) this fall so school aged kids can do it. Personally, I hated the movie and thought they copied a lot of things from Grease and other shows but it has a huge following. MGM would seem like a better venue for something like that to me.


New Member
An indoor stage production of it would be good for the ABC theater because besides SW weekends, I do not think they ever really use the place. Also, if they go through with that they are just killing the theme of tomorrowland as previously said.

MGM sounds good to me. I am not a fan but I would see it if it was there and if it is popular with kids than a production would fit well there at MGM.


Active Member
shumphr2 said:
Hi!!! This is my first post!!!! If you don't like HSM then don't watch.....My 7-year old niece loves it....Personally I think it is much better than SpongeBoB or whatever kids are watching these days.....As for the "dancing special" at least kids are up moving instead of sitting on the couch!!!!!

I agree with you on this. My 12 year old daughter absolutely loves this movie and the music, has to have everything to do with it. It is a hundred times better than the stuff that is currently on television for kids today, or that they put on when kids are watching TV. Have you ever seen the stuff on MTV that shows in the morning :eek: , I refuse to let me daughter turn on that channel.

The Tie in to Tomorrowland: Todays Kids, TOMORROWS Stars:lol: .


Well-Known Member
sar1980sweetie said:
My question is.... why haven't they brought back Mickey Mouse Club?!?

I will never understand why they don't make it again with this movie being such a HUGE success. MMC is dying to be made again.

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