Awesome and Nana had to miss this big event.

I wish I could move closer.
Sad news. Our youth minister and wife's newborn son lived for just 6 hours. Samuel is home in arms of Jesus. There is a tribute page for him at them click on "A Tribute to Samuel" The Memorial Service is Wednesday at 5:30 and it will be the hardest interperting I have ever done. I am sure that tears will be running down my face the whole time.
Back to school this morning. There is a good chance my subbing will be finished on Friday for this class. The doctor decides if the teacher can come back on Monday and she is really hoping that she can. I'll miss them. I do plan on going to the kindergarden graduation on the 24th whether I am still subbing for them or not.
I am counting the days to June 8. THe faster the better. Let's see, June 8 to June 25, think you can stand me that long Bonny?