Official Photography Contest 2/10/06 - 2/16/06 Valentine's Day Contest


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Valentine's Day Contest

2/10-2/16 Valentine's Day Contest Photographs must show "love/caring" or something that brings across that message. Photographs can use characters, cast members, or something that gives this message that is Disney related. Pictures do not have to be taken in a Disney park or Resort, but must be Disney related.

Official Contest Rules

All entries must be posted by Thursday at 11:59pm PACIFIC TIME, submissions after this time will not be included.

1 submission per member, per contest. Once you post your picture, you can not replace it. You can not re-use the same entry in multiple contests.

Pictures can be taken with any type of camera (film or digital)

Pictures can not be altered in any way, except to adjust size, crop, or add your own personal watermark. This is a photography contest, not a photo-editing contest.

Please resize pictures to be no larger than 700x525

Please do not attach the photo to your post. Upload it to the WDWMagic photo album, or your own personal site and link the photo. If you use your own site, you are responsible to ensure the photo is viewable at all times (and not subject to bandwidth limitations).

Pictures can be taken at any time for any contest (if you visited in April of 2002, you can use those pictures for any contest that interests you).

Pictures must be taken by the member submitting the entry, and not by a family member or by a cast member.

Voting will begin within a day or two of the contest's end.

No breaking of park rules or common etiquette to take your pictures. (no accessing restricted areas, no flash photography on attractions which do not allow it....stuff like that)


Well-Known Member
Little blurry...but oh well I still like it :lol:



New Member
Bonny's Entry

Ok, here we go... The interpreter with MJ is signing "I Love You"
Thie was taken at FotLK the interpreters are Eli and Jennye



Well-Known Member
Not the best quality because I had to scan the picture as it was pre digital...
Princess #2 on her first trip to WDW meeting her new best friend Minnie.



Active Member
DDuckFan130 said:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Pictures must be taken by the member submitting the entry, and not by a family member or by a cast member. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


:zipit: shhhhh :zipit: or else what are we going to do about this??

cac2889 said:
I'll go ahead and enter. I haven't entered one of these in a while:


Can't take complete credit with this one though. One of my roommates took this photo (he worked at the Speedway). And if anyone is curious how we managed to get this photo with no one else in the shot, it was because this was nearly 11:30 at night and MK had been closed for well over an hour. Pays to be a CM sometimes. :lol:



I almost entered that exact photo, and when I mean exact, I mean I had to open mine and look at it and wonder if it was the same photo lol! Your's is on a little brighter day than mine... good stuff!!

I'm digging the wedding photo...

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