The Kingdom Keepers


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Original Poster
i dont know if this belongs in this forum but if u like to read i recommend "The Kingdom Keepers" by Ridley Pearson. I just started reading it and so far its awesome. I dont know if anyone is familar with it but its about being locked into disneyworld (magic kingdom mostly) after hours and the pirates come to life and its a small world dolls attack overall really neat. Just lettin u guys know.


New Member
i had an idea for this book a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. two of my friends and i ride space mountain into an alternate world where the attractions are real and we have to get back to ours...even drew a picture of my interpretation of it back in 98...


I actually heard about this book from these forums.

I was given the book as a birthday present from my best friend, after acknowledging to her that I wanted to read it. I was too busy to read it during the beginning of school, so I saved it until my trip to Disney in November.

Since we took the train down, I read the first half of the book on the way down. I left the book alone during the vacation at Disney, and then finished the book on the train ride back up.

I thought that the book was a great and extremely creative story. I plan on reading it again, because it is one of those stories that just deserves to be read more than once.

It actually got me hooked on to VMK. In the book, the main characters talk to each other in the VMK. Though I already had a VMK account, I rarely went on it, but now thanks to this book, I have been on almost every day since November. So in a way, I guess the book also advertises while telling the story, heh.

I would highly recommend this book for anybody who is a fan of Walt Disney World. There's a lot of adventure and fantasy involved for the younger ones, but it is also considered a thriller, which would be a plus for adults. If you're a fan of Walt Disney World, which all of you reading this must be, I believe you should read this amazing novel.
Meh, I really didn't like this book. It had a creative plot, and started out alright, but overall I felt the author just didn't write it well. There were some passages that just didn't flow, and I believe I remember some grammatical errors (of course, I read it waaay back when it first came out, so I can't remember any specifics) The ending was ridiculously random as well, having almost nothing to do with the rest of the book. I don't feel that I wasted time reading it merely because I was able to read it in 2 hours, but to anyone who it would take several days, I would tell you it isn't worth it. I bought the book, read it, and returned it in the same day. Wait for your local library to get it, if you're really adament about reading it...

Edit: Oooh, and also, the VMK bits were obviously un-researched, because the charectors did things that just wouldn't be physically possible in the repressive (but oh-so-addicting!) world of Virtual Magic Kingdom, such as a complete disregard for the dictionary



I've read this book, it's actually in my desk drawer next to me.

The book started off okay, it got me fairly interested, but as the book progressed, it started to become boring, and I basically just read it because it was about Disney World. (somewhat)

You REALLY have to love fantasy to appreciate this book, and ignore how the things in the book are impossible in life. (like sneaking around the Magic Kingdom at night without and security guards anywhere)

It was alright, but a bit of a let-down. Especially the ending.

Don't buy it. Get it from a friend. In fact, does anyone want my copy??


Eh....I didn't like it too much.
I love Ridley Pearson, and have read all his other books, so it would seem like a mix of Pearson and WDW would be a sure thing.

Nope. Boring. Feels like it was written for pre-teens. :snore:


Well-Known Member
Taryn said:
Meh, I really didn't like this book. It had a creative plot, and started out alright, but overall I felt the author just didn't write it well. There were some passages that just didn't flow, and I believe I remember some grammatical errors (of course, I read it waaay back when it first came out, so I can't remember any specifics) The ending was ridiculously random as well, having almost nothing to do with the rest of the book. I don't feel that I wasted time reading it merely because I was able to read it in 2 hours, but to anyone who it would take several days, I would tell you it isn't worth it. I bought the book, read it, and returned it in the same day. Wait for your local library to get it, if you're really adament about reading it...

Edit: Oooh, and also, the VMK bits were obviously un-researched, because the charectors did things that just wouldn't be physically possible in the repressive (but oh-so-addicting!) world of Virtual Magic Kingdom, such as a complete disregard for the dictionary


"Meh", it's so post gen y nerdish.


New Member
The first time I saw the book was actually last week when we were down there (oh man, it wasn't even a week ago, but it feels like it's been years!!! :( :( ). I thought about picking it up, but figured I'd wait and check it out on amazon when we got back. It's got pretty mixed reviews. I'd like to read it just for the WDW stuff, but I dunno if I'd be willing to pay for a hardcover. Is there a paperback available or in production?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I thought it was okay. It was a little boring though. I also noticed plenty of facts that seemed screwed up. The only one I can think of on the top of my head was that the guy said that Walt's apartment was above the fire house. So I kept thinking "okay, so we're at Disneyland."' But then as I read, it turned out they were at Disney World. Wait a minuite, Walt's apartment above the firehouse is in DISNEYLAND not WALT DISNEY WORLD. On the cover, it also looked like they were in Tokyo Disneyland, noting the support beams that look similar to the ones that hold up the canopy roof over Main Street there.


imagineer boy said:
I thought it was okay. It was a little boring though. I also noticed plenty of facts that seemed screwed up. The only one I can think of on the top of my head was that the guy said that Walt's apartment was above the fire house. So I kept thinking "okay, so we're at Disneyland."' But then as I read, it turned out they were at Disney World. Wait a minuite, Walt's apartment above the firehouse is in DISNEYLAND not WALT DISNEY WORLD. On the cover, it also looked like they were in Tokyo Disneyland, noting the support beams that look similar to the ones that hold up the canopy roof over Main Street there.

Thank you, I hated that part of the book...

And then in the acknowledgements he thanks an imagineer for giving him the Keys To The Kingdom tour, and for telling him allof the history and "little known facts about the park, though he'll probably deny it in order to keep his job."

No...he'll deny it because you obviously weren't paying attention to anything he told you! :brick:


Well-Known Member
I just read it a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed it! I bought it for my son who is 9 but I thought I'd read it first.

It wasn't anything deep, and it might not have been accurate, but it was fun! I especially enjoyed the part when they were in the Small World. Of course, I'm used to reading more graphic novels (Stephen King, etc) so I did expect the dolls to eat at least one of them.


Well-Known Member
Your enjoyment will depend on your age...

The book is a relatively tame (boring) read for anyone older than ten. Sorry, but the book stears clear of anything truly thrilling enough to be too frightening for little kids; and as others pointed out, it's full of glaring plot holes and wrong information.

Of course, that didn't stop The Da Vinci Code. :lol:

Still, reading that Walt's apartment was built above the fire station (when it was supposed to be in the castle) and that the tunnels are silent (they're full of oldies rock), among other things, was fairly annoying.


Active Member
I thought it was pretty good, but I second the notes about the ending... it seemed that it ended really quickly and really didn't explain much about what was going on...

It ended like this was going to be the first book in a new series and that they would go deeper into the back story more in additional books, but I haven't heard anything about new books...


New Member
it was a good book but i never got to hear the ending bc we were reading it and the last days of school i was sick :cry: i was sick and remember that the boy was getting Walt's first pen and then they were at the halloween party in the park and something was strange about Jesse and the witch wanted the pens but thats when school got out and the rest of the school year i was sick


New Member
daguru said:
I thought it was pretty good, but I second the notes about the ending... it seemed that it ended really quickly and really didn't explain much about what was going on...

It ended like this was going to be the first book in a new series and that they would go deeper into the back story more in additional books, but I haven't heard anything about new books...

There are two more books to come.:wave:


Active Member
DoggirlAK said:
it was a good book but i never got to hear the ending bc we were reading it and the last days of school i was sick :cry: i was sick and remember that the boy was getting Walt's first pen and then they were at the halloween party in the park and something was strange about Jesse and the witch wanted the pens but thats when school got out and the rest of the school year i was sick

Maybe you can get it from your local library, or if they don't have it, ask if they are part of a consortium of libraries and if so see if they can get it from one of those libraries.

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