Chocolate Cake - An Opinion


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Let's say there's this guy, and every week, for the past 5 years, he has gone to this bakery, let's call it Roy's Bake Shop on Wednesday, because he is a fan of their chocolate cake. And every Wednesday, for 5 years, he has bought a piece of chocolate cake, and eaten it on the spot. He raves to all of his friends, relatives and co-workers about Roy's delicious chocolate cake, and really expresses himself as an expert of Roy's chocolate cake.
Of course, he doesn't actually have the recipe (he only knows a few of the ingredients) for Roy's Chocolate Cake, and really doesn't have the acumen to reproduce it in the kitchen anyway; but this guy is a huge fan of Roy's Chocolate Cake.
Now, this guy has become such a fan of Roy's Chocolate Cake, that he starts suggesting things to Roy to add to the chocolate cake, not really knowing the original ingredients in the first place. The suggestions aren't really taken to heart by Roy in the baking of his chocolate cake; knowing that the guy isn't a baker by trade. This only midly upsets the guy, but he shrugs his shoulders, and still continues to buy the chocolate cake that he has loved for many years. However, this guy has been eating Roy's Chocolate Cake for so many years, the cake has begun, not only to taste plain to him, but also is no longer (in the eyes of this guy) known as Roy's Chocolate Cake, but instead he thinks of it as "That Guy's Chocolate Cake."
Unfortunately, even the perceived ownership that that guy has towards the cake doesn't make it his cake, and one day, for whatever reason, Roy decides to change the recipe, adding and subtracting ingredients to produce what Roy thinks to be a better cake, after all, it is his cake.
That Wednesday, this guy walks into Roy's Bake Shop, and orders the chocolate cake. As he sits down to enjoy the meal he has been expecting (even though the cake has begun to taste plain to him, due to his familiarity with the cake), he bites into the cake and realizes that the cake has noticeably changed. He begins this tirade, leaving the store in a rage. For the rest of his days, he tells all of his friends, co-workers, and family that Roy's Chocolate Cake really went down hill, and his friends smile and nod, because they, as a group, now go every Wednesday to Roy's Bake Shop, to enjoy their chocolate cake.


Well-Known Member
As to why Roy changed the recipe, that's an easy one. Someone left the cake out in the rain, and Roy couldn't take it because it took so long to bake it, and he feared he'd never have that recipe again. Oh, no!

And then when he couldn't find the recipe, he made up a new one. Probably forgot the sweet green icing. :D

Anyway, nice story. Some symbolism, perhaps?
  • "That guy" is symbolic of a Disney freak who cannot let go of their favorite attractions even if they're no longer entertaining
  • "Roy" represents Disney
  • The original chocolate cake represents some old attraction (say "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride")
  • The new chocolate cake represents a very popular replacement (say "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh")
  • Friends and co-workers represent the masses who prefer the new to the old and aren't Disney freaks.


Account Suspended
I especially like how "that guy" can't make cakes, has no idea how cakes are made, but feels he is an expert on cakes. Hehe :)

Bakers everywhere salute you ;)

Magic Maker

New Member
That was awesome!

Thank you for that. Although Walt did pride himself on his ability to listen to what the Guests suggested.... within reason of course :)

And most "that guy" types are not reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Call me Ishmael! :lol:

Talk about metaphors! You should write a book!

You could call it . . . this is where I'm supposed to come up with an amazingly witty title, but I can't think of anything :eek:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
rainfully said:
I personally prefer pie... but that's just me.
Cake is the best!!! Pie sucks!!!

You pie-eaters talk about how eating pie is more "thrilling" and "exciting," but what you don't realize is your pie lacks heart and character. Cake is designed to appeal to the child in all of us, while pie is just a quick thrill. Anytime me and my family have dessert, we spend most of our time eating cake, and slip in a few slices of pie, if we have time. Just because they sell it across the street from cake and try to convince people it's better than cake, pie will ALWAYS be #2!!!



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GenerationX said:
  • "That guy" is symbolic of a Disney freak who cannot let go of their favorite attractions even if they're no longer entertaining
  • "Roy" represents Disney
  • The original chocolate cake represents some old attraction (say "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride")
  • The new chocolate cake represents a very popular replacement (say "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh")
  • Friends and co-workers represent the masses who prefer the new to the old and aren't Disney freaks.

Actually, the cake represents WDW as a whole... and the ingredients are the rides, which can be changed to better the cake....

Sorry, I didn't want to have to explain the symbolism, but I didn't want people to get the wrong idea


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mousermerf said:
I especially like how "that guy" can't make cakes, has no idea how cakes are made, but feels he is an expert on cakes. Hehe :)

Bakers everywhere salute you ;)

I have a feeling that you and I have pretty much similar experiences with "that guy"


New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: That was a neat story/analogy, but I thought this thread was going to be on the chocolate cake at WDW that my family seemed to become sick of after a week on the Disney Dining Plan due to the fact that was about the only choice we liked since there were not that many to begin with......:zipit:.

Anyway, very neat - did you come up with that yourself?


Well-Known Member
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well, me and my roommate venting frustrations back and forth is where the analogy came from, I just thought I would share it here.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
hcswingfield said:
If you experience a change in the way food tastes to you, it could be a symptom of a serious neurological disorder. :eek:
You just had me busting out laughing !!:lol:

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Now THIS is a piece of chocolate cake !!!!! Chocolate whiskey cake from Le Cellier


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