Disney or the rest of the world?


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
Have fun with the Christina-bashing and twisting my words way out of proportion and context, guys, and I'll check back on you tomorrow!
Give us one example of where someone has twisted your words way out of proportion, or can't you think of any way to defend youself?


New Member
Christina said:
Well, I'm done my paper on weather or not Facism or Nazism is better (ahh), and now I'm done having writers direaeah on the boards, so I might as well return to my hotel and sleep. Have fun with the Christina-bashing and twisting my words way out of proportion and context, guys, and I'll check back on you tomorrow!

You know...I'm more than twice your age...yes, old enough to be your father...in fact I have a 19 year old son in college, but he's certainly more polite than you.

We've gone to WDW/Disneyland 15 times since 1990...yes, we go every year to one of the parks....I remember every trip.

I have to wonder...as been stated...why you bother to go back at all if -

...it's one big trip
...you learn no life lessons

I also wonder why you've spent enough time here on these boards to have over 200 posts if you think the way you do about most of us...why associate with us.

By the way....how about spending some time paying attention in English class and learn how to spell...

...it's whether...not weather (weather is what's going on outside)
...it's diarrhea not direaeah (whatever that is)

On the boards how and what you write gives people an impression of yourself...and frankly, you're coming off as a self-centered, ignorant, brat.


Active Member
TiggerRPh said:
On the boards how and what you write gives people an impression of yourself...and frankly, you're coming off as a self-centered, ignorant, brat.

I didn't want to say it, but I was thinking the same thing.


Trophy Husband
Christina, just a few, quick points:

1. Canada is part of North America, therefore Canadians are Americans.

2. I find it ironic that you were doing a report on fascism since any good fascist system starts by dividing people along economic, political, ethnic, nationalistic etc. lines: "We are people Y. We have not only a right but an obligation to dominate people X, because people X are . . . " What you are doing here is exactly that kind of division and generalization.

3. People of the United States are not "boycotting" Cuba. There are federal restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba. A "boycott" would be an individual choice not to buy goods or services of a company or country that has policies that the individual disagrees with. The federal restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba come from a complex political situation. We have a number of people living in this country who used to live in Cuba - many of whom saw or heard about parents or other relatives who were killed or held captive by Fidel Castro for expressing dissent with his policies. Those people will strongly oppose any efforts to normalize relations with Cuba until Castro is dead or removed from power. Since those people feel strongly enough about the subject to vote out of office any politician who attempts to normalize relations with Cuba, you will likely not see normalization any time soon.

4. There is a difference between being "well traveled" and being "worldly". Being "well traveled" requires time and money. Being "worldly" requires wisdom.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
4. There is a difference between being "well traveled" and being "worldly". Being "well traveled" requires time and money. Being "worldly" requires wisdom.


Taken from a man that is full of wisdom! :wave:

And Christina:

Enjoy that and poke fun at how bad their hair is while you're at it. God knows we Americans don't know how to deal with other things as well. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
objr said:
It's a valid question...for a silly thread like this, anyway...

Besides I was just going to ask whether they had fastpass around the world? It would be a huge time saver in some countries....

Yes.... it's just called different things, Alton Towers and Thorpe Park have it on their big rides :lookaroun

As for... http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showpost.php?p=1340155&postcount=76 .... ummm <img src="http://www.hockeyfights.com/forums/images/smilies/expressive/jaw-dropping.gif" /> :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
So, I guess I would cause a serious international incident if I wore my Mickey Mouse / American flag t-shirt? :lol:

I guess so! :lol: It may even induce....

"She's a witch, burn 'er"
<img src="http://members.aol.com/Adegan5/villager.gif"/>



Well-Known Member
I love WDW, but it would be a crime to miss out on all of those other countries. You just can't know that until you travel abroad - I can say this from experience as I've been to over 20 different countries.

Hopefully we never have to make this decision!


Well-Known Member
ogryn said:
I guess so! :lol: It may even induce....

"She's a witch, burn 'er"
<img src="http://members.aol.com/Adegan5/villager.gif"/>


I'm going to wear all American flag shirts and whatnot next time I go to Europe then. (maybe burn a Canadian flag? JK)

And that guy's hair is too clean in the left of that picture, they didn't have hair products back in those days. :lookaroun

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Christina said:
If you think that your backyard is the best place in the world...[rest of crap deleted]
My backyard IS the best place in the world...

Like it or not... but to me, there's no place like home...

I've seen more than enough of the rest of the world...
Europe: Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Spain and Italy, including Russia...

Australia and new zealand...

Asia, Nepal China (Peking and Hongkong) Japan, Phillipines...

And still... There's no place like home to me...

Have fun with the Christina-bashing

We will... :lookaroun (I guess)

and I'll check back on you tomorrow! :sohappy: :wave:

Not for me hopefully... :zipit:


I don't see why people are reacting so strongly...
This thread was started as a JOKE!!! :D


Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
On the boards how and what you write gives people an impression of yourself...and frankly, you're coming off as a self-centered, ignorant, brat.
Are these the "life lessons" she's learned from traveling the world? If they are then I will definitely just "stay in my own backyard."

Tim G

Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
You know...I'm more than twice your age...yes, old enough to be your father...

In that case you're old enough te be my...............

Little brother... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
I must say that I truly love how you can have a discussion on what YOU prefer and then people come back and tell YOU that YOUR preferences are wrong and YOU should prefer something else. We don't live in a communist state where we are told what to think, do, say and what our choice and preferences must be.

I'm so glad that Christina has the answers to everything, it must be nice to be all knowing. And, her comments about Americans is unacceptable as this is not the place for such comments, as would any comments about any other group of people.

The fact is that there are a significant number of people that will never travel outside their own countries. In fact, the majority people of China come to mind and it wasn't so long ago that most people didn't travel because it was either prohibitedly expensive or there was no form of transportation. This was only like 2 generations ago, we are one of the first generations to have the experience/choice of travelling extensively.


New Member
This thread did nothing but bring me down. :cry:

You know, I visit this site to pick up my spirits, put a smile on my face, and to get a touch of the Disney high. Isn't that why all of us come to this site? .... I guess everyone but Christina.

Why do you come to this site, Christina?

And Christina, my 14 year old daughter has more "worldly" smarts than you. She knows to respect the differences between people and cultures and that just because others do something differently or view things differently does not mean it's wrong...just different. You apparently need to get a life, ... outside of this forum would be preferable.


Account Suspended
MouseMadness said:
I have to wonder then why you devote any money or more importantly time at all to WDW. If my passion and love were those other things you mentioned, while Disney was something that I could equate with blowing bubbles with a dog on the porch, I'd certainly not devote a second more of my time to Florida.


wow her post obviously went way over your head


Account Suspended
wannabeBelle said:
And lists Islands of Adventure as her favorite park? Ah well didn't we all know everything there was to know at 18 years old?? Belle

It's not about knowledge. It's about wisdom, which I feel obliged to say, she's owning you guys at right about now.


Account Suspended
pinkrose said:
Individuality is a great thing. What's one person's favorite vacation spot might be a place in which another wouldn't care to visit at all. That doesn't make one right and one wrong. It makes them individuals. The above bold faced words are your preferences. That's great and wonderful for you, but perhaps not for someone else.

Whether or not you are intending them to, your post are coming across as being "better than thou". This board has many "world travelers" on it. Please don't assume that someone who states they'd rather go to WDW than anywhere else (if they had to make that choice) isn't making an "educated decision". It is their decision. No need to "knock" them for their choices. It's not even a "real" decision anyway. Just a hypothetical question on a message board. :rolleyes:

It's not about vacation spot preferences. It's about life experiences. WDW, it's cool and all, but I don't find much adventure there.

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